I added all three of you guys. My FC is:
2079 - 6509 - 0372
When my house expands, I won't have any more room on the left, will I? So I couldn't stand where I'm standing in the pic above.
More the walking than the standing. I just know I'm going to be annoyed until the end of time if I can't just walk past my house on that cliff without going all the way around the other side of it. HEAVY SIGHI think that's the case. The houses do seem to get quite large! But are you bothered that much if you can't stand there?
Wait houses don't sit in that fenced area around the tent?
Wait houses don't sit in that fenced area around the tent?
When my house expands, I won't have any more room on the left, will I?
I found an emerald. I can sell it for 1,600 bells. I broke a rock for it. Anything else I can do with it?
Maybe a stupid question or asked before, but can you sell you're turnips in someone elses village? So like when someone here says the turnip price in his/her town is 'x' and I think that's a good price to sell my turnips for can I go visit and sell them over there?
Maybe a stupid question or asked before, but can you sell you're turnips in someone elses village? So like when someone here says the turnip price in his/her town is 'x' and I think that's a good price to sell my turnips for can I go visit and sell them over there?
Remembered there was a wiki. Just going to sell it.
Yes you can. That's how the turnip game works best. You go to other towns with better prices.
This thread is going to explode in a few hours. The calm before the storm.
I'm playing from Singapore!
FC: 1091-7833-4024
Added you.
Ok, my FC is 4124-5731-9998
lets do it
howdy neigh bros!
5284 - 1404 - 8403
i added a bunch of the FCs on the last couple pages...
i'm playing from Brunei! i'll be adding you!
my FC is 5069 3944 1632
In the Able Sisters' shop, you can unlock a QR code machine that creates a QR code that represents a custom design. Other players can then scan this code to get your custom designs into their games. To unlock this, talk to Sable, who is working at the sewing machine. You have to talk to her each day for several days in a row. Then the QR code machine will be unlocked.
How you get a pole before the store opened?Caught a damn shark.
Now only a few minutes til re-tail opens and hopefully some animals awaken.
pretty sweet first day thanks to GAF bros
E3. The fact we're seeing a new Smash game for the first time in 7 years is making the week go by much easier.My heart hurts so much. How can I follow this thread when I got to wait until next Friday to live in such a wonderful world? ç_ç
How you get a pole before the store opened?
Nice try.1:59 minutes of torture to go. For my EUGaffers, the wait is worse when you're just minutes away....
Is anyone playing in Asia somewhere? I'd to have AC friends online at the same times I am. My fc is 1203-9217-7569. Add me back and let me know!