I'm getting connection errors. I'll keep trying...
Sounds like it might be a connection error at my end.. that's a bummer?
EDIT: Just as I type that, someone's coming
I'm getting connection errors. I'll keep trying...
Not as easy to open the gates as I thought....have to earn some bells to buy a photo first....shouldn't take long...
My Villager, Beau, calls me Saltlick.. Or is that her catch phrase?
Either way, it's weird.
I freaking LOVE the river! I'm catching Dorados and Arowanas left and right! I'm literally drowning in money!
Or, he just wants to sarcastically call me that! I'll pass!That's cold man. Maybe he thinks you're sweet and wants to share some bells with you?
Edit: Good grief, 2k posts in less than a day. I'm so glad though, since this game is fun fun FUN!!!!
Gayle calls me Mr. M. She knows I'm too important to fuck around with!My Villager, Beau, calls me Saltlick.. Or is that her catch phrase?
Either way, it's weird.
My friends and I all bought the game day one, but they had access to the island like 2 days before me (Tortimer just showed up in my town today). I assumed a lot of stuff in the game was gated by time, but I guess it's by money/some other thing?
I dunno if the answer to this question should be in spoiler box or not.
I can take you there later.
I've been catching Dorados pretty much the entire day. So at least 6 AM to 6 PM. The Arowanas seemed to show up around 3 PM. I've been river fishing the entire day to fill up the museumIs there a best time to catch them?
It depends on your house I believe.
Need theI believe.second or third upgrade
Can I come too ? Here's my friend code : 3179 - 6555 - 9880
Weird question, but does anyone have any red pants?
If you want plain red pants just make a design for it.
It wouldn't let me...
I love my balloon hat. :<
Yeah, you can't customize pants. So much for pants technology.
What's the URL to visit from the 3DS browser to post screenshots?
The game wouldn't let me make Sheldon's greeting:
Deez nuts
These nuts
These knuts
Deez knuts
Deez nutz
These nutz
Deez knutz
Finally accepted Deez knµtz
Yeah. Won't be until later today though. 0301-9797-2166
I assumed that, andthis morning when Tortimer arrived. Perhaps it's a combination of things?I was cursing myself for letting Nooks close last night before I could upgrade my house (I'm at the 1st house, not tent) but I am still at that leveladvances things, but it happens after a few days regardless?levelling your house
Oh! I caught a bee on my second try! I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS GOOD
Mabel is selling these:Weird question, but does anyone have any red pants?
I do believe it happens the morning after you finish paying for the basic house.
Just decided to hop into this thread, but oh man, this is my first Animal Crossing and I seriously love it. I thought the idea of a 'community simulator' sounded awful, but I adore all my villagers and my little town. I'm suprised I got so into writing letters for little AI villagers as I did.
Holy fuck this game has homes with two floors!
But it costs so many bells... I'm going to wait.
When does KK Slider show up in this game?
Wait until you get theBasement.
Even more room!
Here's a shot of my town near the train station
My citizen approval rating?100%, Developer Permit here I come
TurribleHere's a shot of my town near the train station
My citizen approval rating?100%, Developer Permit here I come
At least you don't get called "shmoopy". :/
I dont even have enough good furniture for one room :/
Also a store is being built right next to the Able Sisters shop. I am excite.