Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT4| Lives Can Be Cataloged But Not Reordered

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Ah, I FINALLY got Katie's pic the "natural" way. I'm sooooooooooo relieved. I was worried that I'd never get it from her since it's totally random and time consuming, and I kept envisioning this never ending cycle of picking her up and dropping her off and being buried under globes and maps.


So I just plucked a four-leaf clover...what can I do with it?
Wear it or display it in your house. (You can plant it again too if I recall correctly.)

It doesn't actually affect your luck score (at least, nothing confirmed), but they are quite rare.
I just learned that Cube is supposed to be a robot penguin, not a stuffed toy. His eyes aren't buttons, they're screws. (Which is apparently referenced in his Japanese picture quote.) His robo themed house now makes a lot more sense.

My whole world is crumbling.


I just bought this game! Yay! I don't have anyone on my 3DS friend list yet. Do I still need to register with a friend code?

Yeah, you swap friend codes, but you only need to do it once for the system. Then every game from then on uses that, no more seperate codes like on the DS.


Does anybody have any of the following available to catalogue?

Boxing Barricade
Hamster Cage
Left Platform
Lefty Desk
Right Platform
Cement Mixer
Iron Frame
Manhole Cover
Lawn Mower
Elephant Slide
Mini Cactus
Checkout Counter
Hospital Bed
IV Drip
Trunk Measure
Conga Drum
Flower Chair
Office Desk
Pine Table
Mugho Bonsai
Ball Catcher
Bathroom Stall
Beacon Fire
Bowling Pins
Brown Pot
Ceramic Hot Pot
Clay Furnace
Colourful Wheel
Copy Machine
Dentist's Chair
Director's Chair
Exercise Bike
Fire Hydrant
Fish Grill
Game-show Stand
Homework Set
Hot Plate
Ionian Post
Kitschy Clock
Oil Lamp
Old Sewing Machine
Propane Stove
Raccoon Figurine
Rice Cooker
Spinning Wheel
Tennis Table
Vaulting Horse

Autumn Wall
Gold Screen Wall
Skyscraper Wall
Stone Wall

Bamboo Flooring
Checkered Tile
Maze Floor
Parquet Floor
Ramshackle Floor
Tent Rug

Strache and Glasses

Sorry. That list is a little longer than I thought it would be. But it's all pretty common and could very be well in your catalogue! If anyone would be inclined to order whatever they could for me, I would be very grateful. In fact, name your price.

Many thanks.
I have all the common furniture except for the fish grill (which is from Winter I believe).

I can order about 10 of those for tomorrow (I have a bunch of KK Songs arriving in the post) if I remember.

I defo have the lawn mower and rice cooker one me at least, but gonna head for lunch soon.


I have Perfect Apples on premium at Re-Tail today, my native fruit is cherry. Reply/PM me if you'd like to take a bite of the profits. Don't mind the fact that my town has been woefully undeveloped since uni started.


I have all the common furniture except for the fish grill (which is from Winter I believe).

I can order about 10 of those for tomorrow (I have a bunch of KK Songs arriving in the post) if I remember.

I defo have the lawn mower and rice cooker one me at least, but gonna head for lunch soon.
That would be flipping marvelous, thanks very much. Let me know when it comes in, and what I owe you.


I have Perfect Apples on premium at Re-Tail today, my native fruit is cherry. Reply/PM me if you'd like to take a bite of the profits. Don't mind the fact that my town has been woefully undeveloped since uni started.

I have a few pocketfuls that I'd love to unload if you'll have me over


I shot people I like more for less.
My villagers are very generous today. Got another pic of Rhonda from giving her the lost item I found, and got another of Groucho for replacing his carp with the only item in the store that could be placed on a table (a kettle). Carmen is still stubbornly refusing to give me any tasks though.


My villagers are very generous today. Got another pic of Rhonda from giving her the lost item I found, and got another of Groucho for replacing his carp with the only item in the store that could be placed on a table (a kettle). Carmen is still stubbornly refusing to give me any tasks though.

Is the only way to get pics is to do favors? I've been sending a butt load of letters and gifts.


I shot people I like more for less.
Is the only way to get pics is to do favors? I've been sending a butt load of letters and gifts.

Sometimes they'll send them to you in the mail after you visit them or they visit you. I've gotten a couple that way. I don't know whether they'll just send them randomly though. The best ones seem to be when they ask for perfect fruit, a difficult bug or fish (rainbow stag, etc), or to get signatures for a petition, but you can pretty much get them from most requests.

On the other hand, I have never gotten one from them asking for an "easy" fish (like a goldfish, rainbow trout, etc), a specific fruit (like if they ask for an apple, even giving them perfect apples doesn't really do it), a generic fruit, and hide and seek. Just off the top of my head.
Man, yesterday was rough. 9 am to Midnight at Disney. Grabbed 20 new HHS passes though which meant it saw Phin this morning with a new badge. I'll raid the houses later and order anything of note. I'll keep an eye out for dresses and whatnot.
Does anybody have any of the following available to catalogue?

Boxing Barricade
Hamster Cage
Left Platform
Lefty Desk
Right Platform
Cement Mixer
Iron Frame
Manhole Cover
Lawn Mower
Elephant Slide
Mini Cactus
Checkout Counter
Hospital Bed
IV Drip
Trunk Measure
Conga Drum
Flower Chair
Office Desk
Pine Table
Mugho Bonsai
Ball Catcher
Bathroom Stall
Beacon Fire
Bowling Pins
Brown Pot
Ceramic Hot Pot
Clay Furnace
Colourful Wheel
Copy Machine
Dentist's Chair
Director's Chair
Exercise Bike
Fire Hydrant
Fish Grill
Game-show Stand
Homework Set
Hot Plate
Ionian Post
Kitschy Clock
Oil Lamp
Old Sewing Machine
Propane Stove
Raccoon Figurine
Rice Cooker
Spinning Wheel
Tennis Table
Vaulting Horse

Autumn Wall
Gold Screen Wall
Skyscraper Wall
Stone Wall

Bamboo Flooring
Checkered Tile
Maze Floor
Parquet Floor
Ramshackle Floor
Tent Rug

Strache and Glasses

Sorry. That list is a little longer than I thought it would be. But it's all pretty common and could very be well in your catalogue! If anyone would be inclined to order whatever they could for me, I would be very grateful. In fact, name your price.

Many thanks.

Fish grill, smoker and campfire ordered. :) Will see for some other stuff, but don't want to order same stuff as aveyn. :p

If you have any clothes I miss and can catalogue, I would be happy. :)


Unconfirmed Member
Are we going to have a crazy awesome GAFoween townathon for Halloween? I've got some cool costume designs in the makings.


I shot people I like more for less.
Man, yesterday was rough. 9 am to Midnight at Disney. Grabbed 20 new HHS passes though which meant it saw Phin this morning with a new badge. I'll raid the houses later and order anything of note. I'll keep an eye out for dresses and whatnot.

I'm jealous. I'll probably never get the streetpass badge :/


I just learned that Cube is supposed to be a robot penguin, not a stuffed toy. His eyes aren't buttons, they're screws. (Which is apparently referenced in his Japanese picture quote.) His robo themed house now makes a lot more sense.

My whole world is crumbling.

Oh shit, I didn't know that either. Now Cube looks way less cute to me.
That would be flipping marvelous, thanks very much. Let me know when it comes in, and what I owe you.

Do you have KK Soul or Steep Hill? Just missing those 2 for KK completion.

Would love to catalog the fish grill too X D

I've ordered you

Hot Plate
Old Sewing Machine
Propane Stove

Hope nobody sends me a letter... Also, dang, missing ceramic hot pot as well.


Do you have KK Soul or Steep Hill? Just missing those 2 for KK completion.

Would love to catalog the fish grill too X D

I've ordered you

Hot Plate
Old Sewing Machine
Propane Stove

Hope nobody sends me a letter... Also, dang, missing ceramic hot pot as well.
I certainly do. I'll get those ordered for you. Thankyou!


I always forget about that. I should look into it. Fairly simple, no?

You need to check if there's a relay point in your area. Just walk by it and you got an extra streetpass. It's like a gueranteed streetpass each day.


Oh wait, I guess Zigg is talking about the relay exploit in this case in which you don't even have to leave the house? :p
Do you have KK Soul or Steep Hill? Just missing those 2 for KK completion.

Would love to catalog the fish grill too X D

I've ordered you

Hot Plate
Old Sewing Machine
Propane Stove

Hope nobody sends me a letter... Also, dang, missing ceramic hot pot as well.

Sure, you can fish grill and ceramic pot too when I get them. :)


Oh wait, I guess Zigg is talking about the relay exploit in this case in which you don't even have to leave the house? :p
No, I was talking about the real-life Relays. I haven't bothered with the exploit. There are a few (one in a McD's, one in the mall) that I can count on at least every couple days to have a Pass in 'em.

Wondering when they're gonna roll out this 6x thing.


I shot people I like more for less.
You need to check if there's a relay point in your area. Just walk by it and you got an extra streetpass. It's like a gueranteed streetpass each day.


Oh wait, I guess Zigg is talking about the relay exploit in this case in which you don't even have to leave the house? :p

No, I was talking about the real-life Relays. I haven't bothered with the exploit. There are a few (one in a McD's, one in the mall) that I can count on at least every couple days to have a Pass in 'em.

Wondering when they're gonna roll out this 6x thing.

I was talking about the exploit. I know about the other thing, but having passed the ones around me and getting nothing...yeah :/

Actually at least their location search tool is showing up with more locations now. I tried the other month and the closest one was like 30 min away. Maybe I'll see if I can grab any later today.



Help me you fool! Do you not see these bees? Either help or give me a badge for being stung by bees everyday! D:


Going to open gates later tonight, Niraj, if that's good for you. Gaf was down or something last night so wasn't able to let you know when I was open. :<

Edit: Or I can open it now so you can stop by and drop it off, I'll be afk though. :eek:
Oh shit, I didn't know that either. Now Cube looks way less cute to me.
I still love him, but I've had this notion about him for so long, that it's really weird to think of him differently now.

Now he's just part of a (slightly) less rare "set" of Animals. (Robots)


I shot people I like more for less.

Help me you fool! Do you not see these bees? Either help or give me a badge for being stung by bees everyday! D:


Going to open gates later tonight, Niraj, if that's good for you. Gaf was down or something last night so wasn't able to let you know when I was open. :<

Edit: Or I can open it now so you can stop by and drop it off, I'll be afk though. :eek:

If later is better for you, that's perfectly fine with me.


Still have a bunch of stuff to give away. If anyone wants any of this stuff just let me know:

digital-photo frame
Ten Billion Barrel x5
boxed figurine
miniature car
Ultra Hand x2
Ultra Scope

Also, I still need the following art so if anyone has them I would love to take them:

warm painting
serene painting
great sculpture
gallant sculpture

I have the following legit paintings and unorderable stuff that I'd be willing to trade for them:

dynamic painting x2
proper painting
moving painting
golden wall
golden carpet
whirlpool bath
For bored players who like puzzles: I put a puzzle in my dream town.

If you need hints beyond its existence, please pm me rather than putting spoilers here.

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