Just sold my Apple watch for $1090. I paid $679 about. Based Apple.
*post removed because no one wants to hear me brag about scalping*It's exploitable.
What happened to this?Just sold my Apple watch for $1090. I paid $679 about. Based Apple.
Start a blog or something.Nothing, and I really need to stop. This is really my last post about that. It's time to move on.
What happened to this?
Start a blog or something.
You have a compulsive need for attention, eh? Even if it means lying to get it?
Auction is still up
You have a compulsive need for attention, eh? Even if it means lying to get it?
Auction is still up
*post removed because no one wants to hear me brag about scalping*Nothing is real anymore!
Who the hell tries to save $10 out of $1100 instead of just closing the deal?
Nothing, and I really need to stop. This is really my last post about that. It's time to move on.
Who the hell tries to save $10 out of $1100 instead of just closing the deal?
Who the hell tries to save $10 out of $1100 instead of just closing the deal?
You are jumping to assumptions.
*post removed becauseno one wants to hear me brag about scalpingI've just been caught lying about scalping for attention*
So much for "maybe keeping it this time," huh.
OK so for those that have kept their watches/been wearing them a week, what do you think?
For me, it's pretty clear this is not a phone replacement. I am not sure it ever could be. It's great at small interactions - quick replies to texts, changing tracks on the music player, staying on top of email/getting notified of VIP or important threads. But it's not great on longer replies to texts, dealing with email other than deleting/flagging, and anything you have to open a separate app to do. I have the Alarm.com app they demoed in the Spring Forward keynote and that thing is extremely slow and hit or miss on whether it actually does the thing you told it to. I wish Glances kept up-to-date more often.
My wife actually found that she was less responsive to texts on the watch because it usually wasn't convenient to speak a reply into Siri. And then she'd forget to reply later when she was on her phone.
It has sort of gotten me interacting with my phone less than I did before, and that's good. I don't feel like I need my phone on me when walking around the house. I am also noticing that the battery life on my phone has gotten a bit worse.
All in all, a decent 1.0 product - looking forward to the updates to come.
You have a compulsive need for attention, eh? Even if it means lying to get it?
Auction is still up
Can you guys tell I'm indecisive about what I want to do? I want to use and keep the watch, but a part of me.. well...
This is my final decision. Going to remove the eBay listing and decline the sales offer. I want this watch. SS with classic buckle looks divine.
I also do not want to be the bad guy.
So not only does this idiot brag about flipping but lies about it
How pathetic are people?
just got my black sport
"activate on wrist raise" to display the time doesnt work. I always go to last app used whatever setting i use
I feel weird talking into my watch replying to texts.... I don't do it in public lol... Other than that it's pretty awesome, using it all day to check texts, emails, weather, activity....etc.
Fun little gadget, but still has a lot of untapped potential for future generations to take advantage of. Hopefully software/firmware updates will make it even better in the near future.
For me, I've found it most useful when at work or home.... When my phone is in a different location, I am still able to take calls, read/reply to texts...etc
Oh yeah, also being like "Hey siri play recent playlist" while driving is very helpful![]()
Yeah, that happened to me when I had my sport. I think there's a short period of time when not in use that it will go back to the last app. Kind of annoying.
Can we please get back on topic? This has seemingly devolved into an eBay thread all of a sudden.
NoooooooooooThe milanese loop looks gorgeous.
Might have to get one for my planned Sport.
is that so? anyone else to confirm? annoying
OK so for those that have kept their watches/been wearing them a week, what do you think?
Frank and others, I did not lie about anything. No bullshit. Auction is closed and I am just going to enjoy my new watch. Case. Closed.
CGP Grey, who uses his watch on silent with minimal notifications, particularly liked these in his podcast:
- Silent timers. Frequently uses 20min or 40min timers for tasks, haptic feedback doesn't distract or startle like the iPhone's obnoxious phone vibration.
- Silent alarms/reminders. His wife tells her a story over dinner, and when an alarm goes off she has no idea the alarm has gone off, it doesn't interrupt her story. She can finish her story and he can part the conversation at a better moment.
I was waiting for the auction to close after exposure, ha. Instead of apologising for spamming this OT with your now 'removed' replies (do you not even feel embarrassed?), you continue to post like nothing's happened. Your fraud and boastful scalping is documented here in quotes so your future posts will have zero credibility here - no one is going to believe what you have to say.
I had a great demo of the Apple Watch at the weekend and I think I'll buy the Space Grey Sport next week. I'm gonna use Apple's financing option (6 months). Anybody know when they'll start charging for the payments even though the watch is stated to ship in July?? UK here.
Yep, especially the silver one. It can go with any sport band, but only the sport band. The space grey is a bit different, doesn't go well with ALL sport bands but can maybe rock a dark leather loop.Yeah, that doesn't look good at all, exactly why I went with SS, so I can mix and match. The sport really only looks good with the sports band
I'm convinced Apple is never going to send out more watches. It's over. RIP
I think the picture exacerbates the clashing of the two metals. I didn't find it nearly as jarring when I had the Apple store rep recreate that for me during my try-on. The stainless steel portion is so small, by comparison, it doesn't show up nearly as offensive as the picture. This is, of course, all in my opinion.Nooooooooooo
Good for you. Mines not due until the 13-27 because Apple forgot how to supply product.You are wrong. (and sarcastic!) I ordered my watch on May 2nd and it's due to arrive on Tuesday (May 5th)!
iMore did a roundup on the best third-party watch bands.