Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT4| Lives Can Be Cataloged But Not Reordered

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May I have the Quaint, Flowery and Graceful paintings, please? Are there any you need, Aveyn Knight? (Also, the Bath Tile please!)

Can I drop them off now or would you like to arrange a time?

I don't need anything, thanks (besides some gold roses); I just completed the art set and Saharah set yesterday (by meddling with dark forces)...


Got these going FREE:

Moody painting
Quaint painting
Flowery painting
Proper painting
Graceful painting
Worthy painting (x2)

Bath tile
Chessboard rug
Boxing ring mat
Ringside seating
Meadow vista
Western vista

Star bopper, Heart bopper, Green pinwheel, Axe, Bamboo x9 (x2), Paper scrap (failed petition), Mitten (lost item) [got one from weemadarthur and found one a few days later]

BTW, does anybody have any spare gold roses (or could convert my blacks into gold)? Also who needed holly and sweet olive shoots? I have 2 and 3 of each.

Just gonna go shopping for 30 mins or something.

May I please have the Meadow Vista? Would go nice with my back yard.


A new NA Spotpass home was sent out: Covet from Latte. Highlights include a room full of sloppy furniture...that you can't order. She also has a black piggy bank which I now need. One of the better Spotpass homes.


Got these going FREE:

Moody painting
Quaint painting
Flowery painting
Proper painting
Graceful painting
Worthy painting (x2)

Bath tile
Chessboard rug
Boxing ring mat
Ringside seating
Meadow vista
Western vista

Star bopper, Heart bopper, Green pinwheel, Axe, Bamboo x9 (x2), Paper scrap (failed petition), Mitten (lost item) [got one from weemadarthur and found one a few days later]

BTW, does anybody have any spare gold roses (or could convert my blacks into gold)? Also who needed holly and sweet olive shoots? I have 2 and 3 of each.

Just gonna go shopping for 30 mins or something.

I'll exchange gold for black roses if you want, I have four, I won't be home for at least a couple of hours so if anyone else offers it's ok. Let me know!


Home now and Katrina's in town. You regulars look like good people; let me know if you're interested. (Doin' classwork at the mo.)

EDIT: Oops, she's closed :/
Got these going FREE:

Moody painting
Quaint painting
Flowery painting
Proper painting
Graceful painting
Worthy painting (x2)

Bath tile
Chessboard rug
Boxing ring mat
Ringside seating
Meadow vista
Western vista

Star bopper, Heart bopper, Green pinwheel, Axe, Bamboo x9 (x2), Paper scrap (failed petition), Mitten (lost item) [got one from weemadarthur and found one a few days later]

BTW, does anybody have any spare gold roses (or could convert my blacks into gold)? Also who needed holly and sweet olive shoots? I have 2 and 3 of each.

Just gonna go shopping for 30 mins or something.
If you still have the chessboard rug to give away, I wouldn't mind taking it please.

If so, is there anything you need/want in return?
Home now and Katrina's in town. You regulars look like good people; let me know if you're interested. (Avoiding doin' classwork at the mo.)

EDIT: Oops, she's closed :/

Fixed. ;)

A new NA Spotpass home was sent out: Covet from Latte. Highlights include a room full of sloppy furniture...that you can't order. She also has a black piggy bank which I now need. One of the better Spotpass homes.

Never knew how much I wanted a sloppy room till I saw the full set. :(

Item Box

So I decided to check out the showcase since i hit max streetpasses last week, and one of the people there gave me a balloon. Do I get to keep it or what


Does anyone have clothing that would pass for a historical Gracie fashion check? Able's is closed currently and the mail wouldn't come soon enough if I ordered from T.I.Y. D:


So I decided to check out the showcase since i hit max streetpasses last week, and one of the people there gave me a balloon. Do I get to keep it or what
You get that stuff when you have repeat StreetPasses.

As far as keeping it, you have to give it to eudaemonic, who I am informed loves balloons of all kinds.


I shot people I like more for less.
It took me something like 14-16 letters, but I got Carmen to change out of her shirt. It was that one white default design. Nothing against it, but I'm not going to let that shit spread.


It took me something like 14-16 letters, but I got Carmen to change out of her shirt. It was that one white default design. Nothing against it, but I'm not going to let that shit spread.

I'm going through the same thing with my Hans. He used to be wearing that swell Nook sweater-vest but then he changed into an ugly design so I told Isabelle on him. Now he's stuck wearing that boring shirt when he used to be so stylish.



Hey Bunnie, what are you doing out so late tonight?

Huh? What are you talking abo... looking... into your.... eyes... feel so sleepy... all of a sudden...

What am I doing out here? Don't really remember. Feel kind of weak, good thing my house is nearby.
You get that stuff when you have repeat StreetPasses.

As far as keeping it, you have to give it to eudaemonic, who I am informed loves balloons of all kinds.

Oh no you didn't. (Though I don't mind the balloon accessory; it's the furniture that makes me want to punch puppies.)

Is it 6:00 a.m. yet?


Uploading those last pics took so long to access it prompted me to dump all my AC pics onto my PC so I could delete them off the SD card. Total count of new pics: 1,073.

In the four months since this game came out; I have taken 3,752 pictures in the game; which is probably more than I have taken in real life.

(The 3DS still isn't finished deleting all the pictures off the card)


Uploading those last pics took so long to access it prompted me to dump all my AC pics onto my PC so I could delete them off the SD card. Total count of new pics: 1,073.

In the four months since this game came out; I have taken 3,752 pictures in the game; which is probably more than I have taken in real life.

(The 3DS still isn't finished deleting all the pictures off the card)

They make it so easy to take pics that you have no reason not to, even of the most insignificant things.


Was selling my turnips in someone's town from reddit, when I noticed over half of my turnips had just poofed out of my locker. So pissed, then I realized I had put a crap ton in the second floor of the museum :/

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Huh, apparently you don't have to shake trees to catch bugs living in them. Simply swatting your net to the tree should be enough.

Also yeah, looks like a glitch - Hugh, a former neighbor, has been spotted in Main Street for three weeks now!


Was selling my turnips in someone's town from reddit, when I noticed over half of my turnips had just poofed out of my locker. So pissed, then I realized I had put a crap ton in the second floor of the museum :/
I have a load of bush starts that I've been saving for you if you want them dude.

Huh, apparently you don't have to shake trees to catch bugs living in them. Simply swatting your net to the tree should be enough.
Mind blown.

Also, Gracie's in town for my last fashion check! It's Official. Anyone got any ideas? Can anyone help?! This is it! It's happening!


Sure, just remember that I had Annalise who left recently. Normally she already left in a streetpass already, but you can never be sure :x

She is a nice horse though :p


Sure, just remember that I had Annalise who left recently. Normally she already left in a streetpass already, but you can never be sure :x

She is a nice horse though :p
I'm full, but thanks for the warning.

Edit: Woo hoo! Thanks Mekere! Fourth Gracie check, nailed!


Maturity, bitches.
I haven't even gotten the bronze streetpass badge. :/

I should work on the letters and dreams ones.


Relays are now giving out the 6 StreetPasses as promised, once they've been seeded with that many. Should help with Animal Crossing a lot.


Also yeah, looks like a glitch - Hugh, a former neighbor, has been spotted in Main Street for three weeks now!

My former villagers are in my main street 24/7. I know Charlise is gonna show up there too eventually and there's nothing I can do to stop that train.

Columbus Day is the second Monday of October. Presumably it's like the other holidays where you can pick one up by visiting an NA town.

Yeah I'd imagine you'd be able to since you could grab the basket on Labor Day, etc.

That's great. I'll mark my agenda.


Ugh. The postal service in this game is a real drag. I've got a sweet deal laid up with a nice chap from GF for some stuff, but am having to order loads of clothes for it. I refuse to time travel, but 2 deliveries a day, 8 hours apart, doesn't feel like enough. Makes me appreciate how much I must have abused the old visitors-pushing-post trick in Wild World.


So, how does one get paintings? I got a visit from the badge-giving guy as well as the redecorating-camel yesterday (which gave me some hideous floors/wallpapers btw); do I get them through a random visitor as well? Keep in mind I've had a game for like a week.

Also, is there a guide on what upgrades to get for my town? I've built a (much needed) cobblestone bridge and am working on a fountain right now right by my train station.


So, how does one get paintings? I got a visit from the badge-giving guy as well as the redecorating-camel yesterday (which gave me some hideous floors/wallpapers btw); do I get them through a random visitor as well? Keep in mind I've had a game for like a week.

Also, is there a guide on what upgrades to get for my town? I've built a (much needed) cobblestone bridge and am working on a fountain right now right by my train station.

First things first, the OP is filled with all sorts of handy links to learn about Public Work Projects (PWPs) and all sorts of other usefull things in New Leaf.

Art is something you can get from Redd the art dealing fox. He's a random visitor like the camel you mentioned so you can't really tell when he comes to visit. Be aware, he sells fake art too. Usually only one of the four pieces he's got with him is real. If you're lucky he will have two legit pieces of art. Though you can only buy one so you'll have to create and extra character or ask someone from the thread to buy it for you. To tell which are fake and which are legit you can use a guide linked in the OP.

There's one other way to get art, from time to time villagers sell you some. You can't tell if they are selling you a fake or legit piece so you'll have to buy it to find out. There's a guide on how to persuade your villagers to sell art in the OP.

Oh and mind you, the wallpapers and carpets Saharah is selling you can be exclusive ones. That means you can't order them from the catalogue and you can only get them trough her. Whatever she sells you is random so it's hard to get the ones you really want. Of course you can trade them, but as you might imagine these wallpapers and carpets are valuable trade objects.
Sorry for the quick visit, had to leave for work.

Passed my 2nd Gracie check without a sweat, using stuff on hand. Theme was sporty. I looked like a colorblind fabulous pirate on his way to the gym, but apparently that was ornate sporty which made me a celeb working out for the paparazzi.

Fabulous! Anyways, just need 2 more.


My husband hasn't been checking his game regularly and happened to tell me to check his game while I was doing my routine check up on mine. Turns out his Poppy is in boxes today.


Do anyone want this cute squirrel?
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