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Anyone know how many Ampers does the PS2 need? (volts/watts/amper confusion)

I live in a region where electricity is 220 volts, and I'm using an American NTSC PS2, which requires 120 volts. The "step-down" power converter I used for my GC only outputs 60 Watts, but on the back of the new PS2 I got it says 93 Watt, so obviously I need a bigger converter to avoid the risk of frying the PS2... When I went shopping for one, there were many different sizes with different readings for Watts and Ampers... If I get a converter that reads "120 V, 100 W, 1 A" will I be fine? (Meaning, is 1 Amper enough juice for the PS2?) or do I need more?

Also, what about XBox? (I might want to buy a more powerful converter so I can use it with the XBox in the future if/when I get one).
adelgary said:
120 V, 100 W, 1 A" will I be fine?
Yeah. And my import Xbox ran just fine with similarly specced step-down converter.

edit: I also have another step-down converter, its 90W 0.73A and has a "For Playstation 2 and Dreamcast" sticker on top of it. I bought it from play-asia.com.


Well, 93W implies 0.775A at 120V (P=UI or Power = Voltage * Current) so on the paper that step down converter should be fine. In reality though there is little reason not to go with a decent sized step down converter, since they usually run a lot cooler, they are far less likely to burn through and set your stuff on fire and give you options to connect more than one device in the future. Your Xbox for example which runs over 150W iirc. Decent 300-500W step-down converters can be found for as little as 30-40 EUR, an investment well worth it.
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