Cool. Well I have everything in your list that is officially available. If you wanna do it all at once, let me know.Just catalog.
BPB. You still around?
Cool. Well I have everything in your list that is officially available. If you wanna do it all at once, let me know.Just catalog.
BPB. You still around?
Cool. Well I have everything in your list that is officially available. If you wanna do it all at once, let me know.
BPB. You still around?
Yup. Ready when you are.That would work. Will you be around in like 10 min?
I'll leave the gate open. Help yourself.
Yup. Ready when you are.
Thanks BPB. Burrow really is looking fantastic!
does this mean you have cataloged everything that is possible to catalog so far niraj?
I'll have all of that by Thursday.Just need to catalog the school cap and I think I'm caught up. And the astrological stuff I guess.
Last chance if anyone wants Goldie. It seems like the last two people that claimed her are unable to take her, so I'm checking to see if anyone else wants her. It would be a shame if she were sent into the void.
Doh I missed it!
Glad I caught this post just in time.
Thanks for letting us catalog that hat! I can also help out now if anyone missed out.
Thanks BPB. Burrow really is looking fantastic!
Last chance if anyone wants Goldie. It seems like the last two people that claimed her are unable to take her, so I'm checking to see if anyone else wants her. It would be a shame if she were sent into the void.
You could come over now if you're still around.
May I go catalog it?
Of course, everyone's welcome. Feel free to take one with you if you want. Gates are open (Burrow).
I'll have all of that by Thursday.
You can come by anytime and catalog it. Just let me know.
Well, someone offered me Big Top for my town, and so I accepted him. And literally minutes later, someone offered me Del, the character I was looking for the last two weeks. XD
It's funny, but I think getting Big Top was the right decision since he's way more popular than Del, and he was the last one I needed for my superhero set. Now I have Kid Cat, Agent S, Big Top and Rocket all in my village.
And with that, I have decided to stop looking for "sets" for now, and go after individual villagers instead.
Right on Hours, that's pretty rad that you've got all 4 of them now.
Man this Pave, got me chasing down all these feathers and yet he's still giving me dupe items! Oh well, only 4 more pieces to go before I'm finished.
Should be finally caught up to the current date tomorrow.![]()
Hadn't played since about the first week of January, so I had to grind about 4 months.Sweet. How far back were you?
Hadn't played since about the first week of January, so I had to grind about 4 months.
Anyone have the school cap DLC that I could catalog?
If nobody gets to you, I can order one in the morning.
That was such a pain in the ass.
Yeah it really makes me appreciate the events where you get one of each item until you complete the set before getting handed any dupes. This set is largish too at 13 pieces so of course now that I'm 11 pieces in this'll prolly take me all night.
Found 2 rainbow feathers right away too, then nothing since then.
It really baffles me that all the events aren't like that. The bug and fish tourneys I can understand a bit (not that those aren"t annoying either) more since there are multiple chances to participate in a year, but events like Festivale are obnoxious in that respect for no good reason.
I need a smug villager, and I'm leaning towards Phil.Missed this, nice job. Who are you going to look for now?
One of each.Does Easter give you one of each first or is it another Festivalé nightmare?
Finally added you! Sorry it took so long. The last few days have been crazy. :\I added you to my friends list. Could you add my FC as well?
0104 - 0433 - 9423
Shmoopy is a slacker. Don't think I haven't noticed!Hadn't played since about the first week of January, so I had to grind about 4 months.
All 12 Zodiac pieces are lying at the station, ready to be catalogued...
Resetti happened as soon as I walked out of your station. D:
Don't fuck it up this time.
Thanks for the catalog opportunity. I'll order up a full set and start passing it around in case someone misses out today.
How dare you, sir.
How dare you, sir.
Cool, thanks. I'll close up for now, but I'll try to watch this space.
Cool, thanks. I'll close up for now, but I'll try to watch this space.