I recently fired up AC:NL for the first time in several months, and luckily the only villager who moved out during my absence was the one I didn't like. Score!
I'd been playing the game pretty much daily and was getting pretty burned out, so having some time away from it has really helped me to remember why I enjoyed it so much in the first place. Beforehand, I'd been getting pretty frustrated by how basic my town still looked compared to some of the amazing stuff I'd seen from other people, but now I'm full of fresh ideas to make it look more appealing. One of these is a rainbow-hued rose garden, which leads to my question...
Blue roses. I've already got red, white, pink, yellow, orange, black, and am currently trying to breed some purple ones. Is the process of creating blues really as tedious and longwinded as it seems to be? I mean, I've just read some horror stories of people waiting 6 MONTHS for a single blue rose to pop up, even with the use of fertilizer (which I don't have access to yet). I don't have that level of patience, to put it mildly, so just wondered if this was an accurate estimate of the length of time involved.
Of course, I could just buy a couple blues from someone, but I have this weird issue where the finished result wouldn't feel "right" if I hadn't accomplished the entire thing myself.
TL;DR: How long did it take you guys to create blue roses?