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Anti-Trump protest erupts in Albuquerque downtown, NM after Trump held an event

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E92 M3

Here's the Anaheim PD guidelines for protesters, ahead of Trump's speech at noon.

Essentially, it says don't riot. Wouldn't be surprised if one or more of these bullet points are ignored.


Looks reasonable
I just found out my mom and her friend went to the protest. LOL!

They left before it got really crazy, but still, pretty funny considering she supported him up until he mentioned Mexicans as being rapist, and making fun of that disabled reporter.


I just found out my mom and her friend went to the protest. LOL!

They left before it got really crazy, but still, pretty funny considering she supported him up until he mentioned Mexicans as being rapist, and making fun of that disabled reporter.

I thought he said that on the first day.

boiled goose

good with gravy
And you'd be right. But as a rule, generally, the more educated a person is, the more they are likely to lean to the left.

And again, there are different kinds of intelligence, and smart people on both sides of the fence. It's not black and white.

The more educated you are, the more likely you are to be liberal.
The more rich you are, the more likely you are to be conservative.

Both of these trends are very easy to understand based on facts and basic psychology.
1) current conservative thinking in the US is not based on facts. It is based on "principles" regardless of what the actual outcomes are. College professors are critical thinkers. Facts, evidence, results matter.
2) people with advantages think these advantages are a result of their ability and want to maintain these advantages. Lots of psychology on this.

Education and access to facts is not the same thing as intelligence. There are lots of smart people that are religious, that doesn't mean there are not intelligent, merely mistaken. Much like conservatives in the US on nearly every single issue.


The more educated you are, the more likely you are to be liberal.
The more rich you are, the more likely you are to be conservative.

Both of these trends are very easy to understand based on facts and basic psychology.
1) current conservative thinking in the US is not based on facts. It is based on "principles" regardless of what the actual outcomes are. College professors are critical thinkers. Facts, evidence, results matter.
2) people with advantages think these advantages are a result of their ability and want to maintain these advantages. Lots of psychology on this.

Education and access to facts is not the same thing as intelligence. There are lots of smart people that are religious, that doesn't mean there are not intelligent, merely mistaken. Much like conservatives in the US on nearly every single issue.


The basis of much of today's science was built by genius people with religious beliefs. Care to explain how religious people are mistaken?


Every time this happens, people swiftly clutch their pearls and say "whats wrong with them?"

But they don't want to know the answer or even care.

This isn't a vacum, people don't wake up one morning thinking it would be cool to burn a CVS. That is a sign of lack of hope, and fear.

Folks need to stop asking questions until they want to hear and understand the answers

This completely ignores the fact for the vast majority of the Night it was peaceful with little issues. It wasn't until the typical hide their face behind masks etc. crowd showed up that things turned to shit.

Anarchists almost never have legitimate grievances and are there for the opportunity to spread anarchy. 2 hours after the event has ended and everyone has gone home they are still trying to break police lines to attack the convention center etc.

What message are they trying to get across?


This completely ignores the fact for the vast majority of the Night it was peaceful with little issues. It wasn't until the typical hide their face behind masks etc. crowd showed up that things turned to shit.

Anarchists almost never have legitimate grievances and are there for the opportunity to spread anarchy. 2 hours after the event has ended and everyone has gone home they are still trying to break police lines to attack the convention center etc.

What message are they trying to get across?

these people are cancer, no discussion. What they did was wrong and people here defending their actions just cuz they don't agree with a candidate are stupid as fuck.


Holy crap people. Stop attacking innocent horses. What's wrong with you?

Not only is that a dick move, but it can end with the horses hurting someone/themselves. You think people are fickle with their support now? Watch them turn on the protesters with unbridled (heh) fury if one of the horses has to be euthanized after it hurts itself in a panic.
Every time this happens, people swiftly clutch their pearls and say "whats wrong with them?"

But they don't want to know the answer or even care.

This isn't a vacum, people don't wake up one morning thinking it would be cool to burn a CVS. That is a sign of lack of hope, and fear.

Folks need to stop asking questions until they want to hear and understand the answers

I am fine with the protest and can understand mild rioting, but attacking innocent animals is completely wrong.


Can’t stump the diablos
Here's the Anaheim PD guidelines for protesters, ahead of Trump's speech at noon.

Essentially, it says don't riot. Wouldn't be surprised if one or more of these bullet points are ignored.


These protestors
don't follow rules. No way this will be followed.


Agreed. Heard the story about the protesters on NPR this morning. They were talking about how they were throwing bottles and shit at cops. I couldn't help but think that story just netted Trump a few thousand more votes.

Waving Mexican and USSR flags, burning US flags and destroying public property is a bad optic for the Democratic Party and will push independents and the middle class to Trump and the Republicans in droves. It is already happening and playing out in the poles. Top it off with Hillary having high negatives, Bill's sex scandals and the email and Clinton Foundation investigations. Trump is getting more than the typical 3-5% bump for securing the nomination of his party. The shift in the poles is turning into 10%+ shift in the electorate that may stick all the way to election day.

we're not even out of primary season yet, but ya'll chicken littles already have the narrative written somehow

Trump is driving more turn out on the democratic side than he is on the republican side. He is driving record Hispanic voter registration, and with more states possibly flipping that is bad for him

If anything the hubris is with white America still thinking minorities don't matter. What's the word to use when that hubris has been a belief for 300+ years? 🤔🤔🤔

If a person sees a protest and goes "well that makes me want to vote for the racist/bigot/sexist guy" then they were already going to vote for him anyways. This protest doesn't help or hinder him.

If a protest is what makes you decide to vote for someone who is blatantly racist/sexist/bigot/homophobic, let's be real, chances are extremely high you already believed in those same ideologies and you just needed a convenient excuse to vote for Trump.

And Bernie bros aren't deciding anything other than what fad to hop onto next.

too many truth bombs for one thread

That's why so many Bernie votes on this site have said that they'd vote for Trump if they couldn't vote for Bernie. They are more anti-establish than pro any particular ideology.

No they won't. I'd be willing to bet that of these 'bernie bro' types maybe 20% of them even show up to vote. In my opinion they are largely a group of 'internet activists' that scream loudly but don't follow through at the booth. If his internet echo chamber was at all representative of the votes he wouldn't be down over 3 million in the popular vote in a primary.

pretty much sums up my thoughts here too - a bernie > trump supporter literally stands for nothing, and given his standing in the primaries, there's thankfully little of that, or little that bothers showing up, anyway
people said they were gonna go see snakes on a plane in theaters years back, too. anyone who's ever hosted a party/large event with facebook invites knows how much people talk shit online


Pretty sad people show more concern over an animal (unfortunate too) being attacked than the millions of minorities hurt under racism, whether by physical force, institution and so on and on.

It is worth repeating this man is inciting racism and causing more people to get hurt as his supporters have been emboldened.


Yeah, as these "Americans" continue to wave their Mexican flag, while burning the American one. They SURELY support the United States of America.

I don't support Trump's sweeping generalizations (or racism), but I'm 100% behind closing our borders to illegal aliens.
Why quote Americans? How do you feel about Trump inciting and legitimizing the racists beliefs held by his supporters? They've hurt people too. Do you consider them Americans by your own metric?

By the way, rioting is not the right response at all, but I do understand why people did what they did. There's a reason and cause.


Pretty sad people show more concern over an animal (unfortunate too) being attacked than the millions of minorities hurt under racism, whether by physical force, institution and so on and on.

It is worth repeating this man is inciting racism and causing more people to get hurt as his supporters have been emboldened.

The anti-Trump protestors/rioters seem to be doing most of the physical attacking.
Yeah, as these "Americans" continue to wave their Mexican flag while burning the American one. They SURELY support the United States of America.

I don't support Trump's sweeping generalizations, racism, him as a person or candidate, but I'm 100% behind closing our borders to illegal aliens. That's often where the line gets blurred for me. Some people view building a wall, and limiting the amount of illegals in this country as racism. I for one do not.

The borders are already closed to illegal aliens. That's what makes them illegal.


Honestly it's a lose-lose situation and as I have said, I absolutely condemn the rioting. Again, why has has it occurred though, you think,?

The protesting I understand.

The rioting, I believe happens to be an opportunity for anarchists, high school kids, punks, attention whores, etc. to be on camera to cause trouble, throw rocks, and fuck shit up. They're not there because of the incendiary Trump language.
The borders are already closed to illegal aliens. That's what makes them illegal.

What I'm saying is, enforcing said laws has been a lackadaisical effort for years. That, and many people have, and continue to push for amnesty (or some form of visa reform for pre-existing illegals in the US) for these "undocumented immigrants." They continue to spin the phrase, "illegal alien" to make it a bit sound better. I suppose my point is a bit off the rails, but I've seen countless people from all walks of life pushing for such acts. I don't support Trump, I don't condone his sweeping generalizations, racism, etc. I can see why people get up in arms over such things, but my point is that based on what I've seen, the line has been blurred. A lot of people interpret his intentions to deport illegal immigrants as a racist, and hostile act. I don't see it as such. Sometimes I get the impression that certain people have more attachment to their country of origin, than the United States. That's all.


Blows my mind that people are protesting Trump, but never Rubio or Cruz back when they were running. Those individuals were filth.


The protesting I understand.

The rioting, I believe happens to be an opportunity for anarchists, high school kids, punks, attention whores, etc. to be on camera to cause trouble, throw rocks, and fuck shit up. They're not there because of the incendiary Trump language.
There maybe some opportunism, but as this link says, it may actually be more complicated than that and this article stemming from last year's Baltimore riots and others is pretty relevant and linked to what occurred I feel:
That declaration has become a common refrain in the aftermath of racially charged civil unrest. When Ferguson, Missouri erupted last year over the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager and a grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officer who pulled the trigger, President Barack Obama drew a sharp rhetorical line between those who “just want their voices heard around legitimate issues” and “the handful of people who may use the grand jury’s decision as an excuse for violence."

But scholars of American social movements say the distinction might not be so clear. Instead, they argue rioting is often what happens when marginalized groups feel they have no other outlet for expressing their grievances.

“What you have in places where rioting tends to occur is the long-running abandonment by institutions,” said Justin Paulson, a political sociologist at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. “Not that they’re fully abandoned, it’s just the institutions you and I expect to make things run smoothly, to make people’s lives better, are actually turned against the members of these communities.
Martin Luther King Jr. alluded to a similar point in a 1968 speech during which he said it would be “morally irresponsible” to condemn rioting “without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society.""
Trump's words and rhetoric may have been the last straw for many. Not that it excuses violence.
Why quote Americans? How do you feel about Trump inciting and legitimizing the racists beliefs held by his supporters? They've hurt people too. Do you consider them Americans by your own metric?

By the way, rioting is not the right response at all, but I do understand why people did what they did. There's a reason and cause.

I suppose my initial comment was a bit rash. I quoted Americans not because their country of origin (I couldn't care less), but so much vitriol, and hatred seems to stem from something from within. As in, I question whether or not some of these violent protestors hold Mexico above the country they currently reside in. As an American, seeing someone wave around a giant Mexican flag while burning mine raises some questions (and quite frankly, they can piss off). If you want to protest Trump and his actions towards you, go for it. I just find that they're totally going about it in the wrong manner. But hey, that's like most protests. It's an avenue, and excuse for scumbags to let loose and cause mayhem.


So proud of ABQ

Guys, there were fires, smashed doors, thrown rocks, and stuff like that. As soon as that happened, any possibility of it being a protest vanished; it became a riot.

I know a lot of you guys dislike Donald Trump for a variety of reasons, many if not all valid, but being proud or supporting a riot? Come on guys.


Pretty sad people show more concern over an animal (unfortunate too) being attacked than the millions of minorities hurt under racism, whether by physical force, institution and so on and on.

It is worth repeating this man is inciting racism and causing more people to get hurt as his supporters have been emboldened.

I've been very vocal against racism, discrimination, and the like. I fully support a protest of a disgusting person like Trump, but that doesn't mean you have to become a monster yourself.


Blows my mind that people are protesting Trump, but never Rubio or Cruz back when they were running. Those individuals were filth.

Primary reason is it's a popularity contest and Trump wins.

Secondary reason was the writing on the wall that Trump would get the nom. On top of all the blatant bullshit he sits, more so than the other candidates.


I suppose my initial comment was a bit rash. I quoted Americans not because their country of origin (I couldn't care less), but so much vitriol, and hatred seems to stem from something from within. As in, I question whether or not some of these violent protestors hold Mexico above the country they currently reside in. As an American, someone waving around a Mexican flag while burning mine raises some questions. If you want to protest Trump and his actions towards you, go for it. I just find that they're totally going about it in the wrong manner. But hey, that's like most protests. It's an avenue, and excuse for scumbags to let loose and cause mayhem.
They are probably really proud of their country and don't appreciate a racist who can potentially become POTUS belittle them, their people and country with such hateful words. I don't like flag burning either but absolutely support their right to free speech regardless. The history of racism in this country and California having once been part of Mexico may be a clue.
Interesting. I'll give article a look.
I've been very vocal against racism, discrimination, and the like. I fully support a protest of a disgusting person like Trump, but that doesn't mean you have to become a monster yourself.
That's good! And again, yeah, just so there is no confusion about my stance, I don't and will never advocate for violence, but understand why this particular incident may have occurred.
They are probably really proud of their country and don't appreciate a racist who can potentially become POTUS belittle them, their people and country with such hateful words. I don't like flag burning either but absolutely support their right to free speech regardless. The history of racism in this country and California having once been part of Mexico may be a clue.


That's good! And again, yeah, I don't and will never advocate for violence, but understand why this particular incident may have occurred.

Someone burning their own flag is their right. Is smashing someone else's window a right?


There maybe some opportunism, but as this link says, it may actually be more complicated than that and this article stemming from last year's Baltimore riots and others is pretty relevant and linked to what occurred I feel:

Trump's words and rhetoric may have been the last straw for many. Not that it excuses violence.

I appreciate all of your posts. This thread, and all threads related to the boiling point of minorities due to lack of any shits given are the most frustrating threads on Neogaf.


The anti-Trump protestors/rioters seem to be doing most of the physical attacking.

You must have missed a few Trump rallies of peaceful protestors getting socked in the mouth, getting death threats, being kicked on the ground, people yelling for you to be set on fire.

Yeah, its just the anti-trump people doing most of the attacking. Give me a break.
So destroying private property and throwing rocks isn't shameful?

I think we can comfortably condemn both. Two wrongs don't make a right. Some people here seem to have the impression that if you perceive righteousness to be on your side, you can do whatever the fuck you want with little thought of consequences.

I get that people are angry, but there's a right and wrong way to protest. Especially since that exact line of reasoning is why Trump supporters are such jackasses.


I appreciate all of your posts. This thread, and all threads related to the boiling point of minorities due to lack of any shits given are the most frustrating threads on Neogaf.
Oh yeah, I absolutely know that feeling. My hope is people can at least understand better.

And thanks!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Are you asserting that entrepreneurs are smarter than academia, or just that not all geniuses go into academia, preferring to make their fortunes? If it's the former, any facts to back up that argument?

Have you read the abstract of a humanities thesis lately?


More where that came from.


You must have missed a few Trump rallies of peaceful protestors getting socked in the mouth, getting death threats, being kicked on the ground, people yelling for you to be set on fire.

Yeah, its just the anti-trump people doing most of the attacking. Give me a break.

You're right. I neglected the heinous behavior of Trump supporters. Fuck it then. Let's burn it all down.


Blows my mind that people are protesting Trump, but never Rubio or Cruz back when they were running. Those individuals were filth.

Neither Rubio nor Cruz we're going to be the nominee. These protests at some level are part of the strategy to defeat Trump in November.
Has anyone brought up the idea of cops or other type of inside men starting the violence to rile up the protestors/make them look bad?

Because that has happened before (Baltimore, Ferguson)
the liberal stench is strong in this thread :)

Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents


the liberal stench is strong in this thread :)

Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents

What makes you believe this?


the liberal stench is strong in this thread :)

Gonna be a crazy few months up till November. Trump is going to win in a landslide though, I think the country will vote for new blood in DC over existing corruption. just my 2 cents
Okay. The demographics will work against him. He doesn't have much of a chance with the minorities he has alienated. Voters will only be reminded of what a racist, flip-flopping and corrupt businessman he is this fall.
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