Animal Crossing: New Leaf |OT4| Lives Can Be Cataloged But Not Reordered

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For bored players who like puzzles: I put a puzzle in my dream town.

If you need hints beyond its existence, please pm me rather than putting spoilers here.


I failed at your puzzle, but absolutely loved the time I spent in your town. It's awesome! Good work.


I have a couple paintings to trade if anyone needs them:


I still need:


Mystic Statue
Robust Statue
Valiant Statue

Also, I have a ton of azaleas if anyone needs any. I could use some blue hydrangeas if anyone has them.
My husband hasn't been checking his game regularly and happened to tell me to check his game while I was doing my routine check up on mine. Turns out his Poppy is in boxes today.


Do anyone want this cute squirrel?

Aww, just quoting for a new page.

My sister adopted her from MicH and she's adorable.
My husband hasn't been checking his game regularly and happened to tell me to check his game while I was doing my routine check up on mine. Turns out his Poppy is in boxes today.

Do anyone want this cute squirrel?
Aww! I wouldn't mind giving her a home, but Annabelle doesn't move out until tomorrow (so she won't be gone until the 11th I believe). Would I have to TT forward a day or two to make it work?

Actually... how do I even grab a villager from someone?


I have room in my town for one more villager but my camper (Jacques) wasn't sure about moving in when I asked him. If I keep playing games with him and asking, will he eventually change his mind, or should I just forget about him?


I shot people I like more for less.
Aww! I wouldn't mind giving her a home, but Annabelle doesn't move out until tomorrow (so she won't be gone until the 11th I believe). Would I have to TT forward a day or two to make it work?

Actually... how do I even grab a villager from someone?

When you have an open spot, you just go to their town and talk to them when they're in boxes. They'll talk about how they're moving but they don't know where they're going yet, then you get a prompt that will let you invite them to your town if you want to. It's very simple.

I have room in my town for one more villager but my camper (Jacques) wasn't sure about moving in when I asked him. If I keep playing games with him and asking, will he eventually change his mind, or should I just forget about him?

Yeah I think others were saying that sometimes it just takes awhile.


Julian has finally crossed the line. He's gotta go!

I sent him a nebula shirt because I thought he'd look bitchin' in it, but today I see he has it up in retail. Sonofabitch.


Maybe I'm the last to notice this; but the retro stereo adds low popping sounds to all the music just like an older stereo/record player of that type used to do.

I had my game sound turned all the way up as I was adding new music to my retro stereo in the basement and for a second I thought the speakers on my 3DS were going bad. Then I went upstairs to a different room and the noises stopped. Took me a minute to realize what was going on.

Anyway, I thought that was an awesome touch and attention to detail from the game.


I shot people I like more for less.
Maybe I'm the last to notice this; but the retro stereo adds low popping sounds to all the music just like an older stereo/record player of that type used to do.

I had my game sound turned all the way up as I was adding new music to my retro stereo in the basement and for a second I thought the speakers on my 3DS were going bad. Then I went upstairs to a different room and the noises stopped. Took me a minute to realize what was going on.

Anyway, I thought that was an awesome touch and attention to detail from the game.

That's pretty cool!


Gotta post this here for prosperity and reference sake, so that I can now demolish my rooms and start all over as I want them.


Feels good man.

Still, now I can display my sloppy set!

Would anyone like a complete Kiddie Set and Space Series?


I shot people I like more for less.
Had an odd thing happen earlier. Groucho wanted to visit, but when he came over, the only other rooms I could get him to follow me into were the upstairs room and the basement. Any of the main floor rooms and he wouldn't follow me. Anybody else have that happen before?


Had an odd thing happen earlier. Groucho wanted to visit, but when he came over, the only other rooms I could get him to follow me into were the upstairs room and the basement. Any of the main floor rooms and he wouldn't follow me. Anybody else have that happen before?

Yeah, it happens a lot actually. Also completely random. Some villagers just really don't want to go to my golden cabana room. And others are afraid of music instruments I guess :(
RPG Wizard, I left your stuff in Chopper's town.

Had an odd thing happen earlier. Groucho wanted to visit, but when he came over, the only other rooms I could get him to follow me into were the upstairs room and the basement. Any of the main floor rooms and he wouldn't follow me. Anybody else have that happen before?

Yeah, that happened to me too.

It happened when I put my 3DS in sleep mode and I had a scheduled visit.


I shot people I like more for less.
Yeah, it happens a lot actually. Also completely random. Some villagers just really don't want to go to my golden cabana room. And others are afraid of music instruments I guess :(

Hmm, never had that happen before

Yeah, that happened to me too.

It happened when I put my 3DS in sleep mode and I had a scheduled visit.

Hmm, didn't do that, but I think I did have my bf chat open at the time of the visit, so maybe that's why.

Katrina's here if anyone needs a quick visit to boost their count.

Still around?
Just two members I haven't confirmed trades with yet, I think.

I'll exchange gold for black roses if you want, I have four, I won't be home for at least a couple of hours so if anyone else offers it's ok. Let me know!

That would be awesome : D

If you still have the chessboard rug to give away, I wouldn't mind taking it please.

If so, is there anything you need/want in return?

I think I still have the chessboard rug, so you're good.

There's nothing I neet at the moment, thanks, but I'll let you guys know if I do.


Man, Ankha's been wanting to move out so far this week.the last 4 move out attempts have all been her. I know at some point I'm going to have to let her go if I wanna complete frog town. She'll prob be my last non-frog to go.


Does anyone have a fish grill that I can catalog?

Man, Ankha's been wanting to move out so far this week.the last 4 move out attempts have all been her. I know at some point I'm going to have to let her go if I wanna complete frog town. She'll prob be my last non-frog to go.

Which frogs are you still looking for? :eek:


I've finished arranging the flowers in my town by colour (well, kinda, just the red, yellow, and white ones, not the hybrids). Next will be by type. I still have some work to do, but if anyone wants to take a peek at my town, my dream address is 4300 - 2145 - 4240.

It's all flowers everywhere except places I want to walk. :p



Dear Moe,
Half an hour ago I saw you give Deirdre a Tulip Shirt and I thought it was a nice gesture on your part.
Then a few minutes ago I saw you give Leonardo a Tulip Shirt as well. Are you starting a cult?
Even if you are not, please cease handing out this Tulip shirt to all the neighbors you see.

Kind Regards,
Mayor Koo


Which frogs are you still looking for? :eek:

Puddles, Gigi, Jeremiah and Camfrog are personalities for frogs I'm still missing.

Frobert and Drift are another 2 that I eventually want but are not really priorities, as I already have 2 other frog jocks. They're frogs I'll grab along the way.
Just noticed GAF ate my message earlier about Poppy.

She makes me wish I had an open spot. Super cute. I hope she find a good home.

Also #TeamMoe


Well I might have a small or hopefully big spike pattern :/

Prices went 95 - 92 - 86 - 83 - 113 so far.

Come on big spike, I need the visitors.
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