Kabuki Is one of my favorite characters. He's cool to look at (so short), funny, and quirky.
But it's hard for me to understand people offering 180 Royal Crowns for him. If you sold them where there's a premium on hats, that's 108 million for a villager.
Dudes, this is out of control on so many levels. 30 Million for Julian. 108 Million for Kabuki. What's next, 1 Billion for Zucker.
With all the access to duping and easy money now, the Villager Market can only inflate, because the value of the bell is dropping deeper and deeper with every passing second when someone dupes a royal crown or a bag of bells. When you print more money, you weaken the value of the money itself. A good week in the Stalks is going to be 80 Million not 8. This is getting out of control. As much as I've flirted with the idea of buying my favorite villagers off of GF, I think I'm going to use the good old reset trick and leave the rest to God.
This is just getting too weird. People aren't playing the game they're perverting its systems to leave nothing to chance, which kind of ruins it. The anticipation of who will move in next is completely destroyed if you can just fire up your second 3DS, dupe 350 Royal Crowns, and pay 200 million to buy Kabuki.