Neo Member
you guys....i got a frog hat. A FROG HAT! this game is the greatest
Do you need a better rod or something for catching the things that appear to be sharks? I tried catching it like a normal fish and it didn't work.
Alright, whoever want the neogaf logo pattern, PM me your friend code and I will bring it to you.
Will we eventually be able to QR code this stuff?
I will have pairs and lemons in a few days in game, so my list currently stands at:
-Perfect cherries
If you want any, PM me your friend code and we can work something out! No payment or anything, but if you have peaches I'm going to take some, fo' sho'.
What do you guys do with your flowers? Like how do you arrange them? Do you have one specific area that you make a garden and keep up with? Or do you spread everything around?
I've come up with some pretty hybrid mixes but I'm not sure how I should display them all. As of right now I have a few near my house and some close to a cliff near the beach.
I will have pairs and lemons in a few days in game, so my list currently stands at:
-Perfect cherries
If you want any, PM me your friend code and we can work something out! No payment or anything, but if you have peaches I'm going to take some, fo' sho'.
I taught Poppy the Squirrel to say "deez nutts". GOTY
I've also found a nice little app for Google Play that turns any image into a QR code. It's called Animal Xing Designer or something like that. It's unofficial, but it totally works. Currently have the direwolf sigil from Game of Thrones as my flag.
You get the machine by talking to Sable once a day for a few days. Eventually she'll let you use it.
When casting a lure out to a shark now I cringe like I'm trying to catch a pokemon when pokemon came out. Hold B+Down!
The close-your-eyes trick is working good though.
the Bug-Off is this Saturday. Can you catch bugs beforehand to get ready?
Well that'd get me 20% more per run, but if I can do around three more runs in the extra three hours I have to sell with Night Owl I could get an extra 300%.
Alright man listen up, I've got mangoes and peaches, I'm lookin for one of them perfect cherries, how are you feelin about that?
FC: 3909-7661-9132
Not my screencap but:
I've been putting all my bugs and fish in the locker at the train station and then selling them in the morning. There's 180 item slots there.
Alright man listen up, I've got mangoes and peaches, I'm lookin for one of them perfect cherries, how are you feelin about that?
FC: 3909-7661-9132
I've been putting all my bugs and fish in the locker at the train station and then selling them in the morning. There's 180 item slots there.
Perfect fruits won't grow into a perfect tree if its from another town, just as a heads up.
Oh shit. I guess I still need to unlock the option to read QR codes in my game but that is great.
Pbbbbbbbbbt boners.
Thanks for the heads up.
I planted a perfect peach and it died because I didn't know they needed extra space
How exactly do you use QR codes in AC?
Oh shit. I guess I still need to unlock the option to read QR codes in my game but that is great.
Talk to Sable once a day for 10 days, I think.
Do you still want another kind of fruit?
Nah I've got most the others, thank you though.
3 hours, 50 minutes.
Indeed. It's gonna be tough splitting time between the two lolI almost forgot Last of Us is tomorrow, been playing so much AC.
Smashed a rock and ended up getting an emerald...are these for the museum?
Re-tail actually, for selling or making custom ore furniture when the blue dude wakes up.
Do the rocks come back? My wife has been smashing all of the rocks in our town.
Re-tail actually, for selling or making custom ore furniture when the blue dude wakes up.
Talk to Sable once a day for 10 days, I think.
Every day, there will be one new "out of place" rock which contains ore. The location changes every day.
Awesome stuff, you are gonna love it!