I'm pretty noob at this, i discovered by accident that i can pick up flowers, should i just move all the flowers into one area so i can water them all quickly?
I just learned this reading your post, so don't feel too bad!
How do you pick them up? Like you'd pick up any item? Or do you have to dig them out?
I just learned this reading your post, so don't feel too bad!
How do you pick them up? Like you'd pick up any item? Or do you have to dig them out?
kinda wish it was tom nook instead
These are some excellent peaches.sure just don't you touch my flowers
also how many do you need
How do you catch a shark anyway? Was bummed that I missed out on three chances last night. And when does Tortimer or Kappn show up?
I've seen a grand total of one shark since Sunday, and I whiffed on catching it. Do they only come out at certain times and under certain conditions?
My code is 0731-4748-3885!
Whats yours? :O
Oh wait I found it!!
I added yours! Now what?![]()
Sorry. I haven't done this in a loooooong time.
Hi GAF, a few days in on my town and would love some friends to play with:
I have cherries!...CHERRIES!!!
Added you. Here's my code.
Can anyone here add me? I'm a bit new at the whole 3DS thing especially when it comes to online. Not sure if we have to add each other, etc. Also how do I get on the spreadsheet?
I've got peaches and I'd be happy to give you some if I can sell some at your Re-Tail.
4382 - 1972 - 3127
Sounds good to me. I could do the same?
0430 - 8422 - 7386
I think accidentally sold my watering can when unloading some fish. Does anyone have a spare one in the shop? I also have a bunch of apples, and no pears or cherries
I've seen a grand total of one shark since Sunday, and I whiffed on catching it. Do they only come out at certain times and under certain conditions?
Guess that's a "No" on being able to switch Mayors? Ugh... hrm.
I've seen a grand total of one shark since Sunday, and I whiffed on catching it. Do they only come out at certain times and under certain conditions?
So Tortimer showed up in my village today. I guess that means I can go to the island tomorrow?
Oh god...I'm scared.
so I'm wanting to go to someone's town. How do I do that? Here's my FC: 3582-9144-2819
Really want someone that has more than peaches as fruit
When you exchange friend codes with someone else, they will be added as a friend. Then if someone wants visitors they have to go to the train station and open the ticket gate. If you want to go to another town via internet you pick "faraway town" and then a list of all the towns with friends in them with the ticket gates open appear.
There's a big list of friend codes in a post a few posts up or you can use the master list linked in the OP (quote the post to see it).
I'll make sure to add your code when I get back to the 3ds later! Mine: 4313-0588-8609
You can tear them down for, like, 1/4 the construction price and build a new one where you want it.So I know you can build bridges, but does anyone know if you can move/remove existing bridges? STUPID SHEP THE DOG moved in right in front of my bridge, and it's a real eyesore.
I visited Fleck's town today and he said he visited a town where someone had a robot villager. I only have a couple villagers in my town I like...
Anyone have any really cool villagers?
Correct. Though to be honest I feel like logging in to another account just to do the couple mayor-specific tasks wouldn't be a huge deal. I can see how it's kind of a pain, though.
I have Kabuki.
I do too! He's mean!
You can tear them down for, like, 1/4 the construction price and build a new one where you want it.
So I know you can build bridges, but does anyone know if you can move/remove existing bridges? STUPID SHEP THE DOG moved in right in front of my bridge, and it's a real eyesore.
Wonderful! Any tips on growing perfect fruit?
ok, I've added my info to the master list. do I need to PM someone to get added to it?
Got them Black Tulips. Now to try and bred some Black Roses.
oh sweet
what was that website that let you build town tunes?
when will i get the opportunity to change my setting to "night owl"? will I get to do that once I achieve a 100% approval rating?