town name will be meteor as i usually name my animal crossing towns after final fantasy spells.
I finally have some free time to add people in the form. Hope I wasn't too late and people are already full.
I finally have some free time to add people in the form. Hope I wasn't too late and people are already full.
My plan for town naming is the same as always: sit at the name entry screen for 30 mins to 1 hour, completely over think things, then give up and name it from the standard list of names I use for everything else.
Yep. This is me naming Link every goddamn time.My plan for town naming is the same as always: sit at the name entry screen for 30 mins to 1 hour, completely over think things, then give up and name it from the standard list of names I use for everything else.
I'm in EU so it'll prob get taken by the time I submit it. But anyway, I'm not sure I like the idea of crazy capitals in a town name lol.I thought you were gonna go with NeoLeaf. It's so fitting and adorable.
I share mine with Pango ( not my fave but that's cool).Does anyone share a birthday with a AC neighbor?
I share mine with Mallary.
Wait, town names have to be unique? Like usernames on a website?
No, but it's just a way to know who is who when they come to visit. Especially as names can be the same (because we can't deny someone using their own name). If there were multiple Bobs from Bobtown you wouldn't know who was who. Unique town names just helps rectify this problem.Wait, town names have to be unique? Like usernames on a website?
No, but it's just a way to know who is who when they come to visit. Especially as names can be the same (because we can't deny someone using their own name). If there were multiple Bobs from Bobtown you wouldn't know who was who. Unique town names just helps rectify this problem.
Basically it's just a GAF thing not an ingame thing.
EDIT: Speaking of K.K... HOLY SHIT.
Omg this is amazing XD
Too bad the 3DS XL has such lousy audio output =/ I feel like even with headphones, I'm still not getting the audio range I'd like.
Yeah, I've been listening to this for the past hour. So addicting.
And oh? it does? Kinda bummed to hear that, hopefully it isn't too low. The Wii U Game Pad on virtual console games is suuuuupeerrrr low.
I've found the Wii U Gamepad volume to be fine compared to the 3DS XL personally. At least I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
It's only during Virtual Console games it gets low. Outside of that the Game Pad is loud, like you can hit the menu button during a Virtual Console game and hear how loud the menu is, but the game itself will be very low by comparison. Test out Super Metroid if you have it.
Here's a really good question! Perhaps the experts here at GAF can lend a hand.
I'm a Canadian expat and I currently live in Taiwan. I'm going to download this from the eShop when it drops on the 9th.
I will, however, be traveling to New York City on the 22nd for two whole weeks.
So the question is, seeing as how I'll be switching up time zones in a major way (losing a whole day) for two weeks, should I change the 3DS internal clock/calendar to compensate or leave it be?
I hear that it's no fun when you "cheat" and tamper with the time settings, and that's definitely not my goal, but I'd also like the times of day to match up when I'm in NYC playing it for those two weeks.
Would love some advice on this.
Yep. This is me naming Link every goddamn time.
I'm in EU so it'll prob get taken by the time I submit it. But anyway, I'm not sure I like the idea of crazy capitals in a town name lol.
Here's a really good question! Perhaps the experts here at GAF can lend a hand.
I'm a Canadian expat and I currently live in Taiwan. I'm going to download this from the eShop when it drops on the 9th.
I will, however, be traveling to New York City on the 22nd for two whole weeks.
So the question is, seeing as how I'll be switching up time zones in a major way (losing a whole day) for two weeks, should I change the 3DS internal clock/calendar to compensate or leave it be?
I hear that it's no fun when you "cheat" and tamper with the time settings, and that's definitely not my goal, but I'd also like the times of day to match up when I'm in NYC playing it for those two weeks.
Would love some advice on this.
Oh yeah that's absolutely fine, the game's meant to be played in real time so it'd be worse if you didn't change it.
Time travel cheating is doing something like putting bells in your bank account, then fastforwarding to 2099 so you get 100 years interest on the money!
I didn't even know you could gain interest.
This might sound really ignorant but seeing as its AC I don't know if it was sarcasm or not, but someone was saying that you can plant a money sack to grow a money tree, is this true. The fact that you can hit a rock for money makes me think its possible :|
Yeah it's true, you need to plant a considerable amount to have a good chance of it growing though, and it will only produce money once.
No. Money trees pay out less than the risk. (Unless this has been addressed in New Leaf, which I doubt.)Is it worth the risk/effort?
I will, however, be traveling to New York City on the 22nd for two whole weeks.
So the question is, seeing as how I'll be switching up time zones in a major way (losing a whole day) for two weeks, should I change the 3DS internal clock/calendar to compensate or leave it be?
Okay I think I've settled on a name... for now.
Tree Domain. Freedom. 3-Dom(ensions).
I guess. :/
Oh yeah that's absolutely fine, the game's meant to be played in real time so it'd be worse if you didn't change it.
Time travel cheating is doing something like putting bells in your bank account, then fastforwarding to 2099 so you get 100 years interest on the money!
In my mind, it's is cheating if you do it to gain something, but if you are seriously, moving time zones then change the time, cause eventually it will be back to normal after anyway..
I thought Tree Dee was chuckle-worthy at least.Okay I think I've settled on a name... for now.
I am so jealous! Cheri is my guuuurl! Since 2004 <3Apparently I share my birthday with Cheri:
EDIT: Speaking of K.K... HOLY SHIT.
Does anyone know if it is possible to send letters to friends in other towns in New Leaf?
AFAIK, this hasn't been possible yet in previous versions... but it seems like an obvious thing to add.
Does anyone know if it is possible to send letters to friends in other towns in New Leaf?
AFAIK, this hasn't been possible yet in previous versions... but it seems like an obvious thing to add.
Which really kind of blows my mind as to why it's apparently gimped in NL. We have SpotPass which is basically WC24 for the 3DS… surely this should work. At least with Best Friends.It was possible in City Folk thanks to WiiConnect24.
Which really kind of blows my mind as to why it's apparently gimped in NL. We have SpotPass which is basically WC24 for the 3DS surely this should work. At least with Best Friends.
Still, I'm not totally clear on what the real answer is regarding cross-town mail. I've just heard it's not possible, or maybe not possible with an enclosed item.
Right, that worked in Wild World too, but it narrowed the use case for sending mail to leaving a surprise behind. Which is fine, but not what I really wantI'm pretty confident you can just visit their town and drop off the letter then and there, but it does seem that sending to other towns from your town is unlikely.
Yep. This shutdown for CF doesn't bother me personallynever got into CF muchbut I don't like the precedent.Also WiiConnect24 is going offline soon I think, so the feature will be removed from City Folk too.
I'm pretty confident you can just visit their town and drop off the letter then and there, but it does seem that sending to other towns from your town is unlikely.
Also WiiConnect24 is going offline soon I think, so the feature will be removed from City Folk too.
AC Wiki said:Villagers of the Player's town, and, in Wild World and City Folk, villagers on another Player's friend roster.
Other Players living in the town, and, in Wild World and City Folk, Players on the friend roster.
You can visit anyone's town at any time if you have that town's Dream Code, but the changes you make are not permanent.Can you visit Best Friends' towns anytime you like? It's obviously not the same if they have to invite you and be on at the same time...
Yes, but you had to deliver the letter in person to their post office while you are visiting in Wild World. This works in WW, CF, NL.EDIT: Animal Crossing wiki seems to imply that you can send letters to anyone on your friend roster and the villagers in their town: