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Anyone got the Biohazard 4 demo ?


Milhouse31 said:
thanks maskrider for all the work :)

what are you using to capture ? Because It's really good quality.

Hauppauge WinTV PVR USB 2, an external USB hardware MPEG-2 encoder. Captured at max bit-rate (12Mbps VBR, capture settings tuned a bit), then cut, deinterlace and transcode to 1.6Mbps WMV.


Simo said:
Any word if the Biohazard 4 footage on the DVD is new or old??

Just checked, the same as the one on the demo (by selecting Movie), looks to be an old trailer to me.

I didn't mean the very old trailer, should be the more recenet one.


Any idea why the movies run so choppy on my PC? I don't think it can handle it :( It's like a slideshow, I can hardly see a thing, I need to see these! What to do?


Lakitu said:
Any idea why the movies run so choppy on my PC? I don't think it can handle it :( It's like a slideshow, I can hardly see a thing, I need to see these! What to do?

CPU power is the main reason, 640x480 29.97fps progressive WMV9 needs quite a beefy CPU to play smoothly.


I have a P3 667 and playing them with mplayer (linux) with the option -nosound gives nice results.
Good Job maskrider. The second video is the best.


ourumov said:
I have a P3 667 and playing them with mplayer (linux) with the option -nosound gives nice results.
Good Job maskrider. The second video is the best.

Facing just a few enemies will be ok, you'll see how bad I am facing a crowd of them, just can't handle it, and the worst thing is that I am a novice on the controlling scheme.


1. How is the feeling in this game?

2. Does it work well with the camera?

3. Is the graphics as impressive as it look etc?


rollin' in the gutter
Thanks for making these maskrider, and thanks for hosting blimblim. The quality is amazing. I can't wait for this game. :)


SantaCruZer said:
1. How is the feeling in this game?

More like a 3rd person shooter with FPS controls to me, that's why I have a hard time controlling it.

You move by the analog stick or the D-pad, hold down B to run, use B+down for 180 fast turn around, when you are close to something or in some events that you can interact, the respective button (with or without text descriptions) will appear on the screen.

You use Z to toggle to binocular mode, use C stick to zoom in/out.

Use R to activate the firing/attack mode, analog stick to aim, A to attack.

Y button to call up the status screen. Start to pause the game and show the map screen.

SantaCruZer said:
2. Does it work well in the camera?

Not much camera control, just look up and down with the C stick, the camera is always behind you, and will only change when you move.

SantaCruZer said:
3. Is the graphics as impressive as it look etc?

Graphics is indeed impressive, a bit of details were lost during compression in my video.

BTW, boot up and hold B to activate progressive mode.


maskrider said:
More like a 3rd person shooter with FPS controls to me, that's why I have a hard time controlling it.

You move by the analog stick or the D-pad, hold down B to run, use B+down for 180 fast turn around, when you are close to something or in some events that you can interact, the respective button (with or without text descriptions) will appear on the screen.

You use Z to toggle to binocular mode, use C stick to zoom in/out.

Use R to activate the firing/attack mode, analog stick to aim, A to attack.

Y button to call up the status screen. Start to pause the game and show the map screen.

Not much camera control, just look up and down with the C stick, the camera is always behind you, and will only change when you move.

Graphics is indeed impressive, a bit of details were lost during compression in my video.

BTW, boot up and hold B to activate progressive mode.

Thanks man! So your overall impression is what? AAA?


SantaCruZer said:
Thanks man! So your overall impression is what? AAA?

Graphics : A
Audio : A- (DPL II will be better)
Controls : B-

I think the control needs to be improved.

BTW, in the demo, you die when you are hit by the chainsaw guy.


Meier said:
Some of the stuff the villagers did to me at E3 blew me away. There truly is no hiding from them.

Nowhere to hide when you are in the town, they are after you in great numbers and they keep coming.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
'If you collect more than 30000pts in the demo, you will unlock a bonus (which I don't know yet).'

Has anyone done this yet? How do you get points in the game?



And even i am moderately surprised
I dunno guys - i tried playing it again, and i know i've already had a moan about this elsewhere, but i'm just not feeling it ....

"1. How is the feeling in this game?"

The atmosphere is good, but the use of sound is weak. The "music" when someone is approaching is a touch annoying, repeating sound loops, low quality samples etc...

"2. Does it work well with the camera?"

Too restrictive - why is there no full look given this is fully 3d rendered. You are looking over Leons right shoulder ,so you are getting a diagonal view of the world almost. Even worse, when enemies attach they are (most of the time) out of the field of view, some have pitch forks some have axes (which ,even if they throw at you, magically appear back in their hands)

"3. Is the graphics as impressive as it look etc?"

It is a good looking game - not as good as the shots show in mags or on the web etc, but it's good. Kind of like the step down from seeing the GT4 shots to actually seeing them on a tv.

As a friend put it, beyond the "they aren't zombies... or are they?" and the change in camera angle, i don't see what this is doing that is garnering all the praise other than pretty graphics. Isn't this exactly what Doom 3 was crucified for ???

I know it's just a demo, and there are issues, but things like reloading a gun, or switching weapons REALLY shouldn't be done through a menu system. I also know that RE isn't an out and out action game either but still....

This has gone from being probably no. 4 on my list of most wanted to ... god knows where. Unless the issues are addressed, i don't know if i can be bothered....

Maybe the TGS demo was loads better and i'm just missing something (?)


I have a feeling that RE4 is going to go through the Metroid Prime effect based on the the impressions of the controls. Hopefully these last few months will see a change in the default controls, or maybe they will implement a more conventional fps control scheme in the controller options.

So many people seem to be looking forward to the game thinking that it would've dropped all the annoying stuff from the series. I hope Capcom understands this before it's too late.


Will start substantiating his hate

Haven't played the demo but...

> Kind of like the step down from seeing the GT4 shots to actually seeing them on a tv.

Unlike GT4 RE4 media is taken from rather poor video captures. I don't really see how the game can look worse when actually played on a tv.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Unlike GT4 RE4 media is taken from rather poor video captures. I don't really see how the game can look worse when actually played on a tv."

well, most of the shots i've seen (especially the earlier stuff) looks a lot cleaner and nice than it does on my set up (HDTV capable projector)

It's still a VERY nice looking game though, don't get me wrong.


Will start substantiating his hate

> well, most of the shots i've seen (especially the earlier stuff) looks a lot cleaner and nice
> than it does on my set up (HDTV capable projector)

The early media was captured exactly the same way as the more recent media (from the video output). I can't dispute your claims for obvious reasons but they don't make much sense to me.

john tv

Has anyone figured out what you can get for 30,000 points?

BTW, DC, you don't need to go to the menu to reload. Hold 'R' and press 'B' during play to reload in-game.

Still a little disappointed by the demo, but damn if the movie on the DVD didn't look good...! The other Clover Studio game (the PS2 one, with the wolf) looked hot too!


Managed to unlock the Machine gun by using AR codes, heh ! Getting 30K ptas will be a very hard task to me without codes since it is very hard to take down the chainsaw guy (but they worth 10K ptas per head).

And some new shots with the machine gun and 550 bullets.












And even i am moderately surprised
actually, looking at the screens, i'm getting mixed up with the Edge photos that were at a higher res... at least, i'm sure that's where i'd seen em...

anyways, it does look nice (i think i'm losing the plot....)


samusx said:
What are the Action Replay codes?? I need to know.

Only applicable to the first play (without Normal/Hard/Movie selections)


PS. Chainsaw will still instantly kill you but there will be no game over, the game simply stays there with Leon lying dead on the ground




Where the hell did you get those codes, I searched my ass off, and I found nothing. Can you please give me the links to all of you code resources, that would rock. Thanks


so is it worth the $25 to import (price + shipping) if I mostly want it mostly for the purpose of showing it off (graphics and stuff)...

Is the demo jaw-dropping good (for example 2k5 on XBox, Doom 3 on PC) or is it just really good?

Are the graphics better than stuff like Metroid Prime and Panzar Dragoon Orta?

Are there better looking console games than this?

Basically, I'd want it to have around to show GCN capabilities to buddies, not really cause I'm an RE fan, but after DCharlie's comments about the graphics, I'm a little wary of getting the demo...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
efralope said:
so is it worth the $25 to import (price + shipping) if I mostly want it mostly for the purpose of showing it off (graphics and stuff)...

Is the demo jaw-dropping good (for example 2k5 on XBox, Doom 3 on PC) or is it just really good?

Are the graphics better than stuff like Metroid Prime and Panzar Dragoon Orta?

Are there better looking console games than this?

Basically, I'd want it to have around to show GCN capabilities to buddies, not really cause I'm an RE fan, but after DCharlie's comments about the graphics, I'm a little wary of getting the demo...

You want to throw down $25 just to show off a really short demo of a game you don't even really care that much about. :p I dunno, that sounds a tad bit wacky...


efralope said:
so is it worth the $25 to import (price + shipping) if I mostly want it mostly for the purpose of showing it off (graphics and stuff)...

Is the demo jaw-dropping good (for example 2k5 on XBox, Doom 3 on PC) or is it just really good?

Are the graphics better than stuff like Metroid Prime and Panzar Dragoon Orta?

Are there better looking console games than this?

Basically, I'd want it to have around to show GCN capabilities to buddies, not really cause I'm an RE fan, but after DCharlie's comments about the graphics, I'm a little wary of getting the demo...

I'd say skip the demo, wait for the full game.
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