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Another Final Fantasy VII project planed?

trippingmartian said:
Their spastic lashing out isn't an indicator of such.

Who's lashing out? We're just pointing out that the chances of it being on the GC are next to none. I don't see the big deal with that. But if you want to get excited about it coming to the GC then go ahead, but you'll be disappointed like many were when the Megaton turned out to be Naruto and not Dragon Quest 8.


The game "Before Crisis" is for the cell phone FOMA 900iV, which appeared in the movie FF7AC (the one Cloud is using in some pictures).


I don't see any "spastic lashing out" in this thread. The fact that Gamecube fanboys think that every single game(even games that don't even exist) belong on their console is annoying me, though. :p


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I think everyone just wants either a FFVII remake or FFVII-2, or both. They really should do it, both of those would bring them truckloads of money.
trippingmartian said:
If Final Fantasy was originally released on a competitor's console it would have meant the end of Square as a company.

Well I guess that's why Nintendo fans always seem to be so bitter when an old franchise is revived on another system. They actually believe they created that franchise.


We put Square on the map.

Heh, seriously though, the hype has got to be leading up to something large, and I can't wait. I doubt it'll be a cube release, but if it is I'll probably have to buy one again.


I remember when people believed that FFXII would see a dual Cube/ps2 release. That was entertaining.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
SolidSnakex said:
Square put themself on the map. Nintendo didn't make their games and let Square stamp their name on the box.
So can I say that Sony didn't put Rockstar on the map?


psycho_snake said:
So can I say that Sony didn't put Rockstar on the map?

You sure can. There's been GTA games on the PSX, nobody cared about those. Rockstar put themselves on the map with GTA3. :p


trippingmartian said:
Their spastic lashing out isn't an indicator of such.

Its not really lashing out, its just being annoyed that a lot of Nintendrones have a way of wishfully thinking that every new game announced deserves to be released exclusively for the Gamecube. I can't count the number of times I've gone in to a thread seeing "I hope its for Gamecube!" (or even "They're making it for GC!" from those who have already convinced themselves) despite the game in question having a history on other consoles and next to no chance of appearing on a Ninty one. And when its announced that it'll be for the PS2 or something, they cry and moan about it. Could it happen? Stranger things have, but there's no point in getting your hopes up. It would seem to me that some people are jealous of the lack of software available on the Cube, used to getting Nintendo games every 6 months, the occasional good Capcom title, SEGA ports, and a whole lot of 3rd party shovelware crap.
Stupid console fanboys, all of you...

Square.. I wish they'd bring the cell phone game over to the GBA somehow. Is there anything keeping them from doing this? Meh, I need to read more about this.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Belfast said:
Its not really lashing out, its just being annoyed that a lot of Nintendrones have a way of wishfully thinking that every new game announced deserves to be released exclusively for the Gamecube. I can't count the number of times I've gone in to a thread seeing "I hope its for Gamecube!" (or even "They're making it for GC!" from those who have already convinced themselves) despite the game in question having a history on other consoles and next to no chance of appearing on a Ninty one. And when its announced that it'll be for the PS2 or something, they cry and moan about it. Could it happen? Stranger things have, but there's no point in getting your hopes up. It would seem to me that some people are jealous of the lack of software available on the Cube, used to getting Nintendo games every 6 months, the occasional good Capcom title, SEGA ports, and a whole lot of 3rd party shovelware crap.



here's what the bottom says

At the bottom of the article is an interesting note about the FFVII Project/Compilation. It says there's an 'extra-large' title planned to be the released soon starring 'that man', next to a silhouette of Vincent.


Belfast said:
Its not really lashing out, its just being annoyed that a lot of Nintendrones have a way of wishfully thinking that every new game announced deserves to be released exclusively for the Gamecube. I can't count the number of times I've gone in to a thread seeing "I hope its for Gamecube!" (or even "They're making it for GC!" from those who have already convinced themselves) despite the game in question having a history on other consoles and next to no chance of appearing on a Ninty one. And when its announced that it'll be for the PS2 or something, they cry and moan about it. Could it happen? Stranger things have, but there's no point in getting your hopes up. It would seem to me that some people are jealous of the lack of software available on the Cube, used to getting Nintendo games every 6 months, the occasional good Capcom title, SEGA ports, and a whole lot of 3rd party shovelware crap.

Yeah, there are some people who go ahead and start wishing it's for the GC, are overenthusiastic about Nintendo and games, but I don't really think you see the hyperbole in your last sentence. I'd say this year's been strong for the system so far as games go. Even if none of them go on to be million sellers, I enjoyed the hell out of MGSTTS, ToS, and FSA so far, and see at least a game a month to get from now until the end of the year.

I think everyone wants to see more exclusive games on "their" system though. Xbox fans want it for the same reason GC fans do, and PS2 fans don't really have to worry about it being exclusive to PS2, than the franchise or series not being exclusive anymore.


trippingmartian said:
Because Square sure knows how to make an action game! Not that DMC was a decent blueprint by a longshot.
Who said Square's making it? It could be outsourced to someone like Yukes, Red or Tose even...



1. "Final Fanasy 7 fanboys don't say the series went down in quality since 7!"
-True. It went down in quality since 8.

2. "Square wouldn't be stupid enough to put a Final Fantasy remake/sequel on the GameCube!"
-True. Resident Evil Remake sold poorly.

3. "Sony fanboys have been secretly laughing at Nintendo fanboys!"
-True. As has everyone else.

4. "Nintendo fanboys are desperate for software."

5. "Square put themself on the map. Nintendo didn't make their games and let Square stamp their name on the box."
-True. Neither did Sony, mind you. ;) Without Nintendo, Final Fantasy may not have continued as long as it did, you have to realize. The first Final Fantasy was a last-ditch effort at a game (Hence the title) to appeal to the public. They put it on the most popular system (The Famicom) and it saved Square. So really, Nintendo did help put 'em on the map...but Square ultimately made the decisions and the games both with and without Yamauchi's company.

note, this post is only 1/5 sarcastic. figure out which 1/5.


here's a little more from the japanese playstation magazine...

Kitase Interview:

We want to expand FFVII's unique world view further

About the details of the birth of the "Compliation of FFVII"
--- FFVII has always been thought highly of by the users, and is still supported domestically and overseas. Even us, the makers, have a deep attachment to it as it was the first of the FF series on the Playstation.

The world view of FFVII is unique even out of the whole series, and only with FFVII have we not said everything we wanted to about the characters.

[question missing, something about expanding on FFVII's world view]

Why has interest in FFVII started rising lately?
--- The production of AC was the trigger. In making AC, we took another look at FFVII. While we did, we started to consider what would happen if such things were to unfold, or if we could expand on FFVII's world view.

Are there any other things in the "Compliation" besides AC and BC?
--- Talking with Nomura, we've come up with a few ideas. We don't know if they will actually be produced, but we want to think positively. We would like to show everyone a compliation of FFVII's world view. With a game sequel [note: making a sequel as a game], we'd have to be careful, but we're hoping to consider various approaches.

for the full interview buy the japanese playstation mag ;)


Mistaken iRobbery!
Matlock said:

1. "Final Fanasy 7 fanboys don't say the series went down in quality since 7!"
-True. It went down in quality since 8.

2. "Square wouldn't be stupid enough to put a Final Fantasy remake/sequel on the GameCube!"
-True. Resident Evil Remake sold poorly.

3. "Sony fanboys have been secretly laughing at Nintendo fanboys!"
-True. As has everyone else.

4. "Nintendo fanboys are desperate for software."

5. "Square put themself on the map. Nintendo didn't make their games and let Square stamp their name on the box."
-True. Neither did Sony, mind you. ;) Without Nintendo, Final Fantasy may not have continued as long as it did, you have to realize. The first Final Fantasy was a last-ditch effort at a game (Hence the title) to appeal to the public. They put it on the most popular system (The Famicom) and it saved Square. So really, Nintendo did help put 'em on the map...but Square ultimately made the decisions and the games both with and without Yamauchi's company.

note, this post is only 1/5 sarcastic. figure out which 1/5.
LOL, thankyou Matlock.


Eh, I guess Nintendo put every other video game company on the map too, since most of them produced games for the NES. :p

I don't really like that kind of logic, but Nintendo did help put the Final Fantasy franchise on the american map since they brought the first one over, and sold nearly double than what it did in Japan. Then again, afterwards they fucked Square over by refusing to localize FF2j and FF3j because they were too similiar to the first one. :p

FF2 and FF3 were disappointments in terms of numbers, Square wasn't really all that popular outside of Japan before the 32-bit age. I'd say that it was Sony that really put Square on the map for good, since they brought over the uber successful FF7. :p


jett said:
Then again, afterwards they fucked Square over by refusing to localize FF2j and FF3j because they were too similiar to the first one. :p
Well, there was nothing stopping Square USA from releasing those games themselves like Enix USA did with DW2-4. In fact Square had FF2 almost finished for a fall 1991 release (there's even advertising for the game floating around the net) but they canceled it in favor of localizing FF4 for SNES instead.


jarrod said:
In fact Square had FF2 almost finished for a fall 1991 release (there's even advertising for the game floating around the net) but they canceled it in favor of localizing FF4 for SNES instead.

First time I ever hear about that...sounds weird too, considering FF4 was released in the fall of 1991. Did they announce/localize FF2(FF4) a few weeks before its release? :p


AniHawk said:
Yeah, there are some people who go ahead and start wishing it's for the GC, are overenthusiastic about Nintendo and games, but I don't really think you see the hyperbole in your last sentence. I'd say this year's been strong for the system so far as games go. Even if none of them go on to be million sellers, I enjoyed the hell out of MGSTTS, ToS, and FSA so far, and see at least a game a month to get from now until the end of the year.

I think everyone wants to see more exclusive games on "their" system though. Xbox fans want it for the same reason GC fans do, and PS2 fans don't really have to worry about it being exclusive to PS2, than the franchise or series not being exclusive anymore.

I've enjoyed the games I've bought for GC, too. Over the past year, though, I only bought five: MGSTSS, F-ZERO GX, Viewtiful Joe, and now Tales of Symphonia, and Wind Waker. I've had a mild interest in 4 swords and Crystal Chronicles (which is no longer there, unfortunately, after gauging reactions), but am not concerned enough to purchase the materials needed to enjoy them. The other three GC games I own are Skies of Arcadia Legends, Metroid Prime, and SSBM. In contrast, over the past year, I must've bought at least 25 PS2 games (I don't have that many in my collection, though, as in order to buy so many games, I've had to take advantage of trade-ins, even if it means trading in a game I really enjoyed).

The volume of good software is just higher and while I sometimes enjoy Nintendo franchise games (Metroid), I think I've long grown out of the stage where I base my entire purchase list for a year off of those things alone. The fact that a game is "Nintendo" doesn't pique my interest anymore and I've learned to enjoy the fruits of the larger variety of 3rd party franchises and other 1st/2nd party offerings, as well. Too many people hang onto this "NINTENDO IS GOD" ideal and any developer who doesn't put their games on a Nintendo system are dirty, filthy pagans. Wanna play a good Final Fantasy game? Get a PS2. Want to play an iffy spin-off with additional requirements necessary to play the game to its full extent. Sure, the GC got a game with the name Final Fantasy attached, but with NONE of its heart and soul. Nintendo ruled in the past largely because it was the only real game in town. SEGA gave them a run for their money for a little while and then Sony burst onto the market. Its not what it used to be, get over it, expand your horizons, try new things. If you're so desperate to play these games, why not just get a PS2 or something instead of pleading for it to be put on the Gamecube? Or are you simply jealous because, as it has been shown in this thread, some of you think Nintendo put every game company on the map and that said companies' various franchises were "stolen" away from the big N.


If it's for PSP, even if AC's UMD is released later than the DVD, they can always include the trailer to this new FF game to help sell some more UMDs.

I doubt it's for PSP though.

This could be that 5th project Nomura mentioned, in an earlier 1up article, that he's working on, but is unaccounted(?) for (other 4 being FFVII:AC, KH2, KH:COM, & Musashi). Or did I forget a fifth game? He also said he's interested in working on the PSP/DS, but wasn't at that moment. So if this FF is for the PSP or DS, then that would make 2 FFVII games without his involvement. Sacrilege.

Strange, I can't find the intervew on 1up anymore.
This site has it though:

I would guess this game is for the PS2. Team FFX/X-2 ought to be working on something for the past year or so. At that time, it was probably too early to start on a game for any next-gen console. But 1 year+ should have enough progress that the game is ready for its unveiling, hence that page in vjump...

Nomura + FFX team(did this division also make VII/VIII?), making it for a console with the biggest install base. It would be cutting a little close to the launch of next gen cnosoles though...but like that's gonna stop FFVII-2 from selling...


Unconfirmed Member
There must be more to this FF VII business. Two games does not make a compilation.

That said, they are really pushing Before Crisis. The train station posters are HUGE and very cool looking.


Belfast said:
I've enjoyed the games I've bought for GC, too. Over the past year, though, I only bought five: MGSTSS, F-ZERO GX, Viewtiful Joe, and now Tales of Symphonia, and Wind Waker. I've had a mild interest in 4 swords and Crystal Chronicles (which is no longer there, unfortunately, after gauging reactions), but am not concerned enough to purchase the materials needed to enjoy them. The other three GC games I own are Skies of Arcadia Legends, Metroid Prime, and SSBM. In contrast, over the past year, I must've bought at least 25 PS2 games (I don't have that many in my collection, though, as in order to buy so many games, I've had to take advantage of trade-ins, even if it means trading in a game I really enjoyed).

The volume of good software is just higher and while I sometimes enjoy Nintendo franchise games (Metroid), I think I've long grown out of the stage where I base my entire purchase list for a year off of those things alone. The fact that a game is "Nintendo" doesn't pique my interest anymore and I've learned to enjoy the fruits of the larger variety of 3rd party franchises and other 1st/2nd party offerings, as well. Too many people hang onto this "NINTENDO IS GOD" ideal and any developer who doesn't put their games on a Nintendo system are dirty, filthy pagans. Wanna play a good Final Fantasy game? Get a PS2. Want to play an iffy spin-off with additional requirements necessary to play the game to its full extent. Sure, the GC got a game with the name Final Fantasy attached, but with NONE of its heart and soul. Nintendo ruled in the past largely because it was the only real game in town. SEGA gave them a run for their money for a little while and then Sony burst onto the market. Its not what it used to be, get over it, expand your horizons, try new things. If you're so desperate to play these games, why not just get a PS2 or something instead of pleading for it to be put on the Gamecube? Or are you simply jealous because, as it has been shown in this thread, some of you think Nintendo put every game company on the map and that said companies' various franchises were "stolen" away from the big N.

Well to each his own. I think it's entirely possible to be happy with just a GC, or a PS2 and a GC, an Xbox and a GC, or any variation of them. Just because you see a lack of games coming out doesn't mean that there is. As I said, the GC has at least a game a month worth purchasing until the end of the year. On top of that are the third party games nobody will buy because they are on the Xbox or PS2. I wouldn't say there's a lack of games though. I have 26 games for my PS2, 29 for my GC, and 7 for the Xbox. I see a large abundance of games for the Xbox, but they just don't appeal to me. I plan to buy about 6 games coming up throughout 2004 and 2005 on the system (PDO, Halo 2, Jade Empire, KotOR II, Fable, and maybe Sudeki), but that doesn't mean the other games like Riddick, FSW, and Ninja Gaiden should be ignored.

It's always the GC fans who get singled out too. Some may bring it on themselves, but everyone focuses on just the GC owners and known Nintendo fans as a whole, which is why you see me, jarrod, JC10001, Kobun, and others get in on arguments where we weren't spoken towards. I agree with a lot of the people who hate Nintendo, or don't consider themselves fans anymore on certain points, but for god's sakes, people. Lighten the fuck up. People might accuse Nintendo fans of getting too personal with videogames, but why the fuck should you care? Just be on your way. Ignore them. I've come to ignore many people who I don't agree with, or strongly hate. If you are so shallow to be offended by someone who still likes something you stopped liking long ago, or never did like, then you might be as bad as those you hate yourself.

And none of that was directed towards you, Belfast. I just used a general "you."
This could be that 5th project Nomura mentioned, in an earlier 1up article, that he's working on, but is unaccounted(?) for (other 4 being FFVII:AC, KH2, KH:COM, & Musashi). Or did I forget a fifth game?

Before Crisis

I would guess this game is for the PS2. Team FFX/X-2 ought to be working on something for the past year or so.

FFX-2 International + Last Mission through the end of 2003, then a new project, maybe FFXIII, starting this March

Nomura + FFX team(did this division also make VII/VIII?)


The new title is probably a small-scale project and not any kind of full-blown sequel RPG.
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