I dont think one has to encourage Nazi punching to be happy when a Nazi gets punched.
Likewise, antifa has done tons of things in its history, most of it non-violent. The violent parts just get publicized the most.
The problem with these discussions however is that there is no actual ability for people to step outside their present moment and look at things as part of a wider historical context.
First of all, it should immediately be a red flag to every intellectually honest individual when someone claims they are protesting for "free speech." Free speech is not actually under attack in any significant way. Flag burning has been ruled legal by the Supreme Court, for christ's sake.
And as a way of enhancing this context, note how the few times someone with major power makes a questionable comment that ACTUALLY should make anyone who is this strong a believer of free speech nervous (
Such as this or
this), notice how this is never a catalyst for a protest. In neither Berkeley blocking a Nazi from speaking or Trump making outrageous comments that threaten free speech is there any actual likelihood of free speech being under attack. But why is it that the far less important event is the one protested, but not the leader of the free world? Could the answer be any more obvious?
These people can never see discrimination or intimidation when it comes to minorities. Absolutely NEVER. Any welfare recipient is a lazy scumbag on the governments teet to these morons. It's all bootstraps. Slavery ended 5000 years ago. Whatever! And yet, the second people come out and enforce consequences for someone trying to advocate the genocide of black folk, it is the REPUBLICANS who are facing DISCRIMINATION because the college is so liberal and they don't accept their bigoted views.
This shit is bonkers if it wasn't so fucking transparent.
The events that have been happening at Berkeley are not about free speech, they're about giving Nazi's just enough plausible deniability to slowly get people comfortable with the idea of these sociopaths coming to your town and disseminating their horror house of ideas. It's about getting enough liberal moderate pieces of shit to scold their fellow liberals for being too ANGRY or throwing too many GARBAGE CANS or that one piece of paper being burned or someone being maced. It's about sowing discord among the ranks so we're just preoccupied with fighting each other to notice that we've suddenly given this radical monsters enough of an opening to grow further. To normalize their "white power" ideology, in the context of a country that literally voted for an open racist and misogynist who puts jew hating Steve Bannon white supremacist on his staff.
So let me just say you moderates have had your conversation. You lost. Your conversations made this country worse. It's ok, we understand why you didn't realize until too late that we're at war for the soul of this country. Ask any black man or woman, though, and they'll tell you they've always known. They don't have the luxury of entertaining that lesser of two evils vomit. Their families and communities have always been at stake.
So when some Antifa punches a Nazi, think about the thousands of time throughout history that someone actually had the spine to do what the majority of us would never do, because we confined ourselves by the petty rules of society while everything around us burned. They took the heat for us, they did the hard thing, they went to jail and suffered the pain. But at the end of the day when you're punching Nazi's, some of us are going to understand and smile.
This Berkeley shit is just an excuse for neo nazi's to publicize their ideology and try to push liberals as the intolerant ones and get us fighting amongst ourselves. But think of how fucked up it makes you as a person that when given the choice between fighting people who advocate for committing genocide on blacks or giving interviews to the NYT about how lonely and discriminated against a person must be because they hold Republican political views on campus... they chose what they chose.
Life is all about such choices. It defines these people, just like it defined those who voted for Trump. Nobody is so dumb they don't realize what they are or who they are. These monsters know. And far too many liberals keep falling for this shit.
Protest hard, scream louder, drown them out, make them flee your campus. Fight the legal battles later. Because as far as I'm concerned, there's no more time for half-measures.