Getting laid is work even for people who are skilled at it. Much like losing weight or avoiding balding, it's probably one thing which most people wish there was a catch all easy fix for
Theres this guy at work who I'm sorta pity friends with. I dont like him. Hes flabby, unattractive, pasty, soft spoken, constantly self deprecating, and has awful posture. Decent taste in movies though. He uses that to mingle.
He should work more on himself. Start working out. Seek some therapy. Improve the package. It's a game dude. You have to sell and market yourself. Make them come to your and even then you have to go chase em.
Check out our fitness thread here. Get some physique. Get some confidence. I've read your posts here, you're a decent dude. Start with that and build on that.
Get ready to be kicked in the balls repeatedly. That's life