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Any of you jokers have tattoos?

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I got my first one today. Went with the symbol of the Army of the 12 Monkeys(it's one of my favorite movies, don't you know!):


Got this bad boy on my left bicep. I'm afraid I may be hooked, I'm already thinking about new stuff to get done, including the Gonzo Family Crest:


So, do any of you weirdos have any tats?


Heh, yeah. That's what it was for, to give the tattoo artist something to reference and make a stencil of.

Protip kids: don't try something as complex as downloading and installing drivers for a printer when you're shit hammered.


The first time I saw 12 monkeys when I was 15 or 14 I knew what Tattoo I had to have.

It was a Barcode

I got said tattoo

And then saw a comercial for Dark Angel and was upset

Dark Angel Was cancelled and I was happy

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Personally I would only get a tattoo to signify a life changing event.

For those that got a tattoo of a movie, how do you feel about it now? How will you explain it to a grandkid?


Shoulda got the Gonzo Crest first.

I've wanted to get a tatoo for awhile now, but I'm waiting to find that perfect thing to get...
It's not a great pic, just from my webcam. It's on my right shoulder.
I want another one in the same place of a lion (color) since that is the
kanji for lion :)

If I ever get around to getting one, this will be it:


The Fs stand for the German words "Frisch, Frei, Fr?lisch, and Fromm" ("Hardy, Free, Cheerful, and God-fearing").

"The 4 Fs symbol, a variation on the ancient swastika, can be found on the monogram of
the Turneschaft, a German Gymnastics Society founded in 1811 by Friedrich Ludwig Jahn."
Preppie boys who get tattoos to look cool call them "tats". Everybody else calls them tattoo's. Ask most of the people I know if they like their "tats" or to show you their "tats" and you'll get a long stare with no answer in sight.
-Fightnfire- said:
Preppie boys who get tattoos to look cool call them "tats". Everybody else calls them tattoo's. Ask most of the people I know if they like their "tats" or to show you their "tats" and you'll get a long stare as they judge your homosexualness.

Great to know man. Thanks for the killer info.

Anyways, anyone know how much my proposed tattoo would go for? Just done in black ink and maybe around the size of a pack of cigs.

Musashi Wins!

Idle Will Kill said:
Great to know man. Thanks for the killer info.

Anyways, anyone know how much my proposed tattoo would go for? Just done in black ink and maybe around the size of a pack of cigs.

Not too much. But the variation by shop, who you know, etc. is so vast that quoting you would be pretty useless. The design is pretty straightforward (lack of homosexualness) and with just the black ink, so ask around a little.

Raol, post the pic when you heal up.
Idle Will Kill said:
Great to know man. Thanks for the killer info.

Anyways, anyone know how much my proposed tattoo would go for? Just done in black ink and maybe around the size of a pack of cigs.

Mine was about $40 canadian. It's a bit smaller than yours, but a little more complex. I'd say you're looking at about 40-60 bucks roughly (CAN)


Musashi Wins! said:
Not too much. But the variation by shop, who you know, etc. is so vast that quoting you would be pretty useless. The design is pretty straightforward (lack of homosexualness) and with just the black ink, so ask around a little.

Raol, post the pic when you heal up.
Yeah, I'll post it in about a week or so.

I'm also going to make it a point to call it a TAT. TAT TAT TAT TAT. Hur hur!

But yeah, I got a pretty good deal on mine. All the little monkeys orbitting the big one and the clock weren't easy according to the dude who did it, but I'm tight with one of his buddies and best customers, so I got mine done for $80. Shop around and I bet you can get that symbol done for less than that, since you're using black ink and all. I went with red for mine.


Unconfirmed Member
I've got 2 currently, one on my solar plexus (and yes, it DOES hurt like a bastard on your breastplate) & one on my right arm/shoulder, trying to decide on what to have as number 3 (Probably on back of shoulder.)




The swastika is old like hell, in fact it's the oldest known symbol, even older than the egyptian symbol "Ankh". It used to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck.

Nowadays not much people use it for you know why obviously but yeah, buddhists and hindus still does.


its suprisingly hard to take a picture of your own back....


I want to get another one on my shoulder. I don't like color, i think its cheesey. Any suggestions?


Was about to get one until they told me it would cost about €800,00 :( Saving up for that one now :)

It's one similar to Maynard tatoo, very stylistic scorpion where the tail follows your spine. It takes up a large piece of your lower back and almost your entire spine :) I made quite a few alterations to his. But I'll make a picture of that when I finally have it :D (and IF GAF is still online in that year lol)


Crikey Freeburn! I dunno bout getting work done on my chestplate or any other area that's not "fleshy". My friend Bob got a massive chest piece done and he said he had to gobble painkillers after about 20 minutes.


Anyone have homemade tattoos?

I've got a tattoo on each knee that I did with a needle and pencil shavings.

On my left knee is a smiley face, on my right knee is the Triforce.
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