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Animal Crossing: New Leaf | Turnip OT | Sunday is the boar's day


Oops! I'm sorry. Didn't realize there is another ACNL OT.
I will take my issue there.

I wouldn't mind the opportunity to sell the few turnips I got, though.
I've got 547 and am gonna be open for the night. If no one bites, it's off to Reddit for me. FC's in my profile. If anyone coming in has an extra veggie bowl, it'd be appreciated. I'll be opening at 9:00 PM EST.
I've got 547 and am gonna be open for the night. If no one bites, it's off to Reddit for me. FC's in my profile. If anyone coming in has an extra veggie bowl, it'd be appreciated. I'll be opening at 9:00 PM EST.

Me please! I'll probably be home in time for that so I'm gonna bite on this one.

Even though you might already have me on there, my FC is 2964-8606-4559
Thanks for hosting. Your town looks nice, even if it's a turnip selling nightmare lol.

Thanks and sorry at the same time. I've been meaning to set a more direct path up for turnip sellers but I've only really done this twice, so. Will definitely give more thought to it though, so maybe next time it won't be so tedious.
It's all good. I'm sure it'd only be a problem if you had huge lines of people waiting to unload turnips, but it doesn't seem like turnip gaf is super active anymore lmao.
Yeah, I started getting into it right as everybody started leaving. But I did get like 30-40 patrons on the Turnip Reddit -- I'm just way too exhausted to think of adding that many friend codes again. So tedious. This might be a backwater by comparison but at least it's relaxed now.
I have a turnip price of 384 bells today, I realise it's not that high but if anyone needs to get rid of some turnips I can host you this evening (uk time).
My friend code is 3007-8065-0432 (Chris from NewMawr). Let me know if you're interested!
I have a turnip price of 384 bells today, I realise it's not that high but if anyone needs to get rid of some turnips I can host you this evening (uk time).
My friend code is 3007-8065-0432 (Chris from NewMawr). Let me know if you're interested!
Hi mate, I'm definitely interested. Also based in the UK, won't be home till 7pm ish, is that alright? My FC is in my profile, so if you can add me in the mean time and let me know, that would be great.
I have a turnip price of 384 bells today, I realise it's not that high but if anyone needs to get rid of some turnips I can host you this evening (uk time).
My friend code is 3007-8065-0432 (Chris from NewMawr). Let me know if you're interested!

I'd love to sell if I could. I missed the past two days due to being too distracted so I'll take 384 over the 145 I have today. :) (FC is in my profile)


I have a turnip price of 384 bells today, I realise it's not that high but if anyone needs to get rid of some turnips I can host you this evening (uk time).
My friend code is 3007-8065-0432 (Chris from NewMawr). Let me know if you're interested!

Added you! Also based in the UK. Love to come over. :)
I need to run out and get a few things done. I'll try and be back if I can but if not I got one load sold at least.

I still need to give you a tip later too!
Oi. Came back from work stuff and discovered that my turnips are going for 529 in my town.


Kinda glad I did get bumped when I did earlier. :/ I still wanna tip you something though, Hann, for letting me sell earlier.

I'll leave my town open for anyone else who might wanna sell.
Oi. Came back from work stuff and discovered that my turnips are going for 529 in my town.


Kinda glad I did get bumped when I did earlier. :/ I still wanna tip you something though, Hann, for letting me sell earlier.

I'll leave my town open for anyone else who might wanna sell.

No need for a tip, I'm glad things worked out for you turnip- wise this week!
I'm planning on getting back into turnips in a big way next week-gotta get that ABD.


Looking for a good price this week.. I bought big again hoping for a score this week.

Sunday Purchase: 96 Bells
Monday - 54 AM, 50 PM


What a shitty week so far.

Mon AM - 79
Mon PM - 69
Tue AM - 103
Tue PM - 142
Wed AM - 109
Wed PM - 109
Thu AM - 126
Thu PM - 101
What a shitty week so far.

Mon AM - 79
Mon PM - 69
Tue AM - 103
Tue PM - 142
Wed AM - 109
Wed PM - 109
Thu AM - 126
Thu PM - 101

My turnips are at 70 and there's little chance they're going to get higher. Can I sell them at your town? I've got a concert tonight so it has to be before 5 PM EST.
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