Maher, like many who flock to these threads, are so frustratingly tone deaf to what is going on in our culture right now. We have to engage these fucks lol. When will some of you people wake the fuck up and realize these people don't want engagement? Do you think they've never been debated before? Of course they have, they just don't care. Their whole point of existence at this moment in history is to spread hate, but we're all supposed to sit around like good little liberals and wait our turns so we can raise our hands and mystify these hate-mongering pieces of shit with our logic, because oh boy, this time will be different. This will definitely be their Archie Bunker meets the KKK moment, and they're going to fall to the floor in all their bigotry and be awashed anew.
It's especially frustrating from Maher, who demonstrates such a keen mind for the political situation at the time, he even stood up on his own show and told Democrats and liberals to 'wake up,' and that we were at war, not because we wanted to be, because the right had declared war on us a long time ago and was going to do anything and everything to win and crush. But then turns around and says we should just like Neo-Nazis and hate-mongering pieces of shit just do and say whatever they want. Incredible.