Why is approval rating do hard to raise? At 76%. No weeds, all flowers watered, chatted up alk the neighbors, posted on BB, sent letters, put stuff in Re-Tail, no what?
Did it tooTown tune/flag. I think.
You need to say that you don't have a rod/net when you can ask about fishing/catching bugs. If you don't do that you'll miss it.
You are a gentleman.
That's it. Restarting one more time and that's it. Those are the towns I'll pick from. I've tried restarting so many times now trying to find the right town layout. I guess I'm looking for a perfect town that simply doesn't exist.
That's it. Restarting one more time and that's it. Those are the towns I'll pick from. I've tried restarting so many times now trying to find the right town layout. I guess I'm looking for a perfect town that simply doesn't exist.
shit. bought the rod and shovel at the racoon's place like a sucker.
Gotta wait for restock to get a net
This being my first AC, what is there to do after you harvested all the fruit, fished a bunch of fish and talked to the townies for the day?
Shake trees to get money. Buy stuff at the mall. Talk to the chick in the town hall.So I just started and did all the intro stuff and have no wandered around and met neighbors, now I have nothing to do. Do I just keep wandering around? I have no cash and my house is a tent.
So I just started and did all the intro stuff and have no wandered around and met neighbors, now I have nothing to do. Do I just keep wandering around? I have no cash and my house is a tent.
Gather shells and fruit and sell them at Re-tail.
If the shops are open, buy a shovel/fishing rod/net; the fossils/fish/bugs and insect will also net you some cash.
Use the shovel and bang on random rocks. One will spew out coins and bell bags for a at least 5 seconds per day.
Why should I sell at Re-tail over the little Nook's store?
Isabelle will gives you things to do if you ask her for advice. You should try to get that approval rating up, too. Isabelle will tell you how.
Why should I sell at Re-tail over the little Nook's store?
What in particular are you looking for?
They offer more Bells. I would say buy at Timmy and Tommy's store and sell at Re-Tail.
Re-tail pays more money but the Nook store takes junk items IIRC.
now where's that hat
Hardest part of a new AC game is coming up with a name for my town.
Re-tail pays more money but the Nook store takes junk items IIRC.
Someone tell me, this is a question of dire importance:
Is Bob the cat in this game
Added everyone on the last page. I'd appreciate it if yall added me too: 4382-2124-3369
He's in my town. He constantly has fleas.
I have cherries
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