EU-GAF we need to stay strong :*(
I reset my town and my new one is SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING.
No butt fruit. My house is separated from everyone else's by the river. I shook out FOUR beehives and evaded every last one of them. A lunar landing fell from a tree. I raged at Mikor's town.
Yeah, this game is all that and a bag of chips.
It's almost 3:30 am here, and I have my alarm set for 7:55 so I can start my first day in Searzyn bright and early. Also on the agenda for tomorrow (i.e. later today): pizza, soda, and big Animal Crossing party with my best friends who are as nerdy as I am and are also buying New Leaf on launch day.
Also, I'M HUMBLY SEARCHING OUT MORE FRIENDS. MY CODE IS 1161-1163-7305. I'll leave great messages on your bulletin board and give you pears and be the all around best virtual friend you've ever had. PM me with your FC if you're interested!
<3 you Crossing-GAF. It's been an agonizing wait, but the promised land has finally arrived.
What's all this beehive talk, I don't have a single beehive in my town
What's all this beehive talk, I don't have a single beehive in my town
EU-GAF we need to stay strong :*(
This might not work or mesh well with everyone, but I'm tiding myself over for a week till mine ships by watching the Animal Crossing anime and a "Let's Play" of Boku no Natsuyasumi. Yeah, it's not the same, but I feel like the games share kind of a similar charming, carefree vibe.
Your avatar is cracking me up.
Right back atcha. Now I'm really going to bed, lol!Huge thanks to Megatron and iamawake for hooking me up and swapping some late night fruit-action
I suppose you could trade it. But I would sell it.Uh I bet the same questions are asked here ten times a day but still I hit my first rock and an emerald came out. Is it only for selling or should I keep it for something?
Tried to design a dress, it really takes time.
I reset my town and my new one is SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING.
No butt fruit. My house is separated from everyone else's by the river. I shook out FOUR beehives and evaded every last one of them. A lunar landing fell from a tree. I raged at Mikor's town.
Yeah, this game is all that and a bag of chips.
It's almost 3:30 am here, and I have my alarm set for 7:55 so I can start my first day in Searzyn bright and early. Also on the agenda for tomorrow (i.e. later today): pizza, soda, and big Animal Crossing party with my best friends who are as nerdy as I am and are also buying New Leaf on launch day.
Also, I'M HUMBLY SEARCHING OUT MORE FRIENDS. MY CODE IS 1161-1163-7305. I'll leave great messages on your bulletin board and give you pears and be the all around best virtual friend you've ever had. PM me with your FC if you're interested!
<3 you Crossing-GAF. It's been an agonizing wait, but the promised land has finally arrived.
So what are the advantages of donating stuff to the museum?
i know this will go under like a rock but to all europeans the wait is almost over !!
Add me if you have not already gmt +1
FC : 0318 - 7275 - 4996
I won't have my 3DS XL till GameStawp opens.
Oh cool, if you decide to open your gate, it will say if your friend has their gates open as well.
Also Salsa crashed my town so come back other people!