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Apparently there is disagreement over the term "alt-right" (New Yorker)

On June 16th, nine days before the rally, Merwin announced a surprise addition to his lineup: the white nationalist and anti-Semite Richard Spencer. Spencer believes that white Americans need their own homeland—“a sort of white Zionism,” he calls it. For years, he had been a marginal figure on the far right; last year, when the alt-right became an object of popular fascination, Spencer used the notoriety to his advantage. After the election, he experienced two moments of viral fame: one shortly after Trump’s victory, when Spencer cried “Hail Trump” during a speech and appeared to lead a crowd in a Nazi-esque salute, and the other on Inauguration Day, when a masked stranger punched him in the face. Spencer is a deliberately divisive figure, and, during the past few months, many on the right have worked to distance themselves from him and his views. Lucian Wintrich, of the pro-Trump tabloid the Gateway Pundit, told me that, last year, the term alt-right “was adopted by libertarians, anti-globalists, classical conservatives, and pretty much everyone else who was sick of what had become of establishment conservatism.” Wintrich counted himself among that group. “Then Richard Spencer came along, throwing up Nazi salutes and claiming that he was the leader of the alt-right,” Wintrich went on. “He effectively made the term toxic and then claimed it for himself. We all abandoned using it in droves.”

Full article here: http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-alt-right-branding-war-has-torn-the-movement-in-two
So teabaggers broke off from the republicans, and alt-righters broke off from the teaparty. I wonder what will inevitably break off from the alt-right.


No bald cap? Lies!
So de facto racists and bigots are upset that they're being associated with outright racists and bigots. Such a tragedy.


I thought most of them were anti-semantic?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Richard Spencer invented the term so.....

It was a deliberate attempt on his part to make a term that bundled white supremacy with other "less extreme" forms of right wing politics to further this aims. He played them.


"Look, I get it, we're all bigots. But, like, guys, you can't be so open about it..."


"No yeah, totally, but ya know, for the sake of optics..."


"That's... better, I guess?"


"Now you're speakin' my language!"

These people don't give a shit. They're just miffed because these guys are "off message" and they don't know how to brand it for the mainstream.
So the covert racists are getting salty that they're getting bunched in with the open racists just because they supported an open racist for President?
Bullshit. The alt-right subreddit predates that Richard Spencer nazi salute and it was no less unsavory before or after. Same with the_donald and /pol/, both of which identified as alt-right for pretty much all of 2016. These guys just want to distance themselves from a now well-known and toxic term.


Conservatives poisoning previously useful terms?

Nice to have them learning to deal w/ what liberals have been dealing with for generations.


Is this Republicans trying to distance themselves from the alt-right?

They're not us.
They are definitely you. This is what you created. Don't pretend they're not your Frankenstein monster just because you can no longer control them.
eh, every faction has these fights, it's more about who you want to be friends with rather than any sort of ideologically consistent labels

this site melts down every time "Tulsi Gabbard"
or "Bill Maher"
and "progressive" are on the same page (100ppp)
Is this Republicans trying to distance themselves from the alt-right?

They're not us.
They are definitely you. This is what you created. Don't pretend they're not your Frankenstein monster just because you can no longer control them.

So should Democrats start taking responsibility for Antifa?
"We prefer our racism and white supremacy to be veiled and surreptitious. Spencer made it too blatant so we're distancing ourselves in name only for purely calculated and political reasons."
So teabaggers broke off from the republicans, and alt-righters broke off from the teaparty. I wonder what will inevitably break off from the alt-right.

every time one of these groups splinter off from the Republican party they get worse and worse. the next group is just going to have a 24/7/365 channel just spewing every racial epithet possible and randomly beating up minorities while screaming maga!


It's always about being called a racist and not that they are actually doing racist things. They are jusst going to keep jumping ship to different names as each becomes too toxic for the public, the core groups don't change though.
I know one conservative Youtuber stated on Twitter that he heard alt-right all the way back in like 07-09 at Libertarian-leaning rallies, and that Spencer basically coopted it because it hadn't taken off.
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