Got a countdown going on my phone.
1 day 10 hours.
Got a countdown going on my phone.
1 day 10 hours.
In City Folk a little chihuahua dog thing came out of the city fountain if you threw your axe in it. You had a, like, 8% chance to get the golden/silver axe from her, and it was really rigged.
She's not back, though! Hoorayyyyyyy
While I'm sure most of you already own 3DS's, I am picking one up for this game. I wanted to give those in the same boat a heads up. Best Buy will be selling the special edition bundle on Sunday. Unfortunately I'm over 30 and the look of that model would get me ridiculed or be stolen by a tween girl. They're also dropping the price of the other XL colors to $175. This means that you get the game and system for $210, $10 less than the "free candy" limited edition bundle. Very excited to play my first Animal Crossing since the Gamecube.
Ooh. Heh. Thanks. ^^ So, then if she isn't coming back. How do you get the silver/golden axe now?![]()
Not only that, but people will likely assume you're picking it up for someone else, and if they ask and it bothers you, you can say something like you're getting it for a daughter/son/niece/nephew/etc.
In City Folk a little chihuahua dog thing came out of the city fountain if you threw your axe in it. You had a, like, 8% chance to get the golden/silver axe from her, and it was really rigged.
She's not back, though! Hoorayyyyyyy
It's not the picking up part I care about. I'm at home with my local Best Buy game people. They're into games and we talk shop when I'm there. They know I play a little bit of everything. Playing my DS when I have downtime at work is where the insults are thrown. I don't care what people think, especially at my age as a father, people's opinions don't phase me anymore. But my buddies won't let me play the damn thing with all the yelling they'll be doing. They did it with my Vita, a DS with apples sprinkled on it may get me kicked in the balls.
I mean, if its playful thing, sure. But I wouldn't want to be around "friends" like that. That's just horrible![]()
It's not the picking up part I care about. I'm at home with my local Best Buy game people. They're into games and we talk shop when I'm there. They know I play a little bit of everything. Playing my DS when I have downtime at work is where the insults are thrown. I don't care what people think, especially at my age as a father, people's opinions don't phase me anymore. But my buddies won't let me play the damn thing with all the yelling they'll be doing. They did it with my Vita, a DS with apples sprinkled on it may get me kicked in the balls.
it's a playful thing that literally won't let me concentrate. I may rock the pop tart and keep it home lol.
Quote the topic post and there will be a link to add your informationI want to add my fc for this crazy Animal Crossing party.
I have never played a AC game before and excited to try it out.
Quote the topic post and there will be a link to add your information
This.Get better friends. Seriously, those guys sound like assholes.
Does this go up on the eShop at midnight Sunday, or...?
Does this go up on the eShop at midnight Sunday, or...?
Does this go up on the eShop at midnight Sunday, or...?
Won't be getting mine 'til June 12th. So you guys will have like 4 days head start on me. lol. =/ Dunno why Nintendo had to release it on Sunday.
Won't be getting mine 'til June 12th. So you guys will have like 4 days head start on me. lol. =/ Dunno why Nintendo had to release it on Sunday.
Going to the Island together and playing mini games seems like a big part.If I was invited to someone else's town, what else can I do apart from getting fruit and some of their designs?
Sounds goodGoing to the Island together and playing mini games seems like a big part.
If I was invited to someone else's town, what else can I do apart from getting fruit and some of their designs?
Hey everybody, remember this from freaking 2010?
My oh my how far we've come. LESS THAN A DAY REMAINS
Any idea how long you guys think the eshop version will take to download?
probably a fucking day for me
the eShop crawls for me, whereas every other system works fine. It's weird.
Well I have downloaded both Super mario 3D land and Mario kart and they took about 30-45 mins. I know this game is bigger so it might be longer, I also have not so great internet well on Xbl everything literally take days to download if I turn my system on and off.probably a fucking day for me
the eShop crawls for me, whereas every other system works fine. It's weird.
Won't be getting mine 'til June 12th. So you guys will have like 4 days head start on me. lol. =/ Dunno why Nintendo had to release it on Sunday.
I am sooo jealous of all you in America who are getting the game now-ish ;-;
So jealous ;-;
Would it be too off-topic to ask what got the old OT locked?
Would it be too off-topic to ask what got the old OT locked?
I'll just send you a PM with the link.
Glad you liked itAdded a bunch of people who messaged me and some people in the same timezone as me on the spreadsheet. Also got my first swapnote which made me chuckle (I really need to practice drawing a little)