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Anti-Trump protest erupts in Albuquerque downtown, NM after Trump held an event

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You can think however you'd like, I'm not trying to stop you. Just sharing my opinions and I will never change my mind in thinking that violent protests are wrong and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. I don't think we are at the point where these types of riots should be considered acceptable.

Who is asking you to accept riots? You don't accept a riot. A violent protest is a reaction to folks being complacent. Again, peaceful protests have been happening. The outcome is the same. Which is why I quoted JFK earlier. Was he approving of violent revolution? Was he being asked to accept it? Or is there an understanding of the reasons that lead up to violence when populations are ignored. You have no feedback on this at all besides you don't think its acceptable. Which is immediately missing the issue.

Conversely, people shouldn't even have to be rioting, as the peaceful messaging should have sunk into peoples heads that its a bad deal to be treated as a second class citizen. Why hasn't it? Why are minorities still falling victim to this status-quo treatment in the united states? If anything you said was true, which it factually is not. There wouldn't be a need for protests, or riots. As when people peacefully speak, others listen.

Fascism\Open Racism is known by many, and Trump and his supporters are crossing a line that needs to be stopped immediately. Instead of wondering why people are protesting, understanding that it can get violent due to a history of ignoring the issue, you're condemning the people who are ignored, and are still ignored. Violence has at least brought a venue to discuss why riots are happening when people are in arms over property damage. If people were as upset about property, as they were about the treatment of minorities in America, we wouldn't be witnessing this.

But MLK didn't use violent riots to accomplish what he did. Is there an instance where he planned out a violent rebellion to advocate his beliefs?

He was assassinated because people don't want to listen to peaceful black people complaining, that is how bad the issue was, and still is. Which is why violence occurs. Being ignored and assassinated is the response to peace. The point is that peaceful movements are met with violence. BLM is met with legislation to protect police. Every option has been exhausted. Pretending this is a complex formula is incredibly disingenuous. When there is no other option on the table, this is what happens with human beings. If America wasn't complacent, this wouldn't be an issue. But everyone ignored the issue.
Ok calm down there Link, I'm not using anyone as a bludgeon. My opinion is clear and you are choosing to convolute it.

I believe peaceful protests are the best way to bring about positive change, riots or violent protesting is wrong. In my opinion. There are plenty of leaders that have done so and I think we should follow their lead.

So basically, MLK Jr. is only sometimes an authority on protesting. You'll ignore him when he says that rioting is a reality of society and something that inevitably happens and that the problem is the oppression that's causing the rioting.

Since when does one have to be an expert to share their thoughts? Are you an expert?

What's with your attitude anyway, Link? I'm just sharing my opinions. It's obvious we don't agree so what's the point in continuing this?

My attitude is borne of you actively declaring "I have an opinion derived from nothing but my personal beliefs" and ignoring all examples of why your opinion is wrong. If you didn't want people to respond to your opinion and point out its many holes, you perhaps should not have shared it.


So basically, MLK Jr. is only sometimes an authority on protesting. You'll ignore him when he says that rioting is a reality of society and something that inevitably happens and that the problem is the oppression that's causing the rioting.

My attitude is borne of you actively declaring "I have an opinion derived from nothing but my personal beliefs" and ignoring all examples of why your opinion is wrong. If you didn't want people to respond to your opinion and point out its many holes, you perhaps should not have shared it.




Exactly? Peaceful protests were met with him being assassinated.

That exactly? You do understand that this is in the bin of options being exhausted due to violence/denial/ignoring the issue in response to bringing up the issue. Right?

Yes, "Exactly". Because Martin Luther King Jr. -only- disagrees with you and hasn't rioted, it doesn't matter that you're citing someone to defend an opinion that the person you cited does not agree with.

Exactly? Peaceful protests were met with him being assassinated.

That exactly? You do understand that this is in the bin of options being exhausted due to violence/denial/ignoring the issue in response to bringing up the issue. Right?

I am glad that we were both befuddled by that "Exactly" post.
I have my own thoughts and can decide how I feel regardless of what you believe. MLK never used violent protests to accomplish his goals and I think we should do the same. I also mentioned other leaders that brought about real change without violence, but you are insistent on focusing on MLK. You are ignoring the facts here.

You can keep on thinking what you like, I'll do the same. I wont explain further because I've made my opinions perfectly clear.

Sorry, I guess I should have known that when you brought up Martin Luther King Jr., you didn't want to discuss any nuance about him or his beliefs. You just wanted to trot him out and toss him back in, and just pretend that all of the things that he has said that contradict your belief on this matter never happened.

Martin Luther King Jr. doesn't need to have rioted to be able to have an opinion on it, just like you don't have to have rioted to have an opinion on it. The difference is that only one of the two people being discussed is considered one of the greatest figures in protesting in US history.

Also, I'll ask this real quick - have you gone out and protested before?


He was assassinated because people don't want to listen to peaceful black people complaining, that is how bad the issue was, and still is. Which is why violence occurs. Being ignored and assassinated is the response to peace. The point is that peaceful movements are met with violence. BLM is met with legislation to protect police. Every option has been exhausted. Pretending this is a complex formula is incredibly disingenuous.

The Civil Rights Act was passed four years before his assassination and he didn't use violent riots to push for it's creation.

So basically, MLK Jr. is only sometimes an authority on protesting. You'll ignore him when he says that rioting is a reality of society and something that inevitably happens and that the problem is the oppression that's causing the rioting.

MLK is an authority on protesting because under his leadership he dealt and fantastic blow for civil rights by not using violent riots. That he understood and was sympathetic to those who were angered to the point of violence does not mean he felt it was useful or effective.
The Civil Rights Act was passed four years before his assassination and he didn't use violent riots to push for it's creation.

MLK is an authority on protesting because under his leadership he dealt and fantastic blow for civil rights by not using violent riots. That he understood and was sympathetic to those who were angered to the point of violence does not mean he felt it was useful or effective.

So in that case all we have are MLK Jr. acknowledging the cause of violent protests and pointing out that the problem are people shaming them for violently protesting -and- the fact that proponents of violent protesting were huge factors in the Civil Rights Movement.

Seriously, it's a little irritating to see the Civil Rights Movement get rewritten to be that MLK Jr. single-handedly stopped oppression with peace.


So in that case all we have are MLK Jr. acknowledging the cause of violent protests and pointing out that the problem are people shaming them for violently protesting -and- the fact that proponents of violent protesting were huge factors in the Civil Rights Movement.

Seriously, it's a little irritating to see the Civil Rights Movement get rewritten to be that MLK Jr. single-handedly stopped oppression with peace.

Imagine how irritating it is to see it rewritten that MLK Jr. used violent riots to fight against oppression.


The Civil Rights Act was passed four years before his assassination and he didn't use violent riots to push for it's creation.

MLK is an authority on protesting because under his leadership he dealt and fantastic blow for civil rights by not using violent riots. That he understood and was sympathetic to those who were angered to the point of violence does not mean he felt it was useful or effective.

Correct, he didn't And he was assassinated. Which is to illustrate the fact that the country doesn't listen to minorities, peaceful minorities are met with dogs attacking them, hoses, and pepperspray and assassins bullets. The peaceful route, has led to today's current society that ignores minorities being slaughtered, which is why violence happens. I can keep explaining this all day. Violence happens when you ignore an issue. JFK and MLKJR both understood that.

The stonewall riots illustrate instances where violence happens and results in a superior outcome. MLKJR isn't the end all of the white mans guide to minorities protesting. Hes an example of how doing things right, is still met with violence. America does not want to hear the voices of minorities.

This platform of peace is one sided, and its on the backs of the people that are ignored to start the conversation. Again, you should be pissed that riots even have to happen. They just don't appear out of thin air. Americans should be upset about the treatment of minorities here. They aren't. Which is why violence occurs, like when JFK said violent revolution happens when peaceful revolutions are rendered impossible. This concept is so fun to regurgitate in all minorities protesting threads. As it is simple, hasn't changed, and is the root of the problem in this country.
Imagine how irritating it is to see it rewritten that MLK Jr. used violent riots to fight against oppression.

Literally not a single person made that claim. It requires a pretty powerful intellectual dissonance to think that "MLK Jr. holds views on violent protests that are different from what you claim his views are" means "MLK Jr. was a violent protester." Essentially, you're irritated by all the strawmen that surround you.

Mr. X

If there was no violent protest while MLK was peacefully protesting, he would not have succeeded and you're living under a rock or enjoying the remake of Civil Rights US History. If it wasn't for TV, seeing the violence against his peaceful protests would've been ignored and not been met with sympathy to his cause.

And I'm almost sure violent protest are more successful than peaceful.
MLK was an example of how one should live life and act, the horrible people who assassinated him were using violence to bring about change. They were wrong because violence is the wrong answer.

they were using violence to protect the status quo not to bring about change.

and saying violence is the wrong answer is woefully naive
MLK is like the Bible for people really into protecting the status quo and keeping people inactive. Just pick the quotes and parts you like, ignore all the parts where he got real as fuck.


MLK is like the Bible for people really into protecting the status quo and keeping people inactive. Just pick the quotes and parts you like, ignore all the parts where he got real as fuck.

What are those parts? Where he said he sympathizes with the voiceless who feel they have no other recourse but to use violence?


What are those parts? Where he said he sympathizes with the voiceless who feel they have no other recourse but to use violence?

“I contend that the cry of "Black Power" is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. I think that we've got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. And, what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years."



He said that rioting is the language of the unheard - ie, that it is an inevitability for people who no one will listen to.

If you said that to a white person who just brought up all his accomplishments using non violent means they would be ethered. Can you imagine the look on their face when they heard MLK Jr. said he understood why oppressed people would riot? My God, their argument would be destroyed.


If you said that to a white person who just brought up all his accomplishments using non violent means they would be ethered. Can you imagine the look on their face when they heard MLK Jr. said he understood why oppressed people would riot? My God, their argument would be destroyed.

Were you unaware of that quote from him? Is that why you asked about it?
If you said that to a white person who just brought up all his accomplishments using non violent means they would be ethered. Can you imagine the look on their face when they heard MLK Jr. said he understood why oppressed people would riot? My God, their argument would be destroyed.

Yes, their argument that a people who have no voice should speak up would be destroyed.


Were you unaware of that quote from him? Is that why you asked about it?

I was aware. But every time MLK Jr. is brought up people talk about how if people only knew the "real as fuck" version of him they would be shocked. I just wanted to witness the raw truth that would blast my socks off. It turns out I knew of it and it challenges nothing of his image as a man seeking justice and peace through civic action and non-violence.


I was aware. But every time MLK Jr. is brought up people talk about how if people only knew the "real as fuck" version of him they would be shocked. I just wanted to witness the raw truth that would blast my socks off. It turns out I knew of it and it challenges nothing of his image as a man seeking justice and peace through civic action and non-violence.

If you wanted to witness the raw truth, why did you ask about a quote that you knew existed? And not any other examples. You know, to knock your socks off?


Give me these examples.

I think my point wasn't clear. I was referring to your specific request. That you asked for, yet was already aware of.

But, since we are here. And youre against rioting because peace is always the way. The stonewall riots? Is an example of rioting for progress. Or.. current day europe. What are you asking for examples of? When your point is that violence to get a point across is always bad, period. Oppressed people should always be peaceful to stop from getting slaughtered no matter what. Etc..etc.

In america we have a lot of people that have that incorrect thinking when it comes to minorities. No violence! No matter what!!! . The same people pay for the world's largest most efficient military force known to mankind. And support its made up wars. Yet, Americans protesting, and rioting, that have been pushed to the point of so, which have been targeted by the systems of society, a group which is executed often, is the line. Oh and property damage. That's the line. That's the time to converse about how to respectfully gain support of those who oppose or are indefferent to their existence. Whenever those voices start to erupt. Its been the strategy for a while here.
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