I’m an hour in. Single player.
Graphics are top notch, though my platform is pretty high end - RTX 2080 Ti, 9900k, 3440x1440 gsync - but the game is definitely a looker. Kind of surprised actually.
As far as gameplay is concerned - okay, I’m only an hour in, but again, kind of surprised here. Had a blast and want to keep on playing... the game feels unique.
I thought Anthem was going to be ‘hot garbage’ but actually it feels like a pretty decent triple~A title. Maybe I’ll get bored quickly, who knows, but not every game has to save my life. I can only spend a few hours gaming each week anyhow - these days if I get ten hours out of a game it’s special.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I’m playing ‘for free’ because I have Premier, which is an excellent service for a. great price, and no I don’t work for EA.