My shops are open for a couple more hours
2079 - 6509 - 0372
I've never had any problems. Caught them like any regular fish.
My Napoleonfish D:
And damn those jellyfish
Me tooI caught so many new things.
Same lol. I was a fun experience though!
Gonna open my gates up for a little while. I have peaches in my town for anyone who needs em. FC is 1091 7736 4782. PM me if you want to drop by and bring your town's fruit if you could be so generous.
I'll bring cherries over
I woke up at my front door not knowing what happened.....
Originally Posted by Eteric Rice: View Post
My code is 0731-4748-3885!
Whats yours? :O
Originally Posted by Coquette: View Post
Oh wait I found it!!
I added yours! Now what?
Sorry. I haven't done this in a loooooong time.
Originally Posted by Raven77: View Post
Hi GAF, a few days in on my town and would love some friends to play with:
I have cherries!...CHERRIES!!!
Originally Posted by Tenck: View Post
Added you. Here's my code.
Originally Posted by Cbajd5: View Post
I've got peaches and I'd be happy to give you some if I can sell some at your Re-Tail.
4382 - 1972 - 3127
Originally Posted by Socreges: View Post
Sounds good to me. I could do the same?
0430 - 8422 - 7386
Originally Posted by fleck0: View Post
I think accidentally sold my watering can when unloading some fish. Does anyone have a spare one in the shop? I also have a bunch of apples, and no pears or cherries
Originally Posted by iiicon: View Post
I've seen a grand total of one shark since Sunday, and I whiffed on catching it. Do they only come out at certain times and under certain conditions?
Added all of these. Still haven't been to anyone else's town! I know its kind of a pain to go and open the gates every time though. You can't sit in the mayor's chair while they are open either.
AFAIK my villager has been living off fortune cookies for the last three days. I guess I could feed him a cherry, but I don't think I can afford to throw away 500 bells like that.
How do we upload our pictures from the 3DS? Do I have to take out the SD card?
Thanks. If you're at Zidy's village, I'll see ya in a min
Added everyone.
I really want some arcade cabinets as seen here:
Can anyone help me?!
My mind...!
So I just read that in order to get the axe you need to upgrade the Nookling store, which means you need to spend 12k bells at the place and the earliest you can make it is a week after your town's creation. I WANNA CHOP STUFF NOW.
I bought furniture from ReTail but it's not at my tent. What gives?
I woke up at my front door not knowing what happened.....
Seriously, does your guys character trip over himself/herself all the time? Mine sure as hell does. I look like a drunk sailor out there trying to fulfill my mayor duties!
Seriously, does your guys character trip over himself/herself all the time? Mine sure as hell does. I look like a drunk sailor out there trying to fulfill my mayor duties!
Does anyone have the Samus Shoes? I'm willing to trade almost any other Fortune Cookie item.
Really? I think that's a characteristic of your guy's personality, or something related to bad luck?
I forget, so someone needs to confirm this but I haven't seen that yet!
My wife's little chick is tripping all over the place and it is cracking her up. I told her she must have a case of bad luck. I think it wears off in a day...If I remember my AC lore...
Hey guys, I'm sitting with an empty friends list and would love for some towns to visit! Add me, please
Did you try telling the 3DS to automatically find the router and input the password first? It sounds like you went straight to manual setup and got screwed up along the way.Sorry if this is a little off-topic, but I can't make my own threads yet. Hoping some here ran into this and was able to fix it.
So I downloaded Animal Crossing: New Leaf when it came out on Sunday. Since then I have not been able to access any of the ingame features that use wifi. This includes traveling to friends towns, having friends come to mine, and retrieving spot pass gifts at the post office. I can access my wifi everywhere else, such as the e-shop, internet browser, friends list, and even in my other game that has wifi (Street Fighter).
I tried following Nintendo's guide to manually setting my IP settings on my 3DS XL, but it still continues to not work. At the train station, I get error code 001-0803 which appears to mean that it cannot connect to the access point. This doesn't make sense since I can connect to every other thing that uses wifi, even other games. At the post office it just scans for a while and then the lady tells me that an error occurred and it cannot connect.
I have a TP-Link N750 wireless router. Model TL-WDR4300. Does anyone have any other suggestions that I can try? Also I'm using a 32gb sd card. Don't think that would be relevant, but you never know.
It should just go into your inventory/pocket as a leaf
Sorry if this is a little off-topic, but I can't make my own threads yet. Hoping some here ran into this and was able to fix it.
So I downloaded Animal Crossing: New Leaf when it came out on Sunday. Since then I have not been able to access any of the ingame features that use wifi. This includes traveling to friends towns, having friends come to mine, and retrieving spot pass gifts at the post office. I can access my wifi everywhere else, such as the e-shop, internet browser, friends list, and even in my other game that has wifi (Street Fighter).
I tried following Nintendo's guide to manually setting my IP settings on my 3DS XL, but it still continues to not work. At the train station, I get error code 001-0803 which appears to mean that it cannot connect to the access point. This doesn't make sense since I can connect to every other thing that uses wifi, even other games. At the post office it just scans for a while and then the lady tells me that an error occurred and it cannot connect.
I have a TP-Link N750 wireless router. Model TL-WDR4300. Does anyone have any other suggestions that I can try? Also I'm using a 32gb sd card. Don't think that would be relevant, but you never know.
Well that is horrible then... Maybe is has to do with the fortune cookie I ate? It did say something negative... But I tripped over myself like none other. Sometimes I couldn't even make it off the beach without falling on my face at least three times. And I got stung by a ton of bees.
That's pretty hillarious if true. Might also explain my water can disappearing from my pockets.