New batch 3 is Kidko, Frost Ace and the Dutch guy. You're all added and gates will be opened.
Heading back home, thanks guys!
New batch 3 is Kidko, Frost Ace and the Dutch guy. You're all added and gates will be opened.
Monday: AM: 95 / PM: 90
Tuesday: AM: 86 / PM: 82
Wednesday: AM: 78 / PM: 74
I have come to the conclusion that my own stalk market hates me.
When I'm not drowning in random prices, I get the slow death prices.
Please, turnip wizard. Help me.
Heading back home, thanks guys!
What happened to me?Okay guys, he's adding EleventhDoctor, Narras and Shellshock929 now. Those three can come together with Frost-Ace who's left over from the previous batch.
After that he's done for a while. Might be that we'll return later tonight so keep an eye on this thread to make sure you don't miss it.
Whoa I got booted...
Batch 2 will be
- Stolin
- Scher
- Tattooth
He opened again I can see him but it still says something it's not working((
It still says "something is not working"
am I the only one?
I can see the town. Porter tells me it's full.
Sorry about the errors guys, wasn't as good as a plan to add a few people in one go. He's putting a stop to it for a while now. His town has night owl so the price will stay for 6,5 hours from now. He said he will be back tonight, but I don't how late that will be. When there are folks around who were about to sell now these guys can come in first obviously.
Sorry about the errors guys, wasn't as good as a plan to add a few people in one go. He's putting a stop to it for a while now. His town has night owl so the price will stay for 6,5 hours from now. He said he will be back tonight, but I don't how late that will be. When there are folks around who were about to sell now these guys can come in first obviously.
Sorry about the errors guys, wasn't as good as a plan to add a few people in one go. He's putting a stop to it for a while now. His town has night owl so the price will stay for 6,5 hours from now. He said he will be back tonight, but I don't how late that will be. When there are folks around who were about to sell now these guys can come in first obviously.
Linus, can I give his tip to you so I don't have to come back later?
Sure, that would be fine. I'll make sure it ends up in his village. My FC is in my profile, I'll open up in a bit for you.
Sure, that would be fine. I'll make sure it ends up in his village. My FC is in my profile, I'll open up in a bit for you.
A buddy of mine is selling for 634 at the moment. He's ready to open his gates for the coming 90 minutes. He has no Gaf account so I will have to function as the middle man in this process. Badges will consist of max. three people. Take in account that on our Dutch forum people are wanting in on this too. It's a small forum so I guess it won't really delay the waiting time that much. It's a pm price and it's only 4:45pm at the moment so he said he's likely to open his gate a second time later tonight.
FC: 5026-4407-8687
Let me know if you want in on this so I can pass trough a few FC's.
Can I jump in?
I'll probably be at the back of the line, so I can check back in an hour.
See my post a bit up on this page. He won't be back for another 3 hours from now.
But I'm keeping track of the people posting in this thread so that the people who are around later can get in first.
Oh man, I'd love to get in on this when you're back. I'll keep an eye out.Sorry about the errors guys, wasn't as good as a plan to add a few people in one go. He's putting a stop to it for a while now. His town has night owl so the price will stay for 6,5 hours from now. He said he will be back tonight, but I don't how late that will be. When there are folks around who were about to sell now these guys can come in first obviously.
He'll probably be back in 3,5 hours from now. That is 11pm local time for us, so enough time to sell some more turnips.
Thanks for posting this after I TT'd two hours back to help people yesterday.we need to have an ACNL 2 Year GAF challenge thread
you sign up to play for two years without time travel and missing as few days as possible
it would be a way to keep out playtime going a play the game like it was meant to be played long term with events and holidays
many newbies are rushing the game by getting rich quick and trading to collect as much as they can but get bored sooner I doubt those players will last another 3 months
who wants to try playing long term?
I could see myself still playing ACNL in two years although I probably won't be playing this game every single day especially when Pokémon X/Y is coming out in October.we need to have an ACNL 2 Year GAF challenge thread
you sign up to play for two years without time travel and missing as few days as possible
it would be a way to keep out playtime going a play the game like it was meant to be played long term with events and holidays
many newbies are rushing the game by getting rich quick and trading to collect as much as they can but get bored sooner I doubt those players will last another 3 months
who wants to try playing long term?
we need to have an ACNL 2 Year GAF challenge thread
you sign up to play for two years without time travel and missing as few days as possible
it would be a way to keep out playtime going a play the game like it was meant to be played long term with events and holidays
many newbies are rushing the game by getting rich quick and trading to collect as much as they can but get bored sooner I doubt those players will last another 3 months
who wants to try playing long term?
A buddy of mine is selling for 634 at the moment. He's ready to open his gates for the coming 90 minutes. He has no Gaf account so I will have to function as the middle man in this process. Badges will consist of max. three people. Take in account that on our Dutch forum people are wanting in on this too. It's a small forum so I guess it won't really delay the waiting time that much. It's a pm price and it's only 4:45pm at the moment so he said he's likely to open his gate a second time later tonight.
FC: 5026-4407-8687
Let me know if you want in on this so I can pass trough a few FC's.