Guys if I have 10 villagers but one of them is in boxes, can I still invite a foreign villager to my town?
Guys if I have 10 villagers but one of them is in boxes, can I still invite a foreign villager to my town?
Nope, you will need to TT to the next day when they're out of town to invite someone.Guys if I have 10 villagers but one of them is in boxes, can I still invite a foreign villager to my town?
Would love to grab a picnic basket is anybody is offering ^^
Also, today's been a good day for progress.
Found three hybrids, including a purple rose, which I've been waiting aaaaages to spawn.
Also bumped into Phineas who gave me not 2, 3 or 4 but 5 badges, including the silver catalog badge.
You're welcome to come visit. My FC is 0001-3321-1065. I've added you. There's a bunch of junk outside the train station. I'm cleaning up, so feel free to take any of it that you want. Otherwise, it's going to Re-Tail when they open. Same offer applies to anyone else that wants to visit for Labor Day.
Anything you're looking for? Do you want a red heart balloon (from StreetPass)?
You're welcome! If it's something that I can catalog, great, if not, no big deal. Trying to clean out my house so I can make a serious attempt at completing the HHA stuff, then actually decorate it the way I'd like. Right now it's pretty bad in there.
Gates are open. Town name is Eternia.
Who do you have boxed up?
Talking about cataloging, wouldn't it be awfully mean to make a house completely unorderable from. So only Saharah carpets and wallpapers, unique and refurbished furniture all outfits on mannequins.
You're welcome! If it's something that I can catalog, great, if not, no big deal. Trying to clean out my house so I can make a serious attempt at completing the HHA stuff, then actually decorate it the way I'd like. Right now it's pretty bad in there.
Gates are open. Town name is Eternia.
I actually considered that, since I get a lot of tags. I generally don't bother refurbishing furniture, so people can order them.
However I won't go out of my way to have everything orderable, because my own enjoyment comes first--at the moment I have golden, princess and mermaid rooms and I'll be adding a sweets room too.
Thanks again!
I looked up the picnic basket online and it looked nice, so I had to grab another for my sister X D
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, do you have the Emporium?
You're welcome! Actually, I just got the Emporium yesterday! Waiting for it to open so I can be robbed by Gracie.![]()
googled, she's scary!
Nice one!
I'm hoping to hijack some peoples' Emporiums to grab any spare sweets furniture. Mine won't be open until next month at the earliest o__o
When I was going for 150k HHA points one of my rooms was a bit of a bastard. You could order the complete set of sleek furniture, but the carpet and walls were from the exotic series, but all that furniture was refurbished (meant 90%+ of the room was black for more points)I actually considered that, since I get a lot of tags. I generally don't bother refurbishing furniture, so people can order them.
Thanks, I'd appreciate thatI'll be happy to let you know if I have any duplicates in a few moments. I grabbed a few pieces yesterday. Not sure how often it rotates during season.
I was going to do that too until I saw the reorder price!I was tempted to order the Canvas stuff in order to spread it, but it's pretty expensive and judging by the houses of most people I pass they wouldn't even be able to afford the whole set anyway.
I wanna take a pic with two others!Man Isabelle looks too adorable in her overalls. I also like the photo stand for the event (3 people can take a pic together).
Here are today's duplicates if you'd like to come by to purchase them:
Sweets Lamp 117,600
Sweets Floor 148,800
Sweets Wall 148,800
Sweets Chair 144,000
I wanna take a pic with two others!
I wanna take a pic with two others!
Would love the lamp and chair ^^
I'd be up for taking a pic with others. Still have an hour at work to go though so roughly two hours earliest till I can join others.
And now to plan a letter to Nintendo EAD on why 5th Novemeber should beAnti TerroristBonfire Day in the UK.
Would love the lamp and chair ^^
Ooh, I'd be up for that.
OMG YAY. I think Katt is the only of us in the US so pretty please will you let us in?Me too!
Nate is in boxes, ready to go today too. Lemme know when you have fauna ready.![]()
OMG YAY. I think Katt is the only of us in the US so pretty please will you let us in?
I will try to get Fauna out. She has been wanting to move sO MANY TIMES so hopefully it'll be easy
EDIT: OK this is WEIRD.
I had Phoebe and Snake over at my house yesterday. Today I got a letter from both of them thanking me for letting them visit me. And they BOTH sent me a crew member's seat. WHAT IS THIS CONSPIRACY
Nooooo. Reseti. :/
I can reopen in just a sec Aveyn.![]()
Dunno what happened there, but luckily you saved after I bought the sweets stuff.
Too bad your villagers won't remember me X D
I'll open my gate for labor day visitors.
I just cleared my friends list of random gamefaqqers I traded with over the weekend. If you used to be on my list but have some normal first name, and don't have your gaf handle attached, sorry if you were purged.
Thanks!I don't know either. Everything seems to be working normally here. Just happens sometimes. I'm going to order a few things from Nooks then reopen. Should be a couple minutes.
Argh Snake wanted to move and said he could. I have Kid Cat in my TT town, but I really don't know if I actually want Snake to go just yet. I have gotten his picture though.
Why is this so hard?
If he leaves I'll only have Gayle left of my original 5.. and she's gonna move someday too
Yeah, I really have to think it though. I mean, I adore Snake and he's one of my best bros in my town.. (and one of the best jocks IMO), but I also really want some new villagers..Thanks!
Good luck with the theme challenge : )
Be careful. I know somebody who let their original Snake leave and they really regretted it.
BTW, do you have any spare Sweets items? I can also come and give you some gold ores ^^
Talking about cataloging, wouldn't it be awfully mean to make a house completely unorderable from. So only Saharah carpets and wallpapers, unique and refurbished furniture all outfits on mannequins.
Woo, another holiday where everything is closed.
If anyone would like to visit a US town to grab the picnic basket from Isabelle, I should be on and off throughout the day. My FC is 0001-3321-1065. Town name is Eternia.
Cool, I'm just going to do some quick shopping, so hopefully I don't miss out on anything important ^^I'll let you know on the Sweets item soon. Haven't checked yet as I'm still inspecting town. I have Katrina today if anyone wants to visit her
You meanie X DI did that.
Complete Cabana set, bug set, pascal set, mermaid set, balloon set, fortune cookie set, island set, all with the unorderable wallpapers and floors. *giggles*
Had some streetpasses, so they would have enjoyed my house...
Yeah, I'm anti-social and mean sometimes.![]()
I knew I'd end up regretting using my normal first name
Here's what she has left:Cool, I'm just going to do some quick shopping, so hopefully I don't miss out on anything important ^^
You meanie X D