As a liberal, I ask, when are we going to learn that shutting these people off from speaking isn't going to solve any problems? When you maginalize ANY group, you're going to get an equal and opposite reaction. This is why we have Trump.
We do what we do best, engage. She spews her dogshit and then we embarrass her in public. We make her feel so profoundly stupid that she freezes in her own skin and doesn't bother anymore. Are we so insecure that we cannot offer sensible and profound rebuttals that we just settle for brushing her under a rug?
All we are doing is giving her reason for her and her followers to press on.
As a liberal, I ask, when are we going to learn that shutting these people off from speaking isn't going to solve any problems? When you maginalize ANY group, you're going to get an equal and opposite reaction. This is why we have Trump.
We do what we do best, engage. She spews her dogshit and then we embarrass her in public. We make her feel so profoundly stupid that she freezes in her own skin and doesn't bother anymore. Are we so insecure that we cannot offer sensible and profound rebuttals that we just settle for brushing her under a rug?
All we are doing is giving her reason for her and her followers to press on.
Liberals are horrible at strategy. The GOP have mastered the political chess game, while liberals let themselves get played again and again. It's frustrating as a modern progressive.
Even these protests are just predicable reactions the College Republicans are trying illicit. It's so transparent, but these idiots can't see it.
I'm fucking howling
But it's an idea he, himself, plays into whether he means to or not. He insists, pretty much every time he talks about it, in connecting ISIS to Islam, when the majority of Muslims are trying to distance Islam from the creed of ISIS and other extremist ideologies. He's said more than once that 'Islam has an army of extremists, something no other religion has right now.' It's no wonder people call him an Islamophobe even if, ultimately, I don't think he is.
I thought Gaf liked Bill?
At least that what it seemed like a few months ago.
GAF shit a brick when he invited Milo onto his show. It was rather entertaining. And then there was a thread after that suggesting he get fired from Real Time cause of some quote on politically incorrect over 10 years ago.
He wont get fired from Real Time.
To be fair, Maher got a lot of hate before that, too. I feel like the reaction to him has always been pretty mixed here. The Milo thing was bad, though. Not just that he invited him, but just how the whole episode and exchange went. That really made Bill look incredibly poor and out of touch.
But then again, in this very thread you'd had people defend Milo, but then run for the hills when you mention his darker shit.
Ann Coutler has had years to spew her dogshit in public (way more publicly than a speech at Berkeley, that's for sure)and all it's gotten her is millions of dollars, 12 best-selling books, and a loyal fanbase
Do you feel as confidant in your proposed strategy now?
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
I don't recall anyone trying to "silence" Colin MoriartyTrying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
I agree that interview went bad. He went in hard on Roger Stone. I guess it had to do with the drama that lead up to the Milo interview was dumb.
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
And a DY-NO-MITE bestie:Ann Coutler has had years to spew her dogshit in public (way more publicly than a speech at Berkeley, that's for sure)and all it's gotten her is millions of dollars, 12 best-selling books, and a loyal fanbase
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
I'm sure this will be the time that Ann Coulter will be changed. This, surely, will be her Archer Bunker meets the KKK moment, and not the thousands upon thousands of moments before that she's been debated and embarrassed. This, surely, will be the time.
,The point is not to convince her, it's to convince the people she speaks to first.
Yeah uh. Hi.Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
Ryan Reynolds wants to ask:Maybe we should consider the possibility that white supremacist groups are actually bad and shouldn't be allowed to organize on college campuses and radicalize people
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
I guess another question for that, okay, we're supposed to 'start' listening to people. I mean, what are we suppose to do when they deliver obviously racist and bigoted material and then they just keep going even after being mystically debated? I see a lot of this. People shout for debate, but absolutely no one wants to touch on the fact that debate, by and large, isn't working with these people. What next? I have yet to hear anyone, in this thread, or in this broad argument, give any solution past that.
Trying to silence people doesn't work. Two weeks ago Colin Moriarty was shouted down on twitter and resigned from his job. Now he's making 40k a month on Patreon.
The more people are squeezed, the more there's a blow back.
Unless society starts listening to each other again, this discord will continue to grow.
Keep screaming at people that they're racist, sexist, etc, and they'll keep silently voting for conservative candidates.
That's a terrible example.Our last effort to engage in spirited debate with white supremacists actually went pretty well. The thing is, it was at Nuremberg.
Yeah, that's a good one. Perhaps Maher could invite his friend onto his show again, so she can publicly embarrass herself, as she always does, so that we can finally put an end to this never-ending circus of bullshit
I guess another question for that, okay, we're supposed to 'start' listening to people. I mean, what are we suppose to do when they deliver obviously racist and bigoted material and then they just keep going even after being mystically debated? I see a lot of this. People shout for debate, but absolutely no one wants to touch on the fact that debate, by and large, isn't working with these people. What next? I have yet to hear anyone, in this thread, or in this broad argument, give any solution past that.
I don't even know where this belief that calling people out on racism, homophobia, bigotry etc is why liberals lose came from. I did that shit all the time when Obama was running and guess what, he won twice.
Instead of concern trolling about if we should just tolerate racists more, maybe just accept that pendulum politics are real?
Is free speech partisan now?
I wouldn't shed a tear if she got hit by a truck tomorrow, but she should be able to say whatever dumb bullshit she has to say.
If you open the door to draw line in the sand on the most basic of freedoms we take for granted here, you open the door for others to draw them too. And for how long and to what end? Where do we draw the line there?
Shutting them out brings you Trump.
If you open the door to draw line in the sand on the most basic of freedoms we take for granted here, you open the door for others to draw them too. And for how long and to what end? Where do we draw the line there? Means to an end matters. Shutting them out brings you Trump.
You give them far, far more credit than any of them derseve when you say some silly shit like that there
GAF shit a brick when he invited Milo onto his show. It was rather entertaining. And then there was a thread after that suggesting he get fired from Real Time cause of some quote on politically incorrect over 10 years ago.
He wont get fired from Real Time.
Milo's career ended because Republicans found out he defended pedophiles in past statements, statements made long before Milo went on Maher's show.Bill Maher was one of the few liberals who was SMART enough to let Milo, the p.o.s. troll, to speak his mind freely and basically expose himself as the fraud he is
guess what, Milo's career was done just weeks after he got that big platform to speak his mind
I've had a lot of time to think about this without commenting on it directly, but seeing GAF's reaction to this in particular sticks in my craw a bit. Bill Maher is not an asshole because he is backing up Ann Coulter. He has never agreed with silencing the other side. He believes in letting them put their bullshit out there for all to see so they can be rightfully judged.
Coulter is a massive idiot, I mean fuck she wrote a book titled "In Trump, we Trust", and now she has fallen off his wagon as soon as she's sold a few hundred thousand copies. Here's the real problem though: Berkeley trying to shut her out, isn't going to make her any less popular. It didn't make Milo any less popular either, he did himself in when he accidentally put it out there that he's okay with kiddy fiddling. It is what it is and a group of whiny college students throwing their toys out of the cot isn't going to change that, in fact it does nothing but make the rest of us look bad.
I don't know about you, but turning Universities into echo chambers doesn't sound too smart to me. It sounds like Trump University. Seriously Socrates is rolling in his grave over this shit.