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AP: Rudy Giuliani the favorite for Secretary of State

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It's time for Obama to do this to America before January 20th. Its for the better good.



listen to the mad man
Giuliani is a truly hateful and mean individual. One of the most odious of Trump's traditional GOP supporters. Moreover, he has absolutely no foreign policy qualifications (being mayor of a city that had a major foreign policy event happen to it is not foreign policy experience), and has never really clearly expressed any interest in any of the dozens of key roles SecState has.

On the other hand, unlike Bolton he probably wouldn't push to immediately shut down the UN and evict them from US soil. Thank heavens for small victories.


Giuliani is a truly hateful and mean individual. One of the most odious of Trump's traditional GOP supporters. Moreover, he has absolutely no foreign policy qualifications (being mayor of a city that had a major foreign policy event happen to it is not foreign policy experience), and has never really clearly expressed any interest in any of the dozens of key roles SecState has.

On the other hand, unlike Bolton he probably wouldn't push to immediately shut down the UN and evict them from US soil. Thank heavens for small victories.

I bet you can't wait to tell your grandchildren about that time you were relieved Giuliani was favorite for Secretary of State :lol

*credit to gary alexander for that joke


He told everyone who would listen that he knows what the "c"'s mean on classified emails, so I guess that qualifies him.


LOL @ there being on competition for the job.
So literally one person in all of Washington wants to be Trump's Secretary of State.

Not that I'm sure they'll do anything to stop this, but how in the hell could Senate Republicans possibly justify confirming someone without an ounce of foreign policy experience to be Secretary of State?

The next four years are going to be hell.


Gonna be sick. He's such a vile, disgusting, despicable rat. His ugly, heinous soul is incapable of being contained by his rancid disgusting rotten body. Easily in my top 3 most vile politicians.

Between him and Trump I'm just gonna have to not look at any media of any kind for the next 4 years

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It's amazing, how Chris Christie looks like an angel now, and I would want him in any role at the WH.


Christie wont be AG because of Bridgegate. There was a report floating around this morning that he's more or less been kicked out of the inner circle because even Trump was disgusted by it.


Bleh. I was hoping my man Huntsman would be picked for Secretary of State. I think he would make a pretty decent one and he seemed to be getting along with the Trump campaign OK from the beginning. Seems I missed him taking back his endorsement after the tapes. God damn it.


Giuliani took money from Qatar, Venezuela, Iranian exiles
Rudy Giuliani's paid consulting for foreign governments would present conflicts of interest as the nation's top diplomat that would make the Clinton Foundation look trifling.

Since leaving the New York mayor's office, Giuliani has made millions as a lawyer and consultant, including for some clients at odds with U.S. foreign policy. When some of those ties surfaced amid Giuliani's own presidential bid in 2007, they were considered to pose an unprecedented number of ethical quandaries for a potential commander in chief.
In 2011, an exiled Iranian political party called the Mujahedin e-Khalq, known as the MEK, paid Giuliani to give a speech in Washington calling on the State Department to remove the group from its list of terrorist organizations. The MEK recruited a host of other formal officials to its cause and succeeded in reversing the terrorist designation in 2012.

A subsidiary of Giuliani's consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, advised Qatar's state-run oil company on security at a natural gas plant, The Wall Street Journal reported. Qatar is a U.S. ally that hosts a major American military base but once stifled an attempt to arrest Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, who went on to mastermind the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the 9/11 commission report.

The same subsidiary, Giuliani Security & Safety, provided security advice to a Singapore gambling project on behalf of a partnership that included a tycoon close to the North Korean regime who is considered an organized crime figure by the U.S., according to a report in the Chicago Tribune. "I think the person involved, if it's correct, was a 1 percent owner that had no involvement with us, we never worked for, had nothing to do with," Giuliani told NBC's Tim Russert at the time.

Because pretty much the theme of Trump's transition right now is "conflict of interests".
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