Who do you have left on your list? Must be close to done now . . .
Well, you know about my Merengue being held "prisoner" in my hubby's town til my Marshal or Pashmina moves.
BPB just got Gayle move in, so she'll be my other "prisoner" til either smug or uchi have given me enough pwps for them to move out.
Finally I got someone to give me Marina in exchange for a gorgeous set I got a tip a while back from having hats for premium. I've never put out that set in my house ever. I just don't want to spoil myself looking at it I suppose.
It just ends up taking up space in my locker really. I'll have money to buy it again anyway at Gracie's.
If that deal with Marina fell through within the next two days, little miss gogo here has her and wouldn't mind giving her to me (I hope!).
So Margie is going to a good home (someone who wanted her badly), and I can build my damn bridge there, and then place Marina somewhere nice. Hopefully next to Gala's or Tia's house in the straight path next to the town hall.
Tia have placed herself almost close to Gala's house... just a tad off. :3 I'll be resetting a bit til she does get it right.