Here's Ledgers tweets
I'm about to make the new #iPhone6s even more accessible on @tmobile... And Ill tell you how once this tweet gets 300 retweets!
That was fast. Here we go
1/ @tmobile customers are pumped to get the new #iPhone6s preorders up >30% over last year! #WeWontStop
2/ @tmobile already has the best deal out there for customers to get a new #iPhone6s and like clockwork, the other guys are messing w/ you
3/ It happens every time - they try to lure you and lock you into their service with confusing deals. Its, say it with me now, ********!
4/ How does getting the new #iPhone6s for as little as $5/month or $10/month sound on @tmobile w/ #JUMPonDemand?! OK - DONE!
5/ On Friday, you can get the new #iPhone6s at @tmobile w/ #JUMPonDemand for $5, $10 or $15/month - depending on model and trade-in #BOOM
6/ YES you read it right! Trade-in an iPhone6 & get a new #iPhone6s for $5/mth or trade-in your iPhone5s & get a new one for $10/mth!
7/ Let me answer your next question Yes! You can take advantage of this offer if youve already pre-ordered with a trade-in.

8/ Want to own your iPhone? OK. Youre still getting the best deal from us. Were the ONLY wireless co. offering the #iPhone6s at a discount
9/ Pair our Extended Range LTE (band 12 / 700Mhz) with the new iPhone6s + our #LifetimeCoverageGuarantee and you're SET UP!! #uncarrier