It was eventually confirmed to have 2 GB of RAM.
According to this.Where? Not that I believe otherwise, but all I see is hearsay and rumors.
I expect a bigger camera jump next year, since going 12MP/4K is basically playing catch up.If they don't have something stellar next year, that could wind up being the weakest S-to-new-model update ever, too.
Anybody planning on trading in their current phone and paying the difference (retail price) of the 6S? Locked in on contract and I don't like the thought of leasing phones.
Looks like T-Mobile is having a deal for the release window. Jump on demand for $20 per month. Total phone cost ends up being $524 if you decide to keep it. They even unlock the phone for you.
Decent deal, not quite as good as those of us who quickly signed up for jump in demand, but still awesome to get the iphone at less than retail cost.
I expect a bigger camera jump next year, since going 12MP/4K is basically playing catch up.
T-Mobiles flamboyant CEO John Legere says that he is confident no one will want to switch once theyve experienced T-Mobiles Extended Range LTE service, which is supported by Apple for the first time in the iPhone 6s. The network operates on the 700MHz spectrum, and is around four times better at penetrating walls to give stronger signals inside buildings. Extended Range LTE on the T-Mobile network currently covers around half the U.S. population, with the company expanding it at the rate of a quarter of a million homes per week.
I expect a bigger camera jump next year, since going 12MP/4K is basically playing catch up.
I just confirmed (again) through customer service.
If you are an existing ATT customer and you want to keep your current plan, and pay the "subsidized" price ($199/$299) etc. you will need to pre order your phone direct through the ATT website.
If you try to purchase direct from Apple this option will NOT be available.
Two and a half days on a 6 Plus battery?
What the hell? Do you ever use it?
Hmm, things seem a little more tricky for me because I have a grandfathered unlimited data plan with 200 texts for 5 bucks and 450 mins voice but it isn't the iPhone data plan. I would like the subsidized iPhone 6s+ but want to keep my unlimited data.
They use the same sensors as any number of phones. They have an advantage when it comes to ubiquity and signal processing. No idea where you pulled that MKBHD tidbit from as he's been partial to high end Android phones for years now. Unless I missed amidst something in all his praise for Samsung's handsets.You do know Apple is leading the market in smartphone cameras. The sheer megapixel count is largely meaningless. I use both android and iOS every year and anybody saying Apple is catching up to android in the camera department is running with blinders on. Even MKBHD agrees iOS has the best cameras.
It was a typo. If you had finished reading the sentence, you would have seen that he states "the iPhone 6s Plus is 20 grams heavier and the same amount thicker."That page also says the 6s is thinner than the 6. Not sure if I trust it.
Anybody planning on trading in their current phone and paying the difference (retail price) of the 6S? Locked in on contract and I don't like the thought of leasing phones.
I expect a bigger camera jump next year, since going 12MP/4K is basically playing catch up.
They use the same sensors as any number of phones. They have an advantage when it comes to ubiquity and signal processing. No idea where you pulled that MKBHD tidbit from as he's been partial to high end Android phones for years now. Unless I missed amidst something in all his praise for Samsung's handsets.
I expect a bigger camera jump next year, since going 12MP/4K is basically playing catch up.
I don't see that happening.I expect a bigger camera jump next year, since going 12MP/4K is basically playing catch up.
The 'S' range of iPhone has the new tech in.
The new 'numbered' range takes the tech from the previous 'S' model and puts it into a new design.
4S - 8 megapixel & Siri
5S - Touch ID
6S - 3D Touch & 12 megapixel.
I imagine the sensor will be better and that the phones will take better pictures than the 6Ses overall, of course, but I don't see any megapixel improvement on the horizon.I'm talking specifically about improvements related to Apple's purchase of LinX Imaging back in April. I expect (or, hope) some of that technology makes it into the 7.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a megapixel increase.I imagine the sensor will be better and that the phones will take better pictures than the 6Ses overall, of course, but I don't see any megapixel improvement on the horizon.
I imagine the sensor will be better and that the phones will take better pictures than the 6Ses overall, of course, but I don't see any megapixel improvement on the horizon.
Has anyone broken down a comparison between the apple payment plan and att next? I do the 12 month plan on att next.
Has anyone broken down a comparison between the apple payment plan and att next? I do the 12 month plan on att next.
He ranked the 5s as 3rd best in 2013. Years is fair. Who really cares though. MKBHD's opinion is solid but in no way gospel. Why argue over itreally? I mean as much work/time as it took them to increase to 12Mp without sacrificing IQ and you expect them to jump again? Highly doubtful. The ONLY reason they even went to 12Mp in the first place was because they needed to for 4K and Sony's sensor was in a place where they didn't have to sacrifice IQ to get there.
I mean as for catching up... Samsung only this year started pulling ahead in IQ, despite having higher Mp counts for years now. I firmly expect 6s to jump back to second place now.
This first part is simply not true. Show me one other phone using the 8Mp Sony sensor (same pixel size, sensor size, etc) that iPhone has been using since 5s. And high end android has definitely not been "for years". It basically started late last year with the Note 4, and continued into this year with the new Galaxies and Note 5. Prior to that it was anywhere from a wash to Apple's favor in IQ, with Apple then also usually winning out in speed, low light and signal processing. It's basically been less than 12 months since Samsung took second place from Apple and by a pretty small (subjective) margin. I fully expect apple to take it back here (again by a pretty small subjective margin)
Has anyone broken down a comparison between the apple payment plan and att next? I do the 12 month plan on att next.
He ranked the 5s as 3rd best in 2013. Years is fair. Who really cares though. MKBHD's opinion is solid but in no way gospel. Why argue over it one last thing. Spoke with another service rep and was told that ATT will "definitely" be offering the 2 year contract but they are trying to discourage it, and are not "advertising it".
The option will be available.
Think I'm done now. We will see what happens Saturday I guess.
Apple's is more expensive because you get AppleCare Plus, which would cost $129 for the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus outside of Apple's upgrade program.
Your AT&T plan doesn't include insurance. If you never get insurance, it might be best to stick to your carrier plan.
Apple's plan also provides an unlocked phone, but if you're trading it in after a year, I suppose that doesn't matter much.
Gonna hop on tmobile's JOD plan, glad that they have a good deal on that. Not as good as the previous JOD plan but better than anything else out.
Really? Apple upgrade is definitely more expensive if you just finance the phone for the full two years, but by my math it should be approximately the same if you're for sure upgrading every 12 months. AT&T Next 12 (what he's doing) has 20 monthly payments instead of 24, so the monthly cost is more than their 24 month payments.
As long as you really upgrade every 12 months then its basically the same deal, with Apple's coming with apple care+ and an unlocked phone.
next 12 is 18 monthly payments.
When did Apple invented NFC?
I've looked at this...
basically if you REALLY plan to upgrade every 12 months, it looks like Apple's plan is better. Higher forgiveness/trade-in, included AppleCare, unlocked from day one, etc.
If you want the OPTION to trade-in at 12 months, but may not, the advantages to AT&T start to show. After 6 more payments you're clear (Apple is 24 month), you pay less money (if you choose to opt out of AppleCare completely), and (if you think this is a plus) you are only paying one bill a month instead of two or more.
so that's my take on it at least. but yeah, if you are definitely going to upgrade every 12 months, Apple's plan is almost the no-brainer. It only becomes more of a decision if you may actually stick with your phone closer to 18 months or more, and how you feel about AppleCare (great insurance, but for just screen damage it would take three screens before AppleCare pulled ahead)
agreed. I was just saying, starting with Note 4 Samsung pretty universally took second place from Apple and the 6 (by a very small amount.. probably the same amount apple universally had it before that anyway).
Really? I guess Apple's plan is actually cheaper than that if you upgrade every 12 months.
So then what would I do, sell my current 6 separately, pay off the att remainder and hop on with apple?
If I stick with next, how does reserving the phone work? I guess I can only do in store pickup so I can trade the phone in?
I really need to think on this.
yes, if you plan to upgrade every 12 months on the nose, apple's plan is the only sensible option.
provided you have your requisite number of payments made, you just go to or the store and buy your phone like normal. the next plan you want will just be an available option. i.e. it will work like you expect it would. It only gets goofy if you haven't made your number of payments yes (look on your bill and it will tell you payments made. Next 12 you need 12 payments made, Next 18 needs 18 payments, etc)
So my wife wants the new iPhone and we have a $200 Apple gift card from trading in her broken 5s. I'm looking at options but seems best to buy from Apple and it'll be unlocked and we can go anywhere we want?
I tried T-Mobile before and the reception just didn't do well in building but this new lte technology they mentioned might be interesting...
She wants a plus size but imtry to tell her it might be too big.does the plus get annoyingly heavy after holding it up talking for a while???
And man I hate that they have 16gb option. So stupid imo. We currently are on att go plan (cricket had some dropped calls and stuff, maybe it was just the nexus 4 and lg g2 radios??)
really curious to test/ 'feel' the 3d touch stuff for myself. like the idea of previewing or 'peek' without moving from the application.
I expect it to be rather precise. I also expect there to be plenty of issues for some people, haha.really curious to test/ 'feel' the 3d touch stuff for myself. like the idea of previewing or 'peek' without moving from the application.
Different pressures (light/hard) provide different actions in some cases. That is one such instance.One thing I don't get- what's the difference between pushing hard to get a preview or just holding the touch to get a preview? For the maps link, tap it to open or hold it to preview...why the need for a new touch technology? Or does light hold/hard hold do different things?
not 100% sure. when we did the $300 credit trade-ins last year, yes they gave you like 3 weeks and a prepaid mailer. BUT you didn't get the promo credit until after they got your phone. So not 100% sure how it works with Next.I guess my question is, do they give you a time limit to trade the old phone in if you order online?
Also, I have one more payment. The billing cycle ended on September 2nd so that will be paid off by the time the phone comes out.
I think I'm going with the 12 month apple plan. I locked in a gazelle deal a week ago that will pay the remainder of my 6 off at ATT and then I can just start fresh with Apple plus the Applecare +