Ken is in the process of moving-in to my town.
I could always do with a black chicken.
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Ken is in the process of moving-in to my town.
I could always do with a black chicken.
Can anyone give me a few perfect pears? I was an idiot and on my first day of playing, I found one and immediately sold it. I haven't seen one since. Any chance I can have a few starters?
What?! Why would you say this? ;_______;Bam will probably be enslaved and have his new house surrounded by holes, he will never be able to leave and he will die of starvation.
I can. I've added you. FC in profile.
Thanks again.
Also, I didn't notice your flag until I was already departing on the train. It was a thing of beauty.
Thanks to Neodyn, was made aware of there being two separate washbasins in the catalog with the exact same name. Looked around a bit, has apparently been chalked up to a localization/translation error. In any case they have the same name but look different and have different prices as seen in that link above. I've updated the spreadsheet and made notes to clarify the discrepancy:
If you're already using the sheet and want to keep it up to date you'll need to insert a row to add the second washbasin, then in the new cell F1275 you'll need to change the formula from =F1274/1270 to =F1274/1271 (to add the extra listing). My apologies for missing the item, was hoping to avoid issues with having to add/remove lines to minimize impact on people who were already filling out their own copy of the sheet.
As always hit me if up if anyone finds any errors or mistakes though, I'm happy to keep it updated as needed.
Late answer - I actually managed to get the beetle chair myselfMich and ragingross, opening town now. Items are next to the fountain right outside the train station
Late answer - I actually managed to get the beetle chair myselfThank you VERY much though
I can. I've added you. FC in profile.
Ok, I have an extra Stag Beetle Chair and the only thing I'm missing is the Spider clock. Anyone want to trade?
Ok, I have an extra Stag Beetle Chair and the only thing I'm missing is the Spider clock. Anyone want to trade?
i've got a spiderweb clock you can have if I could catalog the bug furniture set.
Cool I'm ready!
That's no big deal. I just don't want to go through the hassle of the Bug Off. :lolOk, sure. Friend code's in my profile. I need to move it all out of my alt's house first so gimme a minute.
Don't have the ladybug floor handy, though, that's in the mail. Hope that's not a problem?![]()
That's no big deal. I just don't want to go through the hassle of the Bug Off. :lol
My FC is in my profile.
Ok, opening my gate. I'm visiting my parents and their internet isn't great but it should be ok.![]()
Annoying how you can only find out the current top score in the bug contest and not your current standing. I want to know if I'm still in second place.
Could someone awesome order me a bug carpet? It's the only item I still need, and my score's already at 127. I'm done with catching bugs.
Could someone awesome order me a bug carpet? It's the only item I still need, and my score's already at 127. I'm done with catching bugs.
Could someone awesome order me a bug carpet? It's the only item I still need, and my score's already at 127. I'm done with catching bugs.
I wish I didn't work on Saturdays during bug offs.
Managed to get the ladybug carpet and a caterpillar sofa, though. I'm trying to get back into the habit of playing AC, I got burned out in a bad way.
You're all awesome, but I'll take koala up on his kind offer seeing as he's due over soon anyway. Thanks.
Also, I'm not seeing any reference to Toybox exterior items. How does that work?
OH! Funny story... I was told you can use the megaphone to wake Gulliver. So I'm shouting "Gulliver" at my DS and it's not responding. Instead I try "hey cunt!" and Tucker responds which something along the lines of "who, me?". I nearly died. Best send off memory he could have gave me before moving out.
Well that's clear as mud. I'll take your word for it! Thanks.
everything that is hobby is Toy Shop, I had the same theme as you.![]()
Just seen this. That's awesome, thank you. Chuck me a PM when you're free.Chopper, I have the pie for you.I won't be available for another 7 hours or so though.
Well that's clear as mud. I'll take your word for it! Thanks.
Oh, and I'm back and my gate is open.
Just seen this. That's awesome, thank you. Chuck me a PM when you're free.![]()
On my way.Could you come to my town? You have no villagers moving today, right?
It's because everything is spread here.
Hey guys I'm feeling pretty rich right now so if anyone out there is poor and needs money for anything, consider me your friendly neighborhood Batman . . .
Any bug that is over 80 points will get you a piece of furniture from the set.Wait, you can get bug prizes at someone else's town?
How does that work? Do you have to set the record?
I'm doing a bug theme for my bedroom, so I'd love to hit up someone's town if I can get more furniture.