I am shocked
actually not really that shocked
actually not really that shocked
Have you taken a look at the world recently? The United States isn't the only nation that fucked itself with far-right bullshit.Trump is an aberration and has also invigorated the liberal movement.
Beyond that, winning 3 Presidential terms in a row by one party is a rare occurrence. On the macro perspective, liberals ideals are winning.
What you're talking is about politics and how the game is played. But polling shows support for liberal causes at all time high. The GOP is just better at playing politics.
Really? Have you taken a look at the world recently?
I accept that reality!
But I don't see it as a regression of positive liberal values, but a party that can play the political game better.
Who won a squeaker due to the EC.
Trump is an aberration and has also invigorated the liberal movement.
Beyond that, winning 3 Presidential terms in a row by one party is a rare occurrence. On the macro perspective, liberals ideals are winning.
What you're talking is about politics and how the game is played. But polling shows support for liberal causes at all time high. The GOP is just better at playing politics.
Sure. But the idea that ideas of people like Ann Coulter are "Losing" during a right-wing populist surge is ridiculous.There is a populist surge. Yes. But ultimately I don't see a regression to the 1800s.
These surges are quite common. A lot has to do with the decline of institutions and nationalism filling a void.
To expect a perfect upward slope in human progress is naive. There will always be pushback.
How about the fact that under both Dem and GOP presidents we're constantly involved in military action abroad? How about the fact that we're not anywhere close to a single-payer health care system and in fact further away from it than we were in the 20s and the 50s? How about the fact that even Obama was on board with slashing social security and medicare and the only thing that prevented it was he didn't go far enough for the right? How about the fact that we're further from getting money out of politics than we've ever been? The only area where progressive values have made any significant headway in the last 20 years is LGBT rights.
The irony is, of all this, a lot of the people who shout 'debate, debate, deate!' are showing why it is debate isn't that effective. I doubt anyone in this conversation is the kind of people as Coulter or Milo, but look at what's happening with relatively reasonable people.
Bruce Springsteen just said some bullshit, and when called on it, just dug his heels into more bullshit, and if he doesn't bail out of the conversation completely, will just post more bullshit and stick his head in the ground.
entremet is just going in circles, avoiding the darker side of the people he's calling for debate over protest, and just goes to regurgitating old arguments about the grand notion of debate and free speech.
I know that singles those two out, but the whole thread has gone this way basically from the beginning.And, no one who steps up to bat for people like Milo in this thread even dares to address the fact that his 'free speech' included reading off the list of students to be harassed by his supporters, specifically a trans student who was harassed to the point that she dropped out of school, and the fact that he said he planned to read the names of undocumented students at that rally in Berkley that turned violent.
Yet, presented with all this, neither of them are close to changing their mind, and basically no one else on the side of the Neo-Nazis, eugenic peddlers, and hate mongers have changed their mind that we can just debate them away despite the fact that they have shown time and time again throughout the year that they don't care about being debated away and really just want to spread their hate, for either their political, ideological or money gains. We can't even debate fairly reasonable folks here, what the hell kind of debate are we going to do against these people?
And no one wants to take up the $10,000 question. When debate fails, when they keep coming, and they keep pushing with all their force despite all the debate in the world, What Next?
Fair points. Obama had great packaging, but I thought he was disappointment overall.
LGBT stuff is pretty significant, though. And Bernie's popularity was a good sign.
There is a populist surge. Yes. But ultimately I don't see a regression to the 1800s.
These surges are quite common. A lot has to do with the decline of institutions and nationalism filling a void.
To expect a perfect upward slope in human progress is naive. There will always be pushback.
When these are the prevailing ideas of the age, then you will have a point. As far as Trump goes...that was the Dems election to lose and they did practically everything possible to fuck it up and it was still a fairly close election.
Is that what they were doing in Berkeley? Because it looked like chucking bricks, damaging property, setting shit on fire, and beating up people....not peaceful protest. None of which are protected by the 1st.
Taking her platform away is forcing people to ignore her, how is that any different?
I agree with you that removing her platform is the ideal solution.
I'm sure this will be the time that Ann Coulter will be changed. This, surely, will be her Archer Bunker meets the KKK moment, and not the thousands upon thousands of moments before that she's been debated and embarrassed. This, surely, will be the time.
Yes, but the party's Bernie can't be Bernie. He's unelectable, unpredictable and a poor strategist. The party needs a young Bernie who can blend pragmatism with populism and say:
We are going to fix this country, we're going to fix healthcare and the economy - the BIG future economy and ifnrastructure, with support at every level for the working people of this country, within a capitalist model.
Catching up on this thread, but can someone explain to me where this rumor came from that somehow Bill Maher was responsible for undermining Milo's efforts? I paid very close attention to that entire debacle, and it was very clear that the real turning point there was Milo describing his enticement with pedophilia, not that Maher somehow turned the tables on him. Hell, there was even at least one new report stating that Milo and Maher were finding common ground.
Well, many of the European right wing groups did have their podiums limited, yet look at the inroads they made?
I don't know what's next.
saying there won't be a regression to the time of slavery isn't saying much
Eh. I think that's unfair.Limited, maybe, but not taken completely out of the mainstream. And news media has given the right in various countries plenty of attention, so I don't even know how limited a lot of has been.
Apparently, no one on your side of the table does. At least you have the courage to admit that.
Catching up on this thread, but can someone explain to me where this rumor came from that somehow Bill Maher was responsible for undermining Milo's efforts? I paid very close attention to that entire debacle, and it was very clear that the real turning point there was Milo describing his enticement with pedophilia, not that Maher somehow turned the tables on him. Hell, there was even at least one new report stating that Milo and Maher were finding common ground.
The vast majority? I have no idea what kind of numbers we're actually talking about
It's not about changing them. Only a fool would think there's any chance of changing the heart of old cruel people. The idea is to keep them deflated and unimportant. Allowing them to present themselves is just the price we have to pay to keep them looking stupid.
Blocking and attempting to silence them only builds them up as some genius that the opposition is afraid of. That's why so many people believe dumb conspiracy theory shit like on Alex Jones, because if it's not a widespread fact their flawed logic makes them believe it must be true if everyone is trying to cover it up. I'd like to see the overlap between nuts and those that get riled up every time a controversial speaker is cancelled on.
what? surely this is a typo?
Maher essentially said "you're welcome" and that him giving Milo the platform allowed that stuff to not just come to light, but to have a stronger effect than it would have if he hadn't been on the show. Raising him up so the lightning could strike better, I guess
Totally full of shit of course
Eh. I think that's unfair.
We're taking about tons of things here. I specifically talked about Ann Coulter's 1st amendment rights in the context of a public university.
Beating racism, anti environmentalism, poverty, etc. Are completely different things and I'm pretty committed myself personally to help in those areas. Both financially, with my time, and supporting and voting for candidates that align with my values.
Yeah, I recall him trying to take credit for it (which was actually *predicted* by many posters in that old thread, myself included), but the sequence of events that led to Milo's downfall were pretty cut and dry: basically, the republican convention, once they got wind of the circulated video, realized it'd be a step too far to have him be a keynote speaker. His book deal was cancelled, and the publisher in question stated without any wiggle room that it was the video that the republicans dug up on him. And, finally, his departing Breitbart was decided upon based on the republican turn, *not*, surely, Bill Maher, who they would describe (true or not) as a hard left progressive.
And yet, there appear to be people who think that Maher did this because... he said so? For no other reason than he said it was him? I'd like to understand why, given all the evidence to the contrary.
Catching up on this thread, but can someone explain to me where this rumor came from that somehow Bill Maher was responsible for undermining Milo's efforts? I paid very close attention to that entire debacle, and it was very clear that the real turning point there was Milo describing his enticement with pedophilia, not that Maher somehow turned the tables on him. Hell, there was even at least one new report stating that Milo and Maher were finding common ground.
Did Maher even really take credit for Milo's fall, though? The Real Time after PedoGate, Bill actually kind of started to defend Milo, but stopped. He may have at some other point, but I don't know about it. He seemed to like Milo honestly.
Which part is unfair? I'm not sure what part you're talking about. If it's the last thing I said, I wasn't criticizing you or trying to deny you have the greater good at heart. I'm just glad that you admitted you really don't know the 'What's Next?' when debate fails and they are still coming as strong, if not stronger. No one has been able to address that question in this whole thread. I'm just glad you owned up to it, no one else has, they've just bailed lol
Look into the recent history of populism sweeping from eastern europe to America. Trump's victory was anything but an aberration
A book I recommend on the subject
He didn't mention he conservatives who did the actual legwork at all.
Nice. Thanks. I'm aware of the current populist surge--Brexit, Trump, LePen.
I meant more an aberration in recent American Presidential politics. But you're right, it's not an abberation globally.
soon after he was on maher's show he got canned. i also ate a hoagie that night. personally i pin his fall from grace on my delicious italian hoagie, fuck maher.
I've had a lot of time to think about this without commenting on it directly, but seeing GAF's reaction to this in particular sticks in my craw a bit. Bill Maher is not an asshole because he is backing up Ann Coulter. He has never agreed with silencing the other side. He believes in letting them put their bullshit out there for all to see so they can be rightfully judged.
Coulter is a massive idiot, I mean fuck she wrote a book titled "In Trump, we Trust", and now she has fallen off his wagon as soon as she's sold a few hundred thousand copies. Here's the real problem though: Berkeley trying to shut her out, isn't going to make her any less popular. It didn't make Milo any less popular either, he did himself in when he accidentally put it out there that he's okay with kiddy fiddling. It is what it is and a group of whiny college students throwing their toys out of the cot isn't going to change that, in fact it does nothing but make the rest of us look bad.
I don't know about you, but turning Universities into echo chambers doesn't sound too smart to me. It sounds like Trump University. Seriously Socrates is rolling in his grave over this shit.
Yes, but the party's Bernie can't be Bernie. He's unelectable
Really? His success was hard to predict, going by the pundit hindsight scorecard, but his actions aren't. One of the things he kept on getting criticized for was his predictability, and how his message was always the same every time e.g. his stump speech, "oh no he's saying the same shit again *eyeroll*"unpredictable
His campaign had poor strategy in some areas, good strategy in others. Much like most campaigns. I don't see Bernie's poor strategery quotient as an outlier.poor strategist.
A fascinating new survey from Fox News asked Americans their opinions of a number of political leaders and politically relevant organizations. No elected official included in the survey had a larger net favorability overall favorable views minus unfavorable ones than Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), continuing Sanderss strong showing in such polls.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has the highest approval rating of any U.S. senator in a new poll.
The Morning Consult poll showed a 75 percent approval rating for the Vermont senator.
The party needs a young Bernie who can blend pragmatism with populism and say:
We are going to fix this country, we're going to fix healthcare and the economy - the BIG future economy and ifnrastructure, with support at every level for the working people of this country, within a capitalist model.
We are going to fix this country, we're going to fix healthcare and the economy - the BIG future economy and ifnrastructure, with support at every level for the working people of this country, within a capitalist model.
Ann Coulter said Wednesday that she is canceling her planned speech at the University of California, Berkeley, because she had lost the backing of conservative groups that had initially sponsored her appearance.
Ms. Coulter, in a message to The New York Times, said, Its a sad day for free speech.
Despite insisting that she would go to Berkeley regardless even after the university said it could not accommodate her on the date and time it had initially scheduled her because of threats of violence Ms. Coulter said she did not see how she could go forward. The school said she could speak only at a later date and an earlier time of day, when there were likely to be fewer students on campus and less of a likelihood for violent outbreaks.
Late on Tuesday, the conservative group that was helping Ms. Coulter in her legal efforts to force Berkeley to host her, Young Americas Foundation, said it could no longer participate. Young Americas Foundation will not jeopardize the safety of its staff or students, the group said.
Ann Coulter Says She Will Pull Out of Speech at Berkeley