Added! 3454 - 0652 - 0111Florida guy here!
I have peaches and have my gate open!
FC: 0946-2402-4325
I just got it, late enough that all the stores are closed, i have no idea what I'm doing
I have apples
1) By fetch quests do you mean when your villagers ask you to get specific items or return things they have to other villagers? If so those are still in the game, I've already done a couple.
2) Left and right on the D-Pad switch between important items. Down on the D-Pad puts the items away.
Zen_Arcade already answered two. For the rest:
There's a fake rock in town every day. It gives you a type of item that you won't be able to use for a while, so I'm selling them until they matter.
There is a money rock every day. Every time you hit it with your shovel (and I think axe) a bit of money will come out, increasing with every hit. However, every time you hit you'll also be slowly pushed back. If you don't hit the rock again within a second, the money stops coming out. So putting holes behind you so you don't get pushed back helps you get the maximum money amount.
Yes, but only one of you can be the mayor. (Whoever makes their character first, I assume)
Left and Right on the D-Pad take out your most recently, if you press a direction again it will start to scroll through equipable items. Down on the D-Pad will unequip whatever you have equipped.
I kept talking to my neighbors and they started asking me to do fetch quests and deliver some things, so keep talking to them.
That's all I can really answer. I haven't played AC since the gamecube so I'm not much of an expert.
Friend Code: 3780-9312-9232
Town Fruit: Oranges
Town Names: East Van
All welcome!
I just got it, late enough that all the stores are closed, i have no idea what I'm doing
I have apples
Added! 3454 - 0652 - 0111
So i gotta take the card out of my 3DS :O
Florida guy here!
I have peaches and have my gate open!
FC: 0946-2402-4325
I just got it, late enough that all the stores are closed, i have no idea what I'm doing
I have apples
Florida guy here!
I have peaches and have my gate open!
FC: 0946-2402-4325
I just got it, late enough that all the stores are closed, i have no idea what I'm doing
I have apples
Friend Code: 3780-9312-9232
Town Fruit: Oranges
Town Names: East Van
All welcome!
my FC is 5327 2190 4201
Added you guys!
Mine: Will - Pawnee
2878 - 9595 - 4337
Add you both
Added! 3454 - 0652 - 0111
It uses your master FC. I'm very thankful for that!![]()
Same FC. Register them in the system.
If you visit a town and the host has other visitors over who are not registered you can register them from within the software, though.
We didn't have a fishing rod, so we had to stare at a shark.
Yeah started last night and couldn't do much with all stores closed. Ever played an Animal Crossing game before ?
Accidentally sold my watering cananyway to get it back?
Huzzah! Then my code is:
Town has cherries, and just starting with some apples too.
I'll add some people in a bit.
So is it just me or can I literally not do anything but run around if I start this game at night?
I can't sell anything to get money to get my pass to open my gate/visit people and the person Isabelle was telling me to visit is asleep...
So is it just me or can I literally not do anything but run around if I start this game at night?
I can't sell anything to get money to get my pass to open my gate/visit people and the person Isabelle was telling me to visit is asleep...
So is it just me or can I literally not do anything but run around if I start this game at night?
I can't sell anything to get money to get my pass to open my gate/visit people and the person Isabelle was telling me to visit is asleep...
Looking for late night Pacific people or people in europe?. I'm in alaska -1 from Pacific, and I'll be playing late nights. My clock is set bout 3 hours back since it'd be impossible to do anything at the times both me and my GF can play.
Followed. Also you never added me...
More pictures!
One of my first town visits! We took some group photos:
I have a question about playing on the same 3DS. Does the second player just start a new game and say they want to go into my town?
on the 3DS? gimme that FC
And also, does each player get their own house or can they share a house