Looking forward to having the green back and thunderstorms.
You can get the Pisces lamp at the post office should you want one as of a couple days ago.
Also keep in mind that today is the last day you can get a dung beetle since the snow will be gone tomorrow.
Welp, I'm surely not getting a golden rod or completing my museum this year. I've been stringfish'd
I use B instead
I found mine in my river the other day. Is it that rare?Welp, I'm surely not getting a golden rod or completing my museum this year. I've been stringfish'd
I found mine in my river the other day. Is it that rare?
I almost forgot that I need a Blowfish. Can you get them on island or does it have to be in town? Same for the sweet shrimp. I spent a lot of time diving on island but almost none in town. Maybe that explains why I haven't seen that particular shrimp.
You've still got a few days though.
Those are the words of a man that has lost all hope and dreams.
I'd buy a Blathers amiibo so damn fast. I mean, look at this dapper sob. That bow tie speaks class and sophistication.Hmm...just some thoughts at the moment for summertime E3 announcements...
1. New Animal Crossing Wii U game
2. Amiibos of NPCs like Blathers, Able Sisters, etc.
Once again demand will be high as everyone tries to fight for a possible KK figure amiibo.
Nintendo prints money confirmed again and again.
I hate you, Club Nintendo Japan.
Hamlet is the poster child for the inclusion of hamster villagers. He was in several promo images before the game launched plus he was even part of the misc charms and styluses that came out.I was talking to bluepolicebox about the pouch and she mentioned how random it was that Hamlet was there. Now I see he's on the shirt too. Wonder what's up with that, the rest are "special" villagers. Bunnie on the shirt as well I guess. That I can understand a little more since she's pretty popular, but it's also a little strange.
It was part of the reason I mentioned that he was moving out of my town. Didn't know if someone wanted an icon.
Hamlet is the poster child for the inclusion of hamster villagers. He was in several promo images before the game launched plus he was even part of the misc charms and styluses that came out.
It was part of the reason I mentioned that he was moving out of my town. Didn't know if someone wanted an icon.
(I love those charms, by the way... they look way better in person.)
I'd buy a Blathers amiibo so damn fast. I mean, look at this dapper sob. That bow tie speaks class and sophistication.
No luck on a Blowfish last night. For those who have caught one recently, is the shadow the same size as Sea Bass, or smaller?
Grass! Grass! <3
I had to reset my town one last time. The first day of Spring seemed like a great time to ... ... ... turn over a new leaf.
I'm sure you've never, ever heard that pun in the history of AC:NL.
Imagine what in-game items Animal Crossing amiibos could unlock. Blathers = museum items, K.K. = songs, Tom Nook = eviction notice. Or whatever Nintendo thinks makes better sense.Blathers is awesome. I'm just curious of a possible production. Amiibos are great items to promote games and Nintendo would have to really push forward with connectivity.
I could use the moving painting, if you please.
I have over 100 visits to my town, but the train station renovation is not in my list of available projects. Is there some other requirement or trigger needed?
That was the problem. I didn't think to talk to porter.
Thanks for that.
I finally caught a Roundfish. While I was hunting this, I also caught a Tuna! I think I'm only missing three fish now.
Nice. I should do some spring cleaning myself in my town. Maybe change some things around and get rid if anything I really have no use for (only items I can order again if need be). I feel like this Spring is going to be pretty active for my town.Since Koo popped over I thought I'd throw something together with the squirrel shirt. I look like I'm ready for spring cleaning.
This is the cutest look to go with that shirt. <3Since Koo popped over I thought I'd throw something together with the squirrel shirt. I look like I'm ready for spring cleaning.
Yeah definitely, when would be good for you? Sometime tomorrow?I should see if Koo is able to stop by sometime and give me some spring designs. I've had these summer ones for a whole year now lol.
Wondering something. If i decide to cut nearly all trees in my village, let say i leave about 20 max like, will i still have the chance to get the 2 item shaking tree drop per day?
Yeah you'll be fine. Usually it's something like 10 trees have bells, 4-5 have bees, and 2 have furniture. Not sure how it works if you have less than 16-17.
Been so long without bugs in my town, I was shocked to see a butterfly. Apparently I had forgotten that they roam around town and aren't just segregated to the island. Oh winter, what have you done to me?