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Apple iPad Pro |OT|


So whoever has this can you comment on how good the sound is? I probably won't get this but hoping that some features like 4 speakers and Pencil support trickle down to the normal iPad

The sound is way better than any previous iPad and it can fill a room, but is still "tinny" and no bass really. I'd say if you used a $50 to $75 separate bluetooth speaker before this is probably as good as that.

So far I LOVE this thing. It's beautiful and paired with my iMac's keyboard it's super close to replacing my laptop. Just want: mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse mouse!!! It would be perfect with mouse support (for me).
I think any App that wants to make serious business-class money is going to have to go to subscriptions on iOS, simply because no one is going to spend hundreds of dollars on an iPad App. It sucks, but that's the bed we get to lie in.

If we ever get that full version of Photoshop it'll be subscription-based. Creative Cloud and all that


So whoever has this can you comment on how good the sound is? I probably won't get this but hoping that some features like 4 speakers and Pencil support trickle down to the normal iPad

iFixit is in the process of its iPad Pro teardown right now and goddamn do these speakers take up a lot of space:

It appears that the Pro's self-balancing, four-speaker audio comes at the cost of a potential 50 percent increase to battery capacity.
I don't think they'll trickle down to the Air, let alone the Mini, anytime soon.
Thanks for the good word.

Yeah, that's not going to be a straight to the iPad Air 3. Maybe if they miniaturize it like they do with other products. Much rather have the battery


I bought one on a whim today and I still can't believe how huge it is.

My wife just kept laughing out loud when she saw it.

I like it, but I need to start lifting weights if I'm going to carry it around at all.


Folks, don't be so narrow-minded about "big speakers? Moar battery!"

First, battery is dense and expensive, and this thing weighs and costs enough.

Second, I have 2 hours, 26 minutes usage since last charge and I still have 96% battery remaining. This battery is already godlike.
"All day" is fine with me ime as long as standby life is great, which I assume it will be.

@ Best Buy

Employee: "yeah we have three gold ones"

Me: 🙌🏻

Employee: "they're the 32 gig version"

Me: 😭


Wait so they're actually selling out? I had a feeling it was gonna bomb. I'm enjoying mine, but I just walked into the Apple store this morning a few minutes after they opened and there was no one in the store. I was the first one they sold. The lack of accessories and displays in the store made it seem like Apple also didn't think it would sell.

That gives me hope for more native app support. A bunch of my main apps are still regular iPad resolution. I must admit that I'm surprised at the random apps that ARE native resolution though.


Wait so they're actually selling out? I had a feeling it was gonna bomb. I'm enjoying mine, but I just walked into the Apple store this morning a few minutes after they opened and there was no one in the store. I was the first one they sold. The lack of accessories and displays in the store made it seem like Apple also didn't think it would sell.

That gives me hope for more native app support. A bunch of my main apps are still regular iPad resolution. I must admit that I'm surprised at the random apps that ARE native resolution though.

Not really no. only the LTE version is selling out, probably cause of low stocks. Last I checked there are quite some 32 and 128s out there.
Wait so they're actually selling out? I had a feeling it was gonna bomb. I'm enjoying mine, but I just walked into the Apple store this morning a few minutes after they opened and there was no one in the store. I was the first one they sold. The lack of accessories and displays in the store made it seem like Apple also didn't think it would sell.

That gives me hope for more native app support. A bunch of my main apps are still regular iPad resolution. I must admit that I'm surprised at the random apps that ARE native resolution though.

The fact that it sold out isn't too surprising but we should probably wait until we find out some order numbers before we determine just how big of a success was it.
The fact that it sold out isn't too surprising but we should probably wait until we find out some order numbers before we determine just how big of a success was it.
Rumors around last week or two stated a conservative holiday quarter order from Apple of 2.5 million. I doubt it will sell that many but you never know.
It benchmarks about the same
Has a few more hours of battery
The stylus also has less latency

The same? The Pro is even beating/onpar to the more expensive Surface ones. And it doesn't must run Windows 10 with all his performance eating shenanigans.


It benchmarks about the same
Has a few more hours of battery
The stylus also has less latency

Literally the only reason I am seriously considering this as my next device to use for school.

I think this and a Chromebook cover most of my needs, especially since I mainly game on mobile.


We need some ARM based Macbook ASAP. I want a A10X 12" Macbook.

iOS core and compatible with all iOS apps (and then, eventually, "full" desktop-grade apps) but with the OS X UI. If they can make that work somehow, someday, down the road, I'd be all over one.


Didn't I read something about OSX being compiled on ARM behind Apple doors or something? In the same way they had x86 versions before the official switch to Intel?

Yeah, it's been rumoured for awhile. If you put the A9X into the current Macbook 12, wouldn't you get better performance and like 2x the battery life? What's the difference in performance per watt between the core m and the A9X?


iFixit is in the process of its iPad Pro teardown right now and goddamn do these speakers take up a lot of space:

I don't think they'll trickle down to the Air, let alone the Mini, anytime soon.

Keep in mind, space isn't the only thing limiting battery capacity. You can't brush off the cost aspect. I willing to bet a 50% larger battery paired with a regular speaker system would actually cost more than the current set up.
Keep in mind, space isn't the only thing limiting battery capacity. You can't brush off the cost aspect. I willing to bet a 50% larger battery paired with a regular speaker system would actually cost more than the current set up.

I think more weight is the real worry there.
A lot of trade offs making a device like this. Bigger battery means heavier device and less space for speakers. Also more heat and more time to charge and possibly more expensive (probably not by much). I think they've always targetted 10 hours as being good enough to claim 'all day' battery life and worked around reaching that target while making it as light as possible and throwing in pretty good speakers to boot.
Didn't I read something about OSX being compiled on ARM behind Apple doors or something? In the same way they had x86 versions before the official switch to Intel?

Most of OS X is already compiled on ARM in the form of iOS. All of the important stuff is already done. In theory Apple should be able to recompile the most of the rest of the OS with a target of ARM64 and they're good to go. It would only be minor tweaking in some tight ASM stuff that would need to be reoptimized for ARM64 and objc_msgSend is already done.


So that they can get you to buy the 128GB version.

Also, more SKUs means more inventory optimization in your supply chain. This works fine for most of apples products because they turn their inventory at unprecedented speed, but a product like iPad Pro is going to be significantly lower volume than past iOS devices. For that reason, they ought to start with fewer SKUs


Well, I ordered mine last night, there goes the best part of $2k (thanks, Australian dollar!). I have to say this is the most shambolic product launch I've seen from Apple for years. Australian pricing was only revealed yesterday when the US knew their prices for weeks, and the pencil won't be shipping until early-mid December. This really feels like a soft launch from a company that's either stretching their resources too far or don't believe this product will be successful on the scale they need.

The retail team sucks.

I'm in Malaysia right now working fulltime and the watch still says Available 2015 - at this rate I highly doubt it and would there really be any point in getting that if the new one is available in 6 months?

But back to the iPad Pro... its kind of expensive when you put it all together.

128G wifi = AU$1499
Pencil = $165
Keyboard = $265
Back cover = $129 ($129 for a back cover that would cost at most $10? off ebay or aliexpress?)

= $2k for an ipad... and about $500 on 3 accessories? Umm... LOL.

and really isn't the whole point of the iPad Pro about the new Pencil? Everything else can be done on the older iPad (with smaller screen) or heck buy a Samsung tab with stylus. This is pretty much for the no-compromise crowd.
Developer Steve Stroughton-Smith (who has been on a discovery tear lately) found that the Apple TV's Focus Engine UI is present and functional in iOS. He also found that if you trick an app to think it's running on a TV device, he could use a Bluetooth keyboard to control the focus.

This could just be shared code that wasn't taken out of iOS 9. Or it could mean that Apple plans to use the Focus Engine in the future to better support keyboard-based navigation on the iPad Pro. I am really hoping for the latter.


I bought one on a whim today and I still can't believe how huge it is.

My wife just kept laughing out loud when she saw it.

I like it, but I need to start lifting weights if I'm going to carry it around at all.

It isn't even heavy though...Yes it is big, but the screen is beautiful and the weight to size ratio is great. I guess it is all the empty space due to the 4 speakers.


Back cover? What? Who needs that shit.

I scratched the top of my aluminium macbook once when i put it in my backpack (with my PC PSU stupid i know)... so i always protect my aluminium apple stuff.

I actually like their older polycarbonate (plastic?) stuff like the white macbook despite it getting discoloured after a while. I do regret telling my sister in law to get the iPhone 5c though - the 5s was only AU$70 more at the time and would easily give her another year's worth of use.
So how do normal iPad apps look on the higher res screen? Is it an iPhone 6 Plus situation where everything looks huge?

It's not higher-res than the existing Retina iPads, just bigger. So if developers did their work to support Auto Layout and Size Classes, the apps will automatically adjust. But some apps didn't...like Twitter, which shows up as a thin column in the middle. In general though, there's so much screen real estate that developers will need to think about how to use it more effectively, rather than just stretching out their layouts to fill the screen.

I'm curious about typing (without the keyboard.) I type on my iPad Air 2 in landscape on my lap which I find pretty acceptable. How does the keyboard look like when you have the iPad Pro in your landscape? (Screen capture?) how does it look like when it's in landscape mode?

Has anyone actually been able to purchase the pen?

Typing in landscape is pretty awesome. It's basically the size of a full keyboard. I could see myself getting pretty fast with it using the traditional "home keys" typing style. However, it'd still be much more comfortable to type on an external keyboard for anything more than short periods.

No, sadly the Pencil seems to be nowhere to be seen. The store I picked up my Pro from got no Pencils OR Smart Keyboards in stock today, and I imagine the same was true elsewhere. Last night when I ordered, every Apple Store within a 100 mile radius had no Pencils available for in-store pickup. Apple must be having some serious production issues, or just really screwed up the logistics. It's baffling that the two accessories that really make the iPad Pro shine are not even available.
It benchmarks about the same
Has a few more hours of battery
The stylus also has less latency
Latency is very much dependent on lots of things:
- digitizer performance (polling rate, pressure sensor assembly responsiveness)
- hardware power (CPU, GPU, Memory bandwidth)
- software efficiency
- canvas size, brush size,
- brush complexity

Unfortunately, these videos are largely useless to compare say SP4 to iPad Pro, since the software will never be 1:1 (even something like Sketchbook Pro is vastly different on the two platforms), and the video authors don't specify things like canvas size, brush size etc.

What we can assume safely from some data we do have is that A9X is very powerful, rivaling Core i5 6200U, and that the polling rate of the digitizer is well past diminishing returns (240Hz). So it's no surprise to see similar lag free experience as fast Windows tablets like SP4.

What irks me is this baseless narrative that the Apple fans and sites are trying to propose that the iPad Pro's digitizer is somehow magically lag free and leagues better than Wacom's or N-Trig's digitizers on Windows tablets. I simply do not see any evidence of that anywhere. It looks like a very good modern pro cap based digitizer with a good pressure sensitive pen. Nothing less, nothing more.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I need some pictures of someone reading a comic/manga on this thing. My order is still waiting to be picked up at the Apple Store nearby lol.
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