Fenderputty said:While I respect your opinions on the term, I'm still not comfortable with it's casual use. Has Coulter made comments about ethnic cleansing? That's a serious question btw, I didn't think so, but I have no clue and your first paragraph seems to imply she may have. Maybe Nazi is a more apt term for her than I realize, even if she hasn't made those comments ...
Let me be clear. I'm not saying Berkeley doesn't / shouldnt have the right to prevent hate speech in their campuses. I think Berkley should continue to tell Coulter and Milo to fuck off. I think protesting their speeches is fine too. I'm just drawing a line when it comes to punching and spitting on these Berkeley republicans.
In the case of Coulter, I'd probably personally stop short of calling her a Nazi, but she is at the very least a white supremacist. Her record of racist/antisemitic hate speech is so ridiculously long it's almost comical she can keep getting book deals. There's probably a case to be made she's just playing this role to sell books to her almost entirely racist and bigoted audience, but at a certain point there's no distinction between being a racist and pretending to be a racist to sell books to racists thus helping push a racist agenda.
But the important point is that it's semantics. When someone is so abhorrent we have to try to find some thin line ("I wish all black people were dead and jews were killed" vs. "the blacks and browns are the cause of America's problems and the (((globalists))) are scheming to destroy true white America") just to be able to detach them from neo nazi's and skinheads... you know it becomes a pretty worthless argument to have. Because it's not like many genocidal movements didn't start first with the hateful rhetoric before they moved on to outright killing. And it's not like members of these groups in America havent actually already killed for the cause.
I dont think I need to say "go spit on and punch Berkeley Republicans" to say I'm perfectly happy with them being ostracized. Make them feel like shit. Maybe a taste of their own medicine.