This season's watchlist for me is Attack on Titan, Re: Zero, and Higurashi Gou. I'd rank them in that order too. Except for the last episode, AoT's been excellent throughout. Re: Zero's been a little shaky with how it's been spending its time but next episode might actually move the plot forward. Higurashi Gou's kind of a joke at this point - not nearly as well-thought out as the original, or as interesting, or as good-looking either (I IDed the style after a couple episodes - it resembles Monogatari character designs?), or as good-sounding =/
Read all of Chainsaw Man in a day last week. Very fun time. The hype's on point for it. It moves at a very brisk pace and it never pulls its punches. Most of the jokes are great and though the art is usually rough when Fujimoto wants to he can put out some awesome looking spreads. A few of the pages for Darkness Demon are seared in my mind for how fucking mental they are.
The next day I decide, "Hey, I'll check out that Demon Slayer show," and was... pretty darn bored, by comparison (not 'disappointed' since I'd had allot of negative feedback but it is a megahit so I wanted to check it out!). It's pretty bog standard shounen. ufotable's amazing production values lift the show up a bit but 4 episodes in I'm not very impressed. I came to the conclusion around episode 3 that this thing could actually be decent if around 50% of the dialogue was cut out - Just let the production do the heavy lifting. Problems in the dialogue include needless repetitiveness (I don't need you to tell me why you're having trouble breathing when I can see you're gasping and you've already thought 'the air is thin'), specificity (I didn't need you to tell me those kids are dead - I could infer they were ghosts and the show makes this abundantly clear via more dialogue in the very next episode and the ambiguity leaves more things to simmer in my mind), and stupidity (why is the swordsman the protag just met giving a self-righteous tirade and not just dealing with the demon).
Worst line in those first 4 episodes goes to generic demon who grew hands out of his head after being decapitated. After being stuck to a tree, he remarks, out loud, that he can't break free because he had tied his hair around protag's axe which is now stuck in a tree. He speaks out loud that he's trapped, then surprisingly calmly explains his reasoning to no one in particular, and no visual cue in particular is provided that he's even struggling to break free (apparently he can manipulate his hair to begin with so why is it not moving at all in this shot). There's no cut either to close-in on a struggle either - Just this one static-shot. There's other stupid shit too like how protag's sister conveniently falls to sleep for two years for no apparent reason, but I could just list them.