You have 8 characters.
19% already my FC is 3093-7238-9964
I'll just work my way back adding people from here.
Played a ton of this game in the GC days. Can't wait to see how it's improved!
Wibbley wobbley etc
Damn you got a nice set of initial villagers.
Curious how this works with your home. For people doing the start, is Nook open the first night to get you your tent?
Ahh! I knew I forgot to do something regarding this game!Anyone getting the guide? I got it for $12 off Amazon. Will probably look at it for furniture sets and design ideas. Loved the Wild World guide.
I'd assume he'd follow you around to set up your tent and then be gone til the morning.
You can walk with the animals, talk with the animals,
Grunt and squeak and squawk with the animals,
And they can squeak and squawk and speak and talk to you.
So I'm curious how it starts for people now (who aren't cheating).
RE: "Cheating" and Time Travel.
Got cherries in my town! But how the hell are you supposed to earn 500 bells for a photo to play online? I guess you can't this late at night?
RE: "Cheating" and Time Travel.
[I MG][/IMG]
Groove Town
You guys have fun rerolling map layouts. Took me forever to get a decent one. lol
You guys have fun rerolling map layouts. Took me forever to get a decent one. lol
I have to wait until Tuesday (Amazon). So sad. But until then, I'm watching the movie and finishing up some stuff. So excited about this!