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Apple iPad Pro |OT|


I really want one of these but I'm not a digital artist so I wouldn't be able to use the best of it.

Plus I want more than 128gb of storage. I might wait till the iPad Pro 2, 256gb version.


The same? The Pro is even beating/onpar to the more expensive Surface ones. And it doesn't must run Windows 10 with all his performance eating shenanigans.
He is right though. They are about the same on single core. Surface is much faster at multi core tasks. Windows programs also have more room for optimization. Plus, graphic benchmark on iOS runs as low precision, so pro GPU is not actually faster than SP4 i5 GPU.


I bought one on a whim today and I still can't believe how huge it is.

My wife just kept laughing out loud when she saw it.

I like it, but I need to start lifting weights if I'm going to carry it around at all.

It weighs the same as the OG iPad. How did we ever manage with that monolith? :p

(Although the SP3 is basically the same weight and that does feel heavy)
Six Colors rounded up a few reviews of the iPad Pro and these three in particular stuck out to me: https://sixcolors.com/post/2015/11/a-few-more-ipad-pro-reviews-to-read/

Ben Bajarin's in particular was really eye opening. He talks about going to his daughters school, which is a 1:1 iPad school, and his impression of what he sees. It's clear that for a lot of us we're viewing these devices in now, but Ben is quick to point out they're for the future and the current mobile generation.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Six Colors rounded up a few reviews of the iPad Pro and these three in particular stuck out to me: https://sixcolors.com/post/2015/11/a-few-more-ipad-pro-reviews-to-read/

Ben Bajarin's in particular was really eye opening. He talks about going to his daughters school, which is a 1:1 iPad school, and his impression of what he sees. It's clear that for a lot of us we're viewing these devices in now, but Ben is quick to point out they're for the future and the current mobile generation.

This is so true. Unless you're a content creator, traditional computers are becoming less and less important. It's sad, but it is the reality. I only use my desktop when using 3D software, some gaming or photoshop. Rest of the time I'm on a phone, iPad or console.
This is so true. Unless you're a content creator, traditional computers are becoming less and less important. It's sad, but it is the reality. I only use my desktop when using 3D software, some gaming or photoshop. Rest of the time I'm on a phone, iPad or console.

Baby boomers, too.

Hell, my roommate uses a phone for everything. Terrible experience, but he does.

I'm completely okay with all of this, too. I just would like a way to easily (not side load, etc.) install apps from places other than the App Store when we come to that point. I'm not comfortable with Apple, and in effect, the government, having control of what software I can access or not.


waiting for mine to be delivered, should be within the next 2-3 hours. I need to find a good case/screen protector. The case on my air was the best ever, so I hope I find a similar one.

Also I want to see the breakdown cost of the pencil, that thing cant cost more than $5 to manufacture
He is right though. They are about the same on single core. Surface is much faster at multi core tasks. Windows programs also have more room for optimization. Plus, graphic benchmark on iOS runs as low precision, so pro GPU is not actually faster than SP4 i5 GPU.

Again, that's true when you're comparing A5. I know Microsoft has the A3 for price point consideration, but it's almost criminal if folks get the $100 cheaper A3 vs A5 given the performance differences.


It weighs the same as the OG iPad. How did we ever manage with that monolith? :p

(Although the SP3 is basically the same weight and that does feel heavy)

Well one thing to consider is that it's not just the total mass but also how the mass is distributed. That greatly effects how we perceive weight.

In the case of the iPad 1 vs iPad pro. Assume if we were to hold both in the same orientation, one handed, from a single edge (no resting on the forearm). Even though they are both about the same mass because the Pro is longer, it will generate more torque on our wrist and thus feel heavier.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
This video that Doc Holliday linked to yesterday shows how accurate the tracking is on the pen. Scroll down to see the 240 FPS video of iPad Pro vs Surface.

Sketchbot aka Steve Talkowski was able to record a periscope at an apple store. It's pretty short, seems he got cut off while recording. He is a huge apple fan but he also uses a cintiq for his work so he would know if the pencil is any good.


Hopefully Shog will get his hands on one soon. I'll try and find a store with a demo pencil sometime this week.


Sketchbot aka Steve Talkowski was able to record a periscope at an apple store. It's pretty short, seems he got cut off while recording. He is a huge apple fan but he also uses a cintiq for his work so he would know if the pencil is any good.


Hopefully Shog will get his hands on one soon. I'll try and find a store with a demo pencil sometime this week.

Jesus Periscope video quality is taking me back to VHS days.


This is so true. Unless you're a content creator, traditional computers are becoming less and less important. It's sad, but it is the reality. I only use my desktop when using 3D software, some gaming or photoshop. Rest of the time I'm on a phone, iPad or console.

It's the trucks vs cars analogy Jobs made when first discussing the "Post PC" era. He was absolutely right.

The only PC I use at home is for gaming. I have a PC at work for work. My casual computing is all done on an iOS device.

I do have a Mac Mini but I haven't turned it on in months. It's completely neglected.



How much do you guys I could get for an iPad Air 2 64gb? One small nick on a corner tho

The standard answer is to check completed auctions on Ebay. Not that hard to check.

Personally, I bought a Silver iPad Air 2, 64GB, Cellular for $450 last week from someone on Craigslist. It was in mint condition with original box and materials.


Mine has arrived. Best tech thing I've ever bought.

I'm assuming a lot of apps will update tomorrow to allow half and half viewing


Great videos. Very happy with what I'm seeing. I do wonder how much would a screen protector affect accuracy. I haven't left a device without screen protection in years. But if it has a noticeable impact, then I'm letting it as is.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
The iPad Pro compared to an iPhone 3G:



It was just delivered to my house and its bigger than I thought it would be, its kinda nice. Best thing is it came out in the holiday season so I have until January to decide if it fits my needs


Am I missing how multitasking is supposed to work. I feel I should be able to have my texts on the side and browse Internet. Soon as I browse it minimizes the side. Also the apps aren't optimized yet. Even the sms app has unused space


Am I missing how multitasking is supposed to work. I feel I should be able to have my texts on the side and browse Internet. Soon as I browse it minimizes the side. Also the apps aren't optimized yet. Even the sms app has unused space

Tap the white divider between the two apps, and it will go into proper Split View, and you can drag the divider to change the size of the apps. what you are looking at right now is just Slide Over.


Tap the white divider between the two apps, and it will go into proper Split View, and you can drag the divider to change the size of the apps. what you are looking at right now is just Slide Over.

holy shit....I love you

5 minutes with this thing, its so fun. Its been a little buggy though. my apple store is showing 5 notification icon, because of the 5 apple apps. cant get it to go away even after reboot. But this screen. WOW


everytime I delete the official apple apps, the badge icon shows up on app store forcing me to update them again, :(
Best video I have seen of an artist using the Pencil with Procreate


Tilt for shading looks absolutely amazing

I've used Wacom tablets for a long time, but this is really impressive. The low-latency, fluidity, and subtlety of gradations are really nice. If only I didn't have to wait another freakin week for my Pencil to arrive. The only negatives I see on the Pencil are the lack of eraser tip and the constant tap-tap-tap sounds when drawing. But not major drawbacks.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I've used Wacom tablets for a long time, but this is really impressive. The low-latency, fluidity, and subtlety of gradations are really nice. If only I didn't have to wait another freakin week for my Pencil to arrive. The only negatives I see on the Pencil are the lack of eraser tip and the constant tap-tap-tap sounds when drawing. But not major drawbacks.

I wish it had an extra button. I guess apps could use finger touch as an eraser or color picker.


60 fps video of the Pencil in action


Yeah I never use the eraser on my Wacom pen, but I constantly use both buttons on the side. I don't know how easily I could adapt to a workflow that didn't involve them. That's my one hangup on using something like this in any professional capacity.
The multitasking is so nice, even just for mundane things like browsing, chatting, and watching something.

It's nice but you can do this with an iPad Air 2...

This is what I hated about The Verge's review. She talks about "multitasking" like it's a feature only available on the iPad Pro.

News flash: it's not.


It's nice but you can do this with an iPad Air 2...

This is what I hated about The Verge's review. She talks about "multitasking" like it's a feature only available on the iPad Pro.

News flash: it's not.
Ooook I know that but it's still new to me and handy. That's all I was saying.
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