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Anyone playing the Retail Version of Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising?

Musashi Wins!

Picked this up but I haven't opened it yet. I heard some grumbling about the demo but the finished reviews make it sound quite good. I'm looking for something that has huge battles with a military setting, but is less....I don't know, I ended up really dissapointed in Battlefield Vietnam and it seems that this might provide an alternative. Any impressions?

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
I love it. They seem to love it on the IGN boards too. I actually played in my first scrim today, and even though it was only 10 v 10 it was still fun. Playing in a server with 149 other people is great, especially when they use teamwork.
Vehicles are mainly used for transport, and they're very easy to drive, but I lprefer that because I think vehicles are cheap.

Musashi Wins!

Yea, I think I'm going to go with it. I'm tweaking my Windows XP right now to make sure I'm optimized right. I want to behold the big maps in all their glory. Thanks for the IGN tip, one bad part about GAF is it's not very PC active.

Do you have to pay/subscribe for Novalogics big servers? I heard they dumped that idea.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Impressions I posted earlier:
The game is alot of fun. There are 4 different game types right now (they might add some in the next patch), and each has at least 10 maps. Assault seems like the main mode, in which you try and capture and protect bases around the map. TDM is a little strange, there are multiple bases in it, and the maps seem a little big. King Of the Hill is alot of fun since everybody is trying to reach the same location, always somethign to shoot at. The game is alot (3-4 times) smoother than the last demo, and it looks basically the same. Working together with a group of people on a voice program (Teamspeak, Ventrillo), makes the game that much more immersive.
There are some graphical glitches, and my game occasionaly crasher, but aside from that, and the huge amount of snipers, I couldn't reccomend the game more.

Edit: You currently don't have to pay for anything, and it looks like you never will. I get around 20-30 FPS with a Radeon 9000, but those 30 FPS seem really smooth to me. If you go to a huge map though, you will have FPS in the single digits, so don't get scared straight away. The Arms Market (AAS) is a good map to test your FPS on.


HELL yes!! Love the game haters be damned.

Do you have to pay/subscribe for Novalogics big servers? I heard they dumped that idea.
Thats service is if you want to rent a server, to host a game or what not.

The game runs great on my end. To me it seems you need a good CPU over
vid card. I got two pcs running it one with a amd 2800+ and a FX5950,
and one with a amd 2800+ and a Geforce2. They run about the same.

Musashi Wins!

Wow. Very impressed. Only played a bit online so far but it was quite addictive. I was on huge servers with no lag and the sense of being in a large battle was incredible. You felt as though there were many pitched skirmishes all around you and the tactical terrain shift was really apparent.

I have to say that making the vehicles so easy to use is a huge plus, though I hope further down the line it might be practical to bring some heavier equipment in to play. Right now with the larger hovercraft, etc. there really isn't much to complain about though. Love the helicopters as well.

I'm really getting my ass kicked by marksmen in this game but I hope to improve. What a great title, looks ace. Kicks the crap out of my BF:V experiences in a brief time.
Musashi Wins! said:
Yea, I think I'm going to go with it. I'm tweaking my Windows XP right now to make sure I'm optimized right. I want to behold the big maps in all their glory. Thanks for the IGN tip, one bad part about GAF is it's not very PC active.

Do you have to pay/subscribe for Novalogics big servers? I heard they dumped that idea.

I think it's more that the PC crowd here has either been in the beta or played the demo and think it's crap.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
ravingloon said:
I think it's more that the PC crowd here has either been in the beta or played the demo and think it's crap.

The retail version is so much better than the 2 demos. My main complaint with the second demo was performance related, but in the final version my FPS more than doubled.
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