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Anyone pick up Shining Force GBA yet?


Gold Member
I heard they made some improvements over the original Genesis version with new characters and a card system. Anyone pick it up yet?


I've heard some early raves about the game, but these were from people who've been able to play it before release.

I'll probably pick it up soon, is it out right now?


Gold Member
explodet said:
I've heard some early raves about the game, but these were from people who've been able to play it before release.

I'll probably pick it up soon, is it out right now?

Yes, it came out last week.


Junior Ace
Been playing it almost non-stop since I got it. Being a huge fan of the original, this one's just amazing.


Yeah, I'm on chapter four. They did "upgrade" a fair bit, but so far, i'm going to have to give the edge to the original version. We'll see what the rest of the game holds.


I am near the end of the game and have had fun so far. I do find the game far easier than the original though. Max is a tank, there isn't anything short of magic that can harm him.
Drastically improved graphics and lengthy backgrounds for every character as well as new characters, new story sequences, and the cards. The interface has also been streamlined to be like Shining Force 2.

john tv

I liked it quite a bit. Very simple and easy, but fun. Having a much better time with Fire Emblem right now, but I still dug SF a lot. I hope they remake SFII next...
I picked it up, and having never played a Shining Force game before, I must say I'm having a good time with it. Graphics are solid, and the gameplay is straightforward, but fun. My only problem is that the equip/item interface could be a little easier to work with. Fun game though, and it moves much faster than FFTA.


Vargas said:
I am near the end of the game and have had fun so far. I do find the game far easier than the original though. Max is a tank, there isn't anything short of magic that can harm him.
Each time you replay the game, the difficulty increases, it can reach level 99 (for the 99th replay) but not a single member of the staff team on the project have gone beyonf the 6th one, very very difficult (Hoshigami sounds like a piece of cake beside it).

I bought it last week and plan on replaying this gem as soon as I finish FE

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I liked it quite a bit. Very simple and easy, but fun. Having a much better time with Fire Emblem right now, but I still dug SF a lot. I hope they remake SFII next..."

My thoughts exactly. I am halfway or so through SF I think, but I put it down temporarily to get back into Fire Emblem(have had that game saved in Chapter 16 for many months) and there is no doubt FE is the better game, but Shining Force is too damned charming to ignore.


Fularu said:
Each time you replay the game, the difficulty increases, it can reach level 99 (for the 99th replay) but not a single member of the staff team on the project have gone beyonf the 6th one, very very difficult (Hoshigami sounds like a piece of cake beside it).
Wow, that's pretty cool. I'm guessing the difficulty just becomes impossible after so many replays, but the challenge is still there, which is good.

john tv

Wario64 said:
How long is the game?

Weird, I went back and checked my completed save file, but I guess there's no clock. I could've sworn the game kept track of your time? Maybe not?

In any case, it was pretty decent. Maybe 20 or 30 hours, depending on how much time you spent using Egress to restart fights and build EXP?


I intend to purchase this game sometime very soon.

I picker up Fire Emblem for GBA back when it was released, but haven't played more than an hour or so of it - I think if I hold off on Emblem and play Shining Force first, I'll not be disappointed with SF's simpler gameplay. I don't want to start tainting my sepia-toned nostalgia just quite yet. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm a big fan of the original and have been playing this remake since I got it a few days ago. I'm about half done with the game, and it rocks. It's almost everything that a remake should be. Sadly, it's a bit easier than the original, and that was NOT a difficult game, but almost all of the changes and additions are very welcome. Battle animation is still crap, but it's much better than before. They redid every song and they are all so much better than the shitty garbled synth the Genny forced us to endure. The graphics are clean and colorful, even moreso than before. There's loads of new content, from gameplay to story to player characters, even a few new missions thrown about in between chapters.


Still not quite as good as Fire Emblem, but it's more RPG and less Strategy, imho, so the two are NOT mutually exclusive. Go get.

Oh, another addition is the New Game+ when you beat it. You keep all the cards you found (which is nice, because I wouldn't want to find them again) but beefs up the difficulty a smidge. A nice touch, the more you beat the game, the more you can New Game+ the same file, making it harder, and harder, and harder...
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