Turns out the pill bug wasn't the last thing I needed to catch. I still need a bloody snail! I also need a Giant Isopod, a Lobster and a Chambered Nautilus! I've just spent the last hour diving. Without success. :/
Well, I just dug up my bushes yesterday, and it is raining today, so I had them, you could catch snails at my town.
Got both items from the Japanese Odom festival today thanks to a nice poster on another site. Vegetable animals FTW.
Wow, that's nice indeed. Wish I could get them too.
Okay, huge update today.
Got a heart bopper, cause I went to someone's town, and the fireworks were going on, so why not get a bopper, right? Now I got all 4.
Gracie is in town.

Need flashy theme clothes.
Got my golden axe today at last.

One day after Philia visited me to cut the trees. Nice timing, Leif...
Hybrid status, got a black and purple tulip, a blue violet, a pink and orange cosmos, a random red lilie (moved it to the lelies) and a yellow dandelion... So yeah, I think that's nice for starters.

When Philia is here, gonna look what to do next and try to get the paths in my towns look decent.
Also got some DLC today in my mail to catalogue: top, blossem lantern, carp banner and clerk's shirt.
Okay, going to shower now and get out for while. Need to get some stuff for my gf.