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Anyone else feel like Jim Carrey lost his way the last 10 years?

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What's this movie about?
Like Liar Liar only he can't say no to anything?


Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events was a great movie, and he knocked his role out of the park. A shame they can't make any more, what with the kids being a lot older now.

But yes, Carrey has certainly fallen from his high points of Ace Ventura and Liar Liar. And sadly, it will be quite the struggle to get that back.


When did these happen?

Kidding? It's well known that Pulp Fiction revitalized Travolta's career. This was the guy that was in stuff like Grease and Saturday Night Fever and fell off huge in the 80's. Pulp Fiction put him back in the spotlight pulling A-list roles for quite a while.


I feel compared to guys like Steve Carell and Will Ferrell, Jim has struggled and should have made better choices the last 10 years. Especially coming off of Eternal Sunshine in 2004. Except for I Love You Phillip Morris, it's been pretty much all bad movies.

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Fun with Dick and Jane
The Number 23
Yes Man
Mr. Popper's Penguins
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
Kick-Ass 2

Hopefully Dumb and Dumber To is a return to form. Been a frustrating 10 years being a Jim Carrey fan.
That's actually not a terrible track record. Nothing classic perhaps, but mostly solid movies that are enjoyable to some extent. It's not like he's been doing Ace Ventura 7 and Liar Liar 3 or other completely shameless cashgrabs.

Hopefully Dumb and Dumber To is a return to greatness for him.
Kidding? It's well known that Pulp Fiction revitalized Travolta's career. This was the guy that was in stuff like Grease and Saturday Night Fever and fell off huge in the 80's. Pulp Fiction put him back in the spotlight pulling A-list roles for quite a while.

From a younger generation, I'm afraid. But Pulp is so good, it really outshines his past. So it feels less 'good again', and more 'good for the first time'.
Jim Carrey is in that place where Mike Myers is where his particular brand of comedy doesn't resonate anymore with a mass audience.

I don't know if I'd agree with that. Carrey just needs to get better at choosing scripts, and is still hilarious as demonstrated by his talkshow appearances. Comparatively I've seen Mike Myers on Fallon and it was a snooze fest.
only thing that i really enjoyed of his is the mask

the mask character was pretty much jim carrey, too


i feel like jim carrey had an audience when we were all young and we loved his silliness but now we grew up and that silliness just doesn't work anymore
If I had to speculate, I'd say he probably made the movie he wants to be remembered for with Man On the Moon and like DeNiro just wants to ride out the rest of his career in easy and fun flicks


It's so weird to think that "Yes Man" was 6 years ago. I never saw it but I remember the trailers so well like it was just a couple years ago...


I thought Lemony's Snicket was pretty good but the rest were pretty forgettable. Anyway, he's made some great movies before (Dumb and Dumber, Eternal Sunshine, Truman Show, The Mask) so I'm sure he can get it again. Its really all about if he wants to try and top Eteranal Sunshine or Truman Show. He could be happy with what he's done and just wants to make silly movies which I think is ok I think.


Jim Carrey is a serious (and better acting) Adam Sandler.

I don't know, Sandler can be a damn good actor when he chooses to be. I like Jim Carrey (I've enjoyed Yes Man, Fun with Dick and Jane, Kick-Ass 2, Bruce Almighty, I Love You Phillip Morris) and I'd definitely like to see more of him, but I still see him as Jim Carrey in his more serious roles. Sandler seemed like a completely different actor in Reign Over Me.



Nose how to spell and rede to
I don't know, Sandler can be a damn good actor when he chooses to be. I like Jim Carrey (I've enjoyed Yes Man, Fun with Dick and Jane, Kick-Ass 2, Bruce Almighty, I Love You Phillip Morris) and I'd definitely like to see more of him, but I still see him as Jim Carrey in his more serious roles. Sandler seemed like a completely different actor in Reign Over Me.


I like Jim Carrey waay more in both serious and comedic roles, but Sandler is also good in Punch Drunk Love imo. Haven't seen Reign Over Me unfortunately


I like Jim Carrey waay more in both serious and comedic roles, but Sandler is also good in Punch Drunk Love imo. Haven't seen Reign Over Me unfortunately

Yeah, Punch Drunk Love isn't bad. The first 1/2 of Funny People is pretty good too.
Click is another example of how great of an actor he can be when he actually puts in some effort.

I think Sandler is better at dramatic roles and Carrey is better at comedic ones (although he was obviously really, really good in Eternal Sunshine), but Carrey also seems more consistent.

You should check out Reign Over Me if you ever have the chance! It's really good, one of the few movies I can think of that actually treated a video game with respect.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

10 years ago next month, the man can make whatever shit he wants after that role.


I think he's actually sustained his career a lot better than most comedians do. He had an incredibly solid 15 years between Ace Ventura and Yes Man. Sure, he's had stuff like Number 23 and The Majestic, but most of his stuff has been at least passable.


I've enjoyed nearly everything he has done. I kind of figured about 10 years ago he was already at that point where an actor just does whatever the hell they want because they've already been so successful.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I think it was Jim carrey that I was reading about just the other day - that other than Number23 he hasn't really made any financial flops and even the Penguin movie that he made actually did pretty decent at the box office. There is a pretty great interview somewhere where he talks about when he was filming 23 and the movie being dark and serious and bleak - that it was making his home life/personal life dark and bleak and unhappy and so he made a conscience decision to go back to lighter happier movies because they were what made his life enjoyable and he could take his work home without it being a drag for people around him in his "real" life...

respek knuckles for that choice. Fucking great actor. Really hope D&DTo doesn't suck hard.
Basically he had his run in the 90s and made bank. Fantastic comedies in Ace Ventrua and Dumber and Dumber. Dude blew up. Commend him for trying dramatic roles (Truman Show, Man on the Moon) and like others have said, Eternal Sunshine seemed like a step in the right direction for the guy at that point.

But since then, seemed like he stopped giving fuck and took safe unspectacular roles to forgettable movies and broad comedies that really didn't go anywhere.

Also, what planet am I living on where Cable Guy is considered a good movie? That was a hunk of junk. Not funny (Porno password is the most excruciating unfunny scene I've seen in a comedy), no plot, weird and tried to straddle serious thriller and comedy with Carrey's over-the-top stalker performance. Not even young hot Leslie Mann could save it.
Dallas Buyer's Club absolutely validates his acting ability.

Amazing performance there.Jim Carey never got close to that.

I gotta imagine I just have an ineptitude at understanding his greatness. Let's just leave it at that.
Though I admit, I kinda want to watch that new tv drama he's in with woody harrelson... mostly for woody.
True Detective I think it's called... that any good?
I gotta imagine I just have an ineptitude at understanding his greatness. Let's just leave it at that.
Though I admit, I kinda want to watch that new tv drama he's in with woody harrelson... mostly for woody.
True Detective I think it's called... that any good?

Watch True Detective. Good show.


I don't know if I'd agree with that. Carrey just needs to get better at choosing scripts, and is still hilarious as demonstrated by his talkshow appearances. Comparatively I've seen Mike Myers on Fallon and it was a snooze fest.
He does random skits and cameos, too, in good stuff. 30 Rock, Anchorman 2, Funny or Die stuff, etc. The scripts he's gone with haven't been great, but he's still obviously very talented and funny.

I still hold out hope that he'll eventually return to form and start getting better roles. He so rarely does ensemble stuff, though, to his own detriment. Comedies are not really written for one funny man these days.


To me it seems like Jim Carrey tried to model his career similar to Tom Hanks in starting out with successful comedies then transitioning to more dramatic roles. Something happened along the way for Jim Carrey and he pivoted back to comedy and hasn't been the same since.


I think he's actually sustained his career a lot better than most comedians do. He had an incredibly solid 15 years between Ace Ventura and Yes Man. Sure, he's had stuff like Number 23 and The Majestic, but most of his stuff has been at least passable.

And at the very least he hasn't taken the Will Farrell route of playing the exact same character in each film (comedy roles anyway).

Nah, I think if a new Ace Ventura or Austin Powers came out today they would do huge numbers.
At the very least, Ace 3 could try to mine new ground. Austin Powers has to dig itself out of self parody.
He does random skits and cameos, too, in good stuff. 30 Rock, Anchorman 2, Funny or Die stuff, etc.

Plus I've heard Scott Aukerman tell a story on Jimmy Pardo's podcast about Jim Carrey coming up to him during a party to say how much he loves the Comedy Bang Bang TV show. So if we're lucky, Jim Carrey CBB episode in the future!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
He dated Jenny McCarthy, so clearly his judgement hasn't been the best.

This is like, the opposite of what this implies.

But, the reason Carrey isn't funny any more is that he flat out said he wanted to do serious roles. He just lost his taste for humor. Successes like Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine only galvanized his desire to be dull.
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