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Anyone else here love sports but hate sports games?


Neighbours from Hell
I'm probably in a large large minority, but sports are probably my #1 passion in life. I love all sports(especially the 4 major American sports), played sports for most of my life, talk sports, etc. They are a huge part of my life everyday.

However, I hate sports games. All of my friends who love sports are obsessed with sports games. I used to really like them until about 2005 where I just hit a major wall, and haven't bought a sports games since.

I've tried demos and played sports games over my friends houses, and just can't get into them anymore. I guess the best reason I can give is for one, I'm such a big sports fan, that even as realistic as they are, they aren't realistic enough. For example if I play Madden and DeSean Jackson gets chased down from behind by a CB with mediocre speed(in real life) that is really going to bother me. It just didn't feel real enough.

Secondly, it gets so repetitive. Playing them year after year and each title usually only makes minor changes or alterations, I just couldn't play them anymore. Even after not buying a Madden game for over a decade, I played Madden 17 over a friend's place, and I got beyond bored of it after 20 minutes. I bought NBA 2K16(was it?) recently for free off PS+ and couldn't play it for more than a half an hour without being bored and deleting it off my PS4.

But it has to be more than that, because I've never played soccer games much, and tried FIFA and I can't get into it. Tried MLB The Show and can't get into that either, so it isn't just burnout. So, I guess I gave up trying to justify it with logic and I just tell people that at some point I just stopped liking sports games for whatever reason, and it's really the only gaming genre I ignore completely. Well, that and music games like Rock Band, etc.

I'm not a huge racing game fan, but even I'll check out Forza Horizon and I actually like that series a lot.

Just curious if anyone else is the same way or if I'm alone here.


Opposite, actually.

Edit - you should try non-realistic sports games, I'd say. Mario Strikers, Rocket League type stuff.

Or if you're going the sim route, try a tennis or golf game. Different experience.

Fox Mulder

My love of sports games vanished after all the exclusive license bullshit.

The best nfl game was killed. MLB 2k fucking sucked all the way back to the dreamcast and killed EA's mlb series, but was the only option for Xbox owners.

Even the fun NCAA football and basketball games are dead.
I wouldn't say I hate them because if ever bought any I'm sure I would enjoy them, but as it is id rather play other genres.

I haven't really played a sports game since NBA Jam lol


I think it might be the fact that like 90% of sports games are just boring compared to watching the real thing. They focus on being simulations so much that the fun and excitement is sucked out of them.


Neighbours from Hell
Opposite, actually.

Edit - you should try non-realistic sports games, I'd say. Mario Strikers, Rocket League type stuff.

Or if you're going the sim route, try a tennis game. Gateway drug.

I thought about getting into Rocket League, heard great things.


Neighbours from Hell
I think it might be the fact that like 90% of sports games are just boring compared to watching the real thing. They focus on being simulations so much that the fun and excitement is sucked out of them.

I think that is a good point. If I'm down 2 with 2 seconds left and hit a 3 at the buzzer in NBA 2K17 I'm not going to have my heart pounding, nervous as hell, and then explode with excitement like I would in real life. Sports games just can't capture the tension, excitement of real sports. At least for me, anyway.


I like playing football (soccer, not the other one) though it's been some time, I like playing Fifa/Pro but only local multiplayer but I don't like watching football - I may watch a game or two at mundial/euro/champions league.


I thought about getting into Rocket League, heard great things.
Impossible to hate. Great little playground with simple but deep mechanics, great mode variety and a very healthy population. Zany sense of humor helps a ton, but ultimately it's just pure fun. Great for playing with friends, online or local. It MUST be experienced. If you're not interested 30 mins in, I'd personally give up on sports games in general.

Or, again, try an arcadey/cartooney sports game. Or solo experiences like tennis or golf. Recommending these because you seem to be focusing on team based sim games, which might be why none clicks. Try something else.
I kinda wish we could get a good updated NBA Ballers and NBA Street. I don't care too much for the NBA Live series but I do enjoy the more arcade style sports games.
Really miss NFL blitz.

Had a blast with ps3 version but still wasn't the same as ps1/64 version.

Wish it could make a comeback, but I know it won't.


I was obsessed with NHL and to a lesser extent, FIFA for a while, but it was only because my friends and I had competitive leagues going in each. Bragging rights among peers was the driving force behind that.

Other than that, I'm with you. I LOVE basketball, but after that initial awe of how insanely impressive the NBA2K series looks, the interest fades pretty fast....same with MLB The Show. I'm a die-hard Mets fan, and the game does an admirable job of recreating the sport, but turns out the actual grind of a slow-paced ball game and season in video game form just isn't for me. Football? I'll watch every Giants game, but haven't purchased an NFL game since the Dreamcast days.

Then again, I'm realizing that I just much prefer games that abandon real-life limitations of human ability in general. So basically, I would most certainly play the hell out of a new NBA Street game.


I'm the reverse. I can't stand watching golf and tennis matches for long periods of time yet I enjoy playing them.in video games.


Love doing sports.
Hate watching sports.
Sport games can be ok.
Never buy them but playing with my brother or at a friends place can be fun.
sports games really don't do it for me despite me loving playing and watching several sports. i really haven't like a realistic sports game since the SNES era.
I love NFL, NBA and MLB, and I used to play the hell out of Madden, and the old school games like NBA Jam, Bases Loaded and Jordan vs Bird.

Now, I really don't give a shit. Too busy to play those types of games when I have original RPGs and Adventure games to play.

Watching Sports takes enough of my free time as it is.


As a matter of fact, I hate both.

Assuming racing games are not sports, sure. I love cars and racing games.


Last sports game I played was the NFL game that has Peyton manning on the cover for OG Xbox. I'm not interested in them anymore, although I like to play sports.


I'd still play NCAA Football if they made it. I enjoy 2K quite a bit with the right sliders and I love racing simulation games.
I'll watch most sport,given the odd exception.But really don't like sports games,never really have...but,for some reason really enjoy a good golf gane...but I hate golf...🤔


I used to like sports and watch it and even went to a game, but kinda lost interest after awhile. I just wasn't kept engaged and I haven't kept up with sports since my late teens.

As for sports games, barely any are made that I like anymore like the super arcadey ones. I still have Mario sports titles though. I've never been big on management or the complexity of many sports titles when everything moved to 3D.

I don't have a system for Rocket League or a capable computer. The game looks so much fun though and I really want it.


EA Sports games became dominant not because they were the best (far from it), but because they had the money to outlast all competition.

Major sports games can be fun for casual play against or with your friends, preferably offline. Even if you dont know the game mechanics. Though even then, team AI makes things hard.


I would say I somewhat fall into this category, as I'm not really a fan of modern sports games that much any more. In an effort to try and make the games 'look' so real now, the control over your player seems to have taken a back seat to graphics and animations.

Last time I tried Madden or the NBA2K game say, it felt so automated, like I was only 'half playing'. Once the guy would go into this long, slow animation, I felt like I could put the controller down, go make a sandwich and come back before it would respond to any of my inputs. Even before that point it would guide you towards balls when your not even pressing that direction, for instance. The hitting & Pitching is good in the Show, but the fielding stinks, because of this too. And yea, I always go into options and put stuff to manual, it still doesn't matter.

I think we're not at the point yet where the controls & play-ability are on par with the visuals and of course you know what aspect AAA is gonna focus on more. Which is really unfortunate due to the licensing fees being so crucial to this genre.

I will say I do enjoy the Hot Shots games though. Golf is very different obviously (always liked the 3 click method over the analog) and the Tennis (played the one on the PSP) is very fast and fluid with excellent controls.

The cpu will never take control over your player and 'suck' you towards the ball. If you let go of the pad your player comes to a dead stop, as how it should be. You have to time the swing perfectly, not start swinging a year before the ball is on you and then your player proceeds to go into this long canned animation.... (while also getting directed towards the ball for you)...Ugh. I'm referring to topspin here.

Haven't tried a hockey game in a years, but the last time I did it felt nowhere near as good as those great NHL games on sega genesis either.

I try the new soccer games but don't really like them either and will just pop in some PES5 if I have someone to play with.



Love doing sports.
Like watching sports.
Hate playing sports games.

I used to play a lot of Pro Evolution Soccer, Football Manager and NBA 2K. But that was a long time ago
Depends on the sports.

As an example, I hate watching golf, but I'll play a good golf video game for hours. In contrast, I love baseball, and I'll spend hours and hours playing The Show.


Love basketball, but the only basketball videogame I've liked is NBA jam. Windjammers and Mario's Tennis on the VB are awesome. I definitely feel like the really realistic sports games will never appeal to me.


I love sports but can't be bothered with sports games.

Simply because the game experience is nothing like the real thing.



I enjoy watching Soccer, NFL, all motor sport, Australian Football, NHL,
and I can't really stand any sports video games these days.

I'll play a little bit of Madden/NHL at friends, and can't stand FIFA. I used to love racing games, but even that's dropped off - I'll play a bit of Forza/Horizon.
Back in the days though, I enjoyed NHL Hitz and NFL Blitz.

The problem is that real video games have just continued to iterate and evolve (Overwatch is an amazing example of dopamine onslaught), where sports games haven't really been able to progress beyond making them look better imo. And in the case of FIFA, straight up go backwards continually.

I don't even like Golf, but I've always liked a decent golf game. But again, nothing's topped Links 2004.
Hate is a little strong but yeah I don't enjoy sports games nearly as much as I used to, despite watching tons of sports. Because I never got into playing online with sports games, my desire is to play is driven solely through the offline modes, and after several years of that I've had enough. FIFA, NHL, MLB, NBA2k, Madden, even WWE if we're counting that, been there done that with no desire to return. Haven't picked up a traditional sports title in 5-6 years.

I still enjoy racing titles though, and actual motorsports is something I've been watching more of as a result. And I'm always open to playing more arcadey representations of everything.


I'm with OP. I think I watch so much sports I don't want my games to be more of it. The other thing is if I want to pretend I'm good at a sport, I can just go outside and play it with minimal effort. All other video games are not like that. Including racing games. I don't have a P1.
I want the return of arcade sports . Rocket league shows there is still a market for it.

NBA jam , NBA street , enough of the simulation games and bring in the more arcadey games.
I would say yes, actually football/soccer games are too difficult for me, too many combinations, I really miss the time when you only need 4 buttons to play a football game

same with basket, I tried NBA a couple of years ago (maybe 2014 version) and I felt frustrated especially compared to the Dreamcast days


PES 2017 is a great game. NHL is pretty stale for me these days, but still fun. I like most sports and can at least enjoy their game versions, provided they've been well made.

Would love a decent Rugby league/union game.

Jamie OD

I want the return of arcade sports . Rocket league shows there is still a market for it.

NBA jam , NBA street , enough of the simulation games and bring in the more arcadey games.

I wish EA gave NBA Jam another chance. They really fucked it up with the Wii timed exclusivity and NBA Elite tie-in.


I feel you. I like to participate in sports but I don't like to play video game sports or watch sports on TV. To me it feels like instead of eating I watch somebody eat or play as someone who is eating.
I enjoy playing sports both in game and real life. I hate watching sports outside of big events where it's more of a social gathering anyway.


Learned American Football through Madden then I watched a real game and couldn't handle all the stoppages. Where is the skip button man?
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