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Apple iPhone 5S | OT |


Pls help.

Shouldn't I be able to scrobble my songs just by installing the app? Why can I only scrobble if I listen to my songs THROUGH the app?

nope. Apps can't talk to the music app or each other. everything is silo'd.

if you've come from Android (or just used to how PCs work with extensions and such), this limitation requires a real shift in expectations.


What if someone needs to borrow it to make an emergency call? But not one that's actually an emergency, more like a quick call to their family for a ride or something?

You can ask them to tell you the number, you dial and then hand it to the person.

I might've figured out a flaw tho, the battery life might go down the drain if it does this all the time. Not sure tho.


nope. Apps can't talk to the music app or each other. everything is silo'd.

if you've come from Android (or just used to how PCs work with extensions and such), this limitation requires a real shift in expectations.

Yup, I come from Android.


Oh damn, but that's ok, I can get past this.

Thanks anyway.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Don't know where to post this :(... Sorry guys!

I got an iPod Shuffle, and so far I have my iTunes songs in it. Can I put mp3 songs from the computer in it?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Sync it with your computer and iTunes, export the songs from your iTunes library to the iPod aaand done!
So it works? And it seems to be easy at that! Thanks a lot!!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Well, the easiest way would be to just drag-and-drop the files from one folder to another...
It can't possibly be that easy with Apple products though, can it :p?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Well, in that aspect, you could use iCloud as an option; but that's for stuff like pictures, textfiles, videofiles etc, but not music.
Good info to know, thanks brother :3!


aka ThreeOneFour
I've been thinking of moving from a case to a sleeve for my iPhone 5. Anyone else using a sleeve for their phone? What would you recommend?


Would I be foolish getting an iPhone 5s tomorrow? I'm currently using an iPhone 4s (it was an older hand me down) - and the battery is ass on it. It's running iOS7, and it just leaves a lot to be desired. More specifically, the screen is way too tiny (I had android phones before this, and it's hard going back to the smaller/squished screen). I'm getting the 5s basically free (already had store credit and my 2 year contract is up for renewal).

My Mom has a 5s right now, and I love it. The screen is perfect size (I actually don't want the screen going much bigger, as I prefer iPhones smaller form factor). I was surprised by how light it was too! Basically I love it. But I also know the 6 is going to be out pretty soon(ish).

The way I see it, if the 6 is really a HUGE improvement over the 5s, I could just buy the phone retail. I dunno.
Would I be foolish getting an iPhone 5s tomorrow? I'm currently using an iPhone 4s (it was an older hand me down) - and the battery is ass on it. It's running iOS7, and it just leaves a lot to be desired. More specifically, the screen is way too tiny (I had android phones before this, and it's hard going back to the smaller/squished screen). I'm getting the 5s basically free (already had store credit and my 2 year contract is up for renewal).

My Mom has a 5s right now, and I love it. The screen is perfect size (I actually don't want the screen going much bigger, as I prefer iPhones smaller form factor). I was surprised by how light it was too! Basically I love it. But I also know the 6 is going to be out pretty soon(ish).

The way I see it, if the 6 is really a HUGE improvement over the 5s, I could just buy the phone retail. I dunno.

Personally I have always gone with the s versions, as they iron out many of the niggles the plain numbered ones introduce.
I would recomend the 5s to anyone.
Would I be foolish getting an iPhone 5s tomorrow? I'm currently using an iPhone 4s (it was an older hand me down) - and the battery is ass on it. It's running iOS7, and it just leaves a lot to be desired. More specifically, the screen is way too tiny (I had android phones before this, and it's hard going back to the smaller/squished screen). I'm getting the 5s basically free (already had store credit and my 2 year contract is up for renewal).

My Mom has a 5s right now, and I love it. The screen is perfect size (I actually don't want the screen going much bigger, as I prefer iPhones smaller form factor). I was surprised by how light it was too! Basically I love it. But I also know the 6 is going to be out pretty soon(ish).

The way I see it, if the 6 is really a HUGE improvement over the 5s, I could just buy the phone retail. I dunno.

If you can wait another 9-10 months then wait, dat bigger screen is coming. But you say you love the size already then go ahead


Would I be foolish getting an iPhone 5s tomorrow? I'm currently using an iPhone 4s (it was an older hand me down) - and the battery is ass on it. It's running iOS7, and it just leaves a lot to be desired. More specifically, the screen is way too tiny (I had android phones before this, and it's hard going back to the smaller/squished screen). I'm getting the 5s basically free (already had store credit and my 2 year contract is up for renewal).

My Mom has a 5s right now, and I love it. The screen is perfect size (I actually don't want the screen going much bigger, as I prefer iPhones smaller form factor). I was surprised by how light it was too! Basically I love it. But I also know the 6 is going to be out pretty soon(ish).

The way I see it, if the 6 is really a HUGE improvement over the 5s, I could just buy the phone retail. I dunno.

The 4S screen is way too small, but the extra .5 inch makes it considerably better?

The next iPhone may have a larger screen, and if it does, there is no telling if Apple will put out two versions so that people who like smaller screens can still have one. Either way, once announced, the 5S will still be available for a short time period. Personally, I'd wait and see, but it sounds like you have disposable income, being able to start a contract then outright buy a new phone nine months into it. If that's the case, go for it.


Would I be foolish getting an iPhone 5s tomorrow? I'm currently using an iPhone 4s (it was an older hand me down) - and the battery is ass on it.

Find a hole in the wall cell phone place with a good rep. The batteries in those things are relatively cheap to replace. The one local to me does it for $35.

Just depends. STRONG rumors paint a Galaxy S4 sized display option, as well as a much better camera for the iPhone 6. If those are important to you, wait. Otherwise, the 5S is a really, really nice iPhone.

Deku Tree



This makes me want to upgrade from my iPhone 5 right the fuck now. :-(

The 5S is like 50 minutes better using non-stop.

These kind of pictures are super useless because you don't know what he did in that time and what kind of reception he had (or was it all Wifi use etc.)

Deku Tree

The 5S is like 50 minutes better using non-stop.

These kind of pictures are super useless because you don't know what he did in that time and what kind of reception he had (or was it all Wifi use etc.)

Yes I am mostly always on WiFi either at work or at home; during that picture period I was almost exclusively on WiFi... But I did listen to music on my bike ride back and forth from work. Otherwise I check email, do internet stuff on Safari, and use a few apps. I don't always get 11 hours on a battery cycle.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
Hey guys I have a question. I recently got an iphone 5s. And the hold button kinda "rattles". I am worried that I am going to have to replace the phone. But the nearest apple store is almost an hour drives away and I am pretty busy at the moment. Is this something I should take care of now or can I hold it off for a month.

Deku Tree

Hey guys I have a question. I recently got an iphone 5s. And the hold button kinda "rattles". I am worried that I am going to have to replace the phone. But the nearest apple store is almost an hour drives away and I am pretty busy at the moment. Is this something I should take care of now or can I hold it off for a month.

Call Apple and ask them.


It should. If you shake it and can't hear the autofocus rattling, your autofocus is fucked.
Not convinced it's the autofocus mechanism.

If I run my finger loosely over the sleep/wake button it kind of rattles. Shaking my phone a rattle definitely emirates from that area that diminishes when I hold the button.


I just noticed that when I'm using a mobile connection instead of WiFi, most of the images are provided from a proxy server. Instead of http://somesite.com/image.png, it's I did some research and found out that it's a proxy from ByteMobile, used by many ISPs, including mine (T-Mobile). It's supposed to compress images and reduce data traffic, but in reality it often bloats websites or even breaks images. And it injects JavaScript, for fuck's sake.

I've asked their customer support to disable it. But I don't expect them to do so. Cunts.
Weird--my 5s home button seems "slow." I just noticed that it takes longer to quit out of an app on my 5s than my 4s, although everything else is clearly faster. The same goes for double-tapping to bring up the app switcher.

Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? I'm just a few days outside of my return window.


Weird--my 5s home button seems "slow." I just noticed that it takes longer to quit out of an app on my 5s than my 4s, although everything else is clearly faster. The same goes for double-tapping to bring up the app switcher.

Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? I'm just a few days outside of my return window.

I've noticed that with both of my iOS devices after iOS 7. Hopefully that's something that gets sped back up with 7.1


aka ThreeOneFour
I finally got mine.

I love the camera on this thing. I was okay with the iPhone 5 and had intended to keep it without upgrading, but I'm really glad I did. The camera is so great. That upgrade alone has made me happy.

I haven't taken a whole lot with it yet. I've hit the school roadblock.


Is there a filter or something on the first two pics? They look a bit too bright imo. Maybe not bright, but something is weird.


So... my 5s has been in a case since I got it, and I took the case off to change to a different one, and noticed my phone has a slight circular bulge on the back. It is on the left side right about down the middle of the phone beneath the camera flash. I figured it was a scratch, but it is pertrudes out on the metal body, not into the body.

I thought I was crazy running my finger over it and feeling a slight bulge, but when I placed the phone down on my desk without a case, sure enough it isnt flush. It wobbles slightly when pressed on the right side of the phone (furthest from the bulge).

Honestly, the physical imperfection doesnt bother me, but could this be the battery bulging or something like that? I dont want the battery exploding on me or anything lol.

The phone is only about 2 months old since my previous phone was replaced for signal dropping issues.

I would take it to the apple store, but I dont want them to look at me like Im crazy obsessing over a tiny bulge.


If it is the battery, it's interesting that the metal backing would give way before the thin fragile glass touchscreen.

I'm not sure what it could be. The battery I think is on the other side of the phone. Also, the bulge has an outline of a perfect circle. Here's a picture I took to try and capture it.

You can faintly see the outline of the bottom of the circle around the black lines I made. When I move the phone in different angles, I could see the rest of the circle


formerly "chigiri"
Weird--my 5s home button seems "slow." I just noticed that it takes longer to quit out of an app on my 5s than my 4s, although everything else is clearly faster. The same goes for double-tapping to bring up the app switcher.

Can anyone tell me why this might be happening? I'm just a few days outside of my return window.

I've noticed that with both of my iOS devices after iOS 7. Hopefully that's something that gets sped back up with 7.1

It's different mechanically than previous home buttons (not just the thumb sensor), you get used to it's different sensitivity eventually. I wouldn't expect any changes until iPhone 6 comes around with an improved sensor.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I don't know if this would be the right place to ask, but.. Part of my job includes tech support on iPhone, and today I got a rather unusual case. A customer bought an iPhone 5S in the middle of Dec. last year. The phone says he's got a call time "this period" for about 16 hours, and "lifetime" for about 9 days. The guy thinks the store sold him a used/refurbished iPhone, but when he bought the phone the store transferred his contacts from his old iPhone, and from what I can gather, for some ass-backwards reason, your "lifetime" call time ALSO get transferred when you recover a new iPhone from a backup created from an old iPhone (which I assume is what they did). Is this correct?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
yes, it gets transferred if he restores from a backup. it makes sense i swear.

Lol. The poor guy had even talked to employees at a Humac store (retail chain who sells nothing but Apple products), and even they had no idea why the phone showed his lifetime call time as 9 days. I have no idea why Apple thinks it's a good idea to have a backup from an old phone overwrite the lifetime call time stats on a new phone, but then again Apple are kinda like Nintendo; as long as things make sense to them they don't give a shit if it makes sense to anyone else :p

Thanks for the reply BTW :)


Lol. The poor guy had even talked to employees at a Humac store (retail chain who sells nothing but Apple products), and even they had no idea why the phone showed his lifetime call time as 9 days. I have no idea why Apple thinks it's a good idea to have a backup from an old phone overwrite the lifetime call time stats on a new phone, but then again Apple are kinda like Nintendo; as long as things make sense to them they don't give a shit if it makes sense to anyone else :p

Thanks for the reply BTW :)

What is the life time call time star useful for anyway?

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Sorry for going off-topic, but what's the point of jars with handles? Why not use a normal cup?

Jars typically have lids. Lids are something can be used to create an airtight seal that keeps the liquid or food within separate from the outside world. A common usecase for jars is to boil them after they've been sealed to assure the contents stay preserved. A jar with a handle can provide all these technologies to you as well as offering a convenient place to grab on to the jar if perhaps the contents are too hot or too cold. I can just imagine the gross milksweat that jar must be covered in if that milk is from the fridge. Truly disgusting. Thats why you'd put a handle on a jar.
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